cover of episode CM 240: Adam Alter on Simple Ways to Get Unstuck

CM 240: Adam Alter on Simple Ways to Get Unstuck

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Curious Minds at Work

Adam Alter
Adam Alter: 本书探讨了人们在生活中普遍存在的困境问题,并提出了多种应对策略。首先,要认识到困境的普遍性,这有助于减轻焦虑。其次,要区分可控和不可控的困境,关注那些可以通过自身努力解决的问题。在解决问题的过程中,要避免过早放弃,坚持不懈才能取得突破。此外,要学会管理情绪,避免冲动行事,冷静思考,制定策略。同时,要学会利用各种资源,例如寻求他人的意见,但要避免过早依赖他人的意见,要保持独立思考的能力。最后,要重视行动,将各种策略和方法最终转化为实际行动,才能真正摆脱困境。 在具体方法上,作者提出了“摩擦审计”的概念,即识别并解决生活中的摩擦点,从而提高效率。他还建议人们追求卓越而非完美,因为卓越关注的是过程,而完美关注的是结果。此外,作者还强调了实验性思维方式的重要性,鼓励人们敢于质疑现状,并进行尝试。 Gail Allen: 访谈围绕着如何克服困境展开,涵盖了困境的普遍性、应对策略、情绪管理、寻求帮助、行动的重要性以及实验性思维方式等方面。访谈中,Adam Alter 结合自身经历和研究成果,分享了诸多实用建议,例如:认识到困境的普遍性,这有助于减轻焦虑;区分可控和不可控的困境,关注那些可以通过自身努力解决的问题;在解决问题的过程中,要避免过早放弃,坚持不懈才能取得突破;学会管理情绪,避免冲动行事,冷静思考,制定策略;寻求他人的意见,但要避免过早依赖他人的意见,要保持独立思考的能力;重视行动,将各种策略和方法最终转化为实际行动,才能真正摆脱困境;追求卓越而非完美;培养实验性思维方式,敢于质疑现状,并进行尝试。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

At some point, we all get stuck. Maybe it’s in a job or career. Maybe it’s a relationship or business venture.

Though it’s something we all experience, when it happens, we can feel alone and out of our depth. Emotions may overwhelm us. Mental traps lure is in. In no time at all, we can’t see a way out.

Award-winning professor, researcher, and author, Adam Alter, has spent decades studying how successful people get unstuck. In his latest book, Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most, he shares what we can do to move forward. Adam’s recommendations can help us with what might be the most important times in our lives.

Episode Links

Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age by Bruce Feiler

How the ‘Creative-Cliff Illusion’ Limits Our Ideas by David Robson

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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