cover of episode Ep 452: Get a little taste of a lot of good stuff

Ep 452: Get a little taste of a lot of good stuff

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What Should I Read Next?

Anne Bogle
Jessica Crockett
Anne Bogle: 本期节目讨论了如何更好地阅读短篇小说集,并针对嘉宾Jessica在阅读短篇小说集时遇到的问题,提出了改进建议。Anne 强调理解自己的阅读习惯对于改善阅读体验的重要性,并建议Jessica尝试不同的阅读节奏和方法,例如每周阅读一篇短篇小说,或者将短篇小说集作为有声书收听,以保持阅读的动力。Anne 还解释了短篇小说与长篇小说的区别,短篇小说更注重'顿悟'而非'结局',并建议Jessica关注作者的实验性写作和作品基调。 Anne 提供了几个适合Jessica阅读的短篇小说集,并详细分析了这些作品的特点,例如相互关联的故事、独特的主题和写作风格等。Anne 还建议Jessica尝试阅读不同类型的短篇小说,例如犯罪小说、心理小说等,以拓宽阅读视野。 Jessica Crockett: Jessica 是一位法语到英语的专利翻译员,她喜欢阅读,但对短篇小说集的阅读体验褒贬不一。她经常购买短篇小说集,但很少能够坚持读完。她发现独立的短篇小说读完一篇就感觉完成了,难以继续读下去,而相互关联的短篇小说集则更容易让她坚持读完。她喜欢短篇小说篇幅短、承诺少,可以灵活安排阅读时间,但也希望能够更好地理解和欣赏短篇小说这种文学形式。 Jessica 分享了她阅读过的几个短篇小说集,并分析了哪些作品更适合她,以及哪些作品让她难以坚持读完。她认为阅读节奏和预期是影响她阅读体验的重要因素,并表示每周阅读一篇短篇小说可能更适合她。她还谈到了自己喜欢的主题和写作风格,例如复杂家庭关系、奇特故事和能引发思考的故事。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Jessica Crockett struggle with reading short story collections?

Jessica finds it hard to return to short story collections after finishing a story, as it feels like a stopping point. She also feels some stories don't feel complete, leading her to question if she's looking for the wrong thing in the short story format.

What does Jessica Crockett enjoy about short stories?

Jessica likes the idea of short stories as a shorter commitment and enjoys the challenge of understanding their unique literary form. She also appreciates the opportunity to sample different styles and genres without committing to a full novel.

What are some short story collections that have worked well for Jessica Crockett?

Jessica enjoyed 'No Two Persons' by Erika Bauermeister, 'She and Her Cat' by Makoto Shinkai, and 'Normal Rules Don't Apply' by Kate Atkinson. These collections often featured interconnected stories, which helped her stay engaged.

What advice does Anne Bogel give for reading short stories effectively?

Anne suggests establishing a reading rhythm, such as reading one short story a week, to maintain momentum. She also recommends not stopping between stories and considering audiobooks to keep the collection as the primary reading focus.

What is the key difference between short stories and novels according to Anne Bogel?

Short stories are about revelations, while novels are about resolutions. In short stories, readers often experience an epiphany or a moment of clarity, but the story doesn't necessarily resolve in the way a novel does.

What are some recommended short story collections for Jessica Crockett?

Anne recommends 'So Late in the Day' by Claire Keegan, 'The Souvenir Museum' by Elizabeth McCracken, 'Seasonal Work' by Laura Lipman, 'The Secret Lives of Church Ladies' by Deesha Phil Yaw, 'Canoes' by Mylis de Kerangal, and 'The Best American Short Stories 2024' anthology.

Why does Anne Bogel think 'So Late in the Day' by Claire Keegan might be a good fit for Jessica?

Anne believes the collection's more experimental and darker tone, along with its thematic focus on relationships between women and men, could intrigue Jessica. The collection also contains three longer stories, which might help her feel a sense of completion.

What does Anne Bogel say about the appeal of short stories?

Anne highlights that short stories allow readers to sample a wide variety of styles, genres, and perspectives in a compact form. They also showcase authors at their most experimental and creative, making them a great way to explore new writing.

The episode explores Jessica's struggle with reading short story collections. She often starts but doesn't finish them, questioning her approach and understanding of the genre. She prefers interconnected stories but wants to appreciate independent ones.
  • Jessica's difficulty finishing short story collections
  • Preference for interconnected narratives
  • Desire to understand the genre better

Shownotes Transcript

We've been wanting to talk short stories for awhile here on the podcast. When today's guest wrote in with a readerly conundrum on just this topic, it was the perfect opportunity to explore this literary topic in conversation.

Jessica Crockett is joining Anne today from Chicago, where she works as a French-to-English patent translator. When she's not enjoying board games or ballroom dancing, she'll often be found reading. And today, she'd love Anne's help in untangling her relationship with short stories.

Jessica really wants to love short stories: she's read a few collections that really work for her, but she's also found she keeps buying short story collections that she either never picks up or wanders away from. Jessica is wondering whether she's missing something in her short story reading experience, if she needs a change in approach. Today she and Anne dive into her situation and talk about what makes short story collections shine.

Find the full list of titles mentioned and other links from today's conversation on our show notes page at

If you are interested in short stories like today's guest, this is the perfect time to join our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club, because this November we are reading short stories together. Come join our Book Club to enjoy a full year of author talks, classes like Greek mythology for readers, and big events like Fall Book Preview and our upcoming Team Best Books of the Year. Join us for short stories by signing up at

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