cover of episode CM 269: Dacher Keltner on How Awe Helps Us Thrive

CM 269: Dacher Keltner on How Awe Helps Us Thrive

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Curious Minds at Work

Dacher Keltner
Gayle Allen
Dacher Keltner: 敬畏感是一种短暂而积极的情绪体验,它发生在我们遇到超越我们认知框架或神秘事物的时候。它能减少自我关注,让人们将注意力转向外部世界,从而带来诸多益处,例如降低压力水平、改善抑郁情绪和增强连接感。敬畏感并非遥不可及,它可以从自然、音乐、道德之美以及人际关系中获得。它不需要昂贵的体验,日常生活中随处可见,例如观察树木、聆听音乐、关注他人的善举等等。不同文化背景下,人们体验敬畏感的方式存在差异,例如在经济不平等程度高的文化中,敬畏感体验中常常伴随恐惧。此外,人们对敬畏感的体验也与年龄、个人经历等因素有关。 在研究中,我们发现,人们最常从他人身上体现出的道德之美中体验到敬畏感,例如他人的善良、鼓励和集体行动。一些意想不到的敬畏感来源包括宏大的思想和生命周期。科技、食物和性行为并非人们体验敬畏感的主要来源。 敬畏感能让人体验到“自我消失”的感觉,让人们从自我关注中解脱出来,从而改善心理健康。它与分心不同,而是一种全神贯注的状态。敬畏感能引发惊奇感,进而促使人们去探索和理解世界。培养敬畏感能使人变得更好,它有益于身心健康,能促进利他行为,减少部落主义倾向,并帮助人们从更广阔的视角看待生活中的问题。 集体狂喜是一种能引发敬畏感的体验,它指的是人们一起行动、分享神圣感并体验狂喜和敬畏感的状态。它可以通过一起运动、唱歌、跳舞等活动来体验,体育赛事也是集体狂喜的一种形式。 一项针对75岁以上老年人的实验表明,刻意寻找敬畏感能改善身心健康,减少痛苦和压力。敬畏感与注意力密切相关,它是一种特殊的注意力形式,我们对事物的关注方式决定了我们的性格和身份。敬畏感能增强人们的连接感,让人们认识到自身与外部世界的联系。 Gayle Allen: 作为访谈者,Gayle Allen主要通过提问引导Dacher Keltner阐述其观点,并分享自身对敬畏感的理解和体验。她对敬畏感在改善心理健康、促进人际关系和提升生活品质方面的作用表现出浓厚的兴趣。她还与Dacher Keltner探讨了敬畏感与注意力、文化背景、生命周期等方面之间的关系,并分享了一些个人经历,例如观察鸟类、与他人交流等,来印证敬畏感的存在和积极作用。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This year, we witnessed a solar eclipse. Walking the streets of my neighborhood that day, looking through my solar eclipse glasses and sharing them with others, I felt a profound sense of awe.

And I saw that awe, that wonder, reflected in the faces of the people around me. For one or two hours, we were part of something bigger than ourselves. And that experience took us out of ourselves. It softened and connected us.

Experiences like that are what made me want to read Dacher Keltner’s latest book, Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. In this conversation, we talk about what awe is, how it works, and why it matters. We also talk about how to build more awe into our lives.

Episode Links

Here’s Why You Need to Be Cultivating Awe in Your Life

An Awe Walk

Strengthen Your Leadership with the Science of Awe

Interview with Norman Farb author of Better in Every Sense

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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