cover of episode 10.一听就懂的咖啡入门指南 | 咖啡博主查老师:在家冲出好咖啡,其实没有那么难

10.一听就懂的咖啡入门指南 | 咖啡博主查老师:在家冲出好咖啡,其实没有那么难

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再吃一口 one more BITE

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
查老师Charles:咖啡豆的分数并非绝对重要,关键在于个人感受和情境。分数是客观存在的,但定义者是人。对用户而言,分数只是一个参考。评审咖啡和推荐咖啡的标准不同,评审关注的是人,推荐则更注重咖啡是否适合特定人群。选择咖啡豆时,除了豆子本身的品质,烘焙商的信誉也很重要。能否品尝出咖啡的风味并非关键,重要的是享受喝咖啡的过程。提升咖啡品鉴能力的关键在于多喝不同种类的咖啡,并与资深人士交流。在家手冲咖啡,磨豆机是必不可少的设备,建议选择大品牌产品。除了磨豆机,还需要准备电子秤和聪明杯,其他设备可以根据预算选择。对于想要在家轻松制作意式咖啡的人,全自动或一体式咖啡机是不错的选择。选择咖啡豆时,可以从名字入手,名字越长,通常代表信息披露越多。推荐新手从埃塞俄比亚咖啡豆开始尝试,根据对酸味的接受程度选择水洗或日晒处理方式。 登登:喝咖啡的标准因人而异,爱好者和日常饮用者标准不同。咖啡评分越来越主观,更注重个人感受。现在咖啡馆的出品普遍能达到及格线,但想要达到更高水平的相对较少。 志伟:从咖啡豆到最终的咖啡,中间有很多不可控因素。用户对咖啡的评价会受到个人预期和网络信息的影响。国产咖啡豆的品质在不断提升,但仍有提升空间。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Charles start doing live streams on Xiaohongshu?

Charles started live streaming on Xiaohongshu in June 2023, initially pushed by the platform. He found it to be a new and challenging experience, especially since it was different from his previous live chats. Over time, he discovered the value of his role in live streaming, particularly during the Double 11 shopping festival, which marked a turning point for him.

What is Charles's approach to drinking coffee in non-work settings?

Charles prefers to brew his own coffee at home in non-work settings. He finds it more reliable and convenient, especially in Shanghai, where factors like lack of seating, high prices, or inconsistent quality at cafes can deter him from going out for coffee.

What are the key factors that determine the quality of coffee beans?

The quality of coffee beans is determined by factors such as cleanliness, flavor, sweetness, and the story behind their production. Charles emphasizes the importance of knowing the background of the beans and the integrity of the roaster, as these elements significantly influence the final product.

How has the coffee roasting scene in China evolved compared to Nordic countries?

China's coffee roasting scene has rapidly advanced, surpassing Nordic countries in some aspects. This is evidenced by the fact that the 2023 World Coffee Roasting Champion is from China, marking a significant milestone in the global coffee industry.

What are some beginner-friendly coffee brewing methods recommended by Charles?

Charles recommends using a Clever Dripper for beginners due to its simplicity and ability to consistently produce good coffee. He also suggests investing in a good grinder, an electronic scale, and a temperature-controlled kettle to enhance the brewing experience.

What is Charles's perspective on the role of coffee in modern lifestyle?

Charles views coffee as a versatile beverage that caters to different needs and preferences. He acknowledges the rise of convenience products like cold brew and instant coffee, which meet the demands of various lifestyles, from busy mornings to pre-workout routines.

How does Charles maintain his passion and curiosity in the coffee industry after 18 years?

Charles attributes his sustained passion to the dynamic nature of the coffee industry, which constantly introduces new developments. He also values the input from his team and the diverse perspectives they bring, which keep his content fresh and engaging.

  • 咖啡入门并非难事
  • 在家冲泡精品咖啡的可行性
  • 查老师18年从业经验
  • 直播带货的经验分享

Shownotes Transcript





  • 咖啡豆的分数,可能没有那么重要
  • 喝不出咖啡产品描述里的花香、果香,其实并不是你的问题
  • 想喝懂咖啡,你家附近的咖啡馆,也许比各种“大师培训班”都靠谱

对于刚接触精品咖啡的小伙伴们,查老师还给出了一整套贴心的入门方案,从买豆子到购置器具,都是高性价比又不踩坑的选择,助你在家轻松做出一杯好咖啡! 【时间轴】

2:08 从业精品咖啡十八年,为什么会开始做直播?

5:54 作为咖啡师,在不工作的时候都是怎么喝咖啡的?

8:27 咖啡豆好不好喝,有客观标准吗?

17:44 中国咖啡的烘焙水平,已经卷过北欧了

24:13 喝不出咖啡风味,是味蕾不够敏感吗?

31:12 入门手冲咖啡,应该怎么挑豆子?

40:41 云南豆的进步,越来越明显了

47:22 在家做手冲的新手装备全推荐!

54:53 意式咖啡的入门装备盘点




