cover of episode CM 029: Herminia Ibarra on Learning to Lead

CM 029: Herminia Ibarra on Learning to Lead

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Curious Minds at Work

Shownotes Transcript

We are taught to think before we act. But what happens when we need to act in order for that thinking to make sense?

Herminia Ibarra’s research suggests that is exactly the case when learning to lead. Based on decades of research, teaching, experience, and interviews, her latest book, Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader, outlines ways that we can assume larger leadership roles. Her work also confirms that, until we adjust to these new roles and responsibilities, we may feel fake or unlike ourselves. All of that is normal.

Herminia is a Professor of Leadership and Learning at INSEAD and the Founding Director of The Leadership Transition program.

In this episode, we talk about:

	The small but crucial changes we can take on a daily basis to step up to leadership
	Ways to redefine our jobs to make more strategic contributions
	What it means to diversify our networks for learning
	Ways to inject playfulness into how we see ourselves to ensure growth and change
	Why it is natural to feel like a fake when we take on new roles and responsibilities
	How to network within rather than outside of or on top of our jobs
	The importance of taking action over spending time endlessly reflecting and thinking

Episode Links


Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra

Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Rethinking Your Career by Herminia Ibarra

Outsight Principle

Mark Snyder

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon


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