Hello, everyone. Welcome to the new episode of Cultural Coalition, "Bei Qiang Nan Diao." I'm Victoria. I'm very happy to have a special guest today, Valencia. She has a diverse background in the field of literature and journalistic journalism, and she has been pursuing social and cultural innovation. Her journey covers her studies in business design and innovation at the University of Hong Kong, and her research in economic and political development at the University of Columbia. She has also worked for a Washington-based investment organization.
Hi, I'm Valencia, you can call me Bama. When I was in high school, I was a young writer. I hope to pass on a lot of courage through writing.
After that, I studied Creative Studies and Innovation at the University of Hong Kong, and studied Economic and Political Development at the University of Columbia. I hope that through social entrepreneurship and design, this way of helping our world becomes better. In the past, I joined many social enterprises, including companies that help children to do positive psychology and social emotional education. Then I founded China's first social innovation organization focused on improving the poor and the humble, and the proud. Recently, we have many projects, such as
In the countryside of Fujian, we have a friendly toilet plan to help local girls to get clean and hygienic toilet and comfortable toilet supplies. At the same time, it is suitable for them and suitable for children's sex education classes. After that, I joined the magazine "Stanford Social Innovation Commentary" as the special editor in charge of interviewing and interviewing Asian female entrepreneurs and collecting and recording their stories.
I also want to help more people in this field to try to improve and invest in the field. I am currently working in a US investment agency to help Africa in investment in agriculture, climate, gender and education, so that local entrepreneurs can also start their own creative projects.
也希望通过我接下来的分享可以帮助大家打开一些启发的大门,然后开始你自己的追寻理想的这样的人生之光之路。 谢谢大家。 那我们想从你小时候聊一聊,因为我知道你小时候做过从高中就开始发表文章在文学杂志,并且有小说发表在光明日报。 那可以聊一聊你是什么时候开始爱上写作,那通过写作你有希望传达一些什么呢?
I think writing has always been a gift to me, or a dream that I've always wanted to pursue. It's been my dream since I was very young. The first seed was from my grandmother.
附近的人都远近闻名的作家和故事大王, 就是他真的是靠他自己没事就去读书, 包括比如说他会帮助很多人, 很多人也会送他书, 然后他就这样一点一点的去积累, 最开始他也都可能自黑, 他也看不懂,
然后慢慢的她就在她脑海中就展开了很多很多的故事。 然后所以我很小的时候,我就印象很深刻,就是在姥姥家,姥姥住满了各种植物,各种花,然后那个地上也堆着书,然后她的这个床是那种两层的床,然后二层床上面也是书,然后一层床的床下也是书。
然后那个时候就是你坐在那里,你感受着那个阴晕的水汽在窗户上,然后听着姥姥的这些故事,你就觉得这个世界不管怎么样,内心都有一种非常非常坚定的纯净的力量会支持到你。 然后这个就是一切的一个萌芽吧,就是每次写作都会让我的内心重回这样的一种平静。
然后第二个萌芽就是我觉得我非常感谢我的各个的语文老师, 然后我觉得我接受的所有的这样的非常以人为本的人文教育, 其实都是来自于文学课。 然后因为比如说我现在在读社课, 我会发现很多社课当我们去讨论人的时候, 明明我们应该把人当作最重要的,当作人本身, 但反而它可能把人当作一个经济学中的一个数字, 当作一个公式中跟机器一样的这样的一个,
资本资源,而很少把它真正的看作是一个人。 但是文学其实是真的让我们去关注每一个人生而为人的力量, 关注他的所思所感,关注他与这个社会的交叉, 然后看他留在这个世界,与这个时代触碰之后, 留下的这些东西到底是什么,记录下这些东西。 然后我就记得我的小学语文老师就是一个, 他表面非常严厉,但是其实非常非常善良的老师。
I remember that there was a time when I was in the first or second grade of the music class. Our music teacher was very noisy. And then he said, "If you talk again, I'll kick you out of the classroom and not let you go to class." And then I was very unlucky. The guy behind me was very naughty. He called me, "Baba!" And then I turned around and the teacher threw both of us out.
哦,就是这样。 然后所以就是这样的一系列,包括我的高中遇到语文老师,包括在北大遇到的老师等等,他们都特别特别好。
So when you see the true human light in literature, it will inspire you. You want to be a person with a certain human light, and you want to be a person who can bring those things to the real world, and at the same time record these beautiful things in the real world, these beautiful qualities and people. This is probably the two fundamental reasons and reasons for me to do literature and writing.
So I think it's very important for people around us to be influenced by us since we were young. It brings us a lot of warmth. And then, like you said, from grandma to language teacher, they give you some very positive and positive warmth. So it also affects your path in literature. I know you are also very interested in social innovation. First, can you explain the concept of social innovation and when it started?
嗯,当然可以。我觉得我可以先简单介绍一下,比如说为什么从文学去关注到社会创新这样的一个议题。 然后一个原因其实是我们刚刚讲了什么让我开始去做文学,然后另一个原因其实是我自己当时是在东北长大。 然后大家如果对文学圈感兴趣的话,其实文学有一个最近很火的 term 叫做东北文艺复兴或者东北创商文学。
Then I felt that if I write a novel, what is the most important thing for me? Besides my inner peace, I don't need to get any awards or be a great author. But I hope that a little girl in a faraway corner of the world can see my writing and my articles and get a little warmth and encouragement. That's enough. This is the motivation for doing literature at that time.
Then I started to try to innovate in the field of social innovation. It was a coincidence that I was doing literature, music, and painting.
And then after doing this series, you find that everyone is encouraged by these things. But there are still some, like I just mentioned, problems with school bullying, domestic violence, psychological pressure, health, and gender inequality, etc. These problems have not been improved in the short term that I can see. But obviously, we can cooperate with the government, the distribution organization, the enterprise, the school, etc. to improve these problems.
Then I took my thoughts and doubts and exchanged them. I happened to exchange them at McGill-Magill University in Canada and chose social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship is a
shareholder instead of stakeholder, 为了他这些股权持有人的利益照相, 而不是跟这个公司的相关方, 包括比如这里面的生态的这些, 比如他建个厂, 他破坏了人家农民本来的地等等, 他没有考虑这些, 这个是第一。
第二就是传统的一些非盈利组织,它其实不能自身去造写。 就比如说我很依赖捐赠,那如果这笔捐赠没了怎么办? 比如说这边的问题可能不仅仅是我给他捐校服, 因为即使不穿校服,这些孩子们穿自己的衣服也可以去上学。 那为什么一定要捐校服? 为什么不能通过其他方式去改变? 包括我捐了这个地区,然后捐了这一年,那明年怎么办? 别的地区怎么办?
So, by combining the two related B-points of the Fee-in-Ree organization and the enterprise, we have created a new thing called social entrepreneurship, or social enterprise. That is to say, we can really make a product and a service. This product and service is something that someone is willing to pay for and support. In this way, it can create a bloodline for the organization. At the same time, through these methods, we can really solve a problem
社会或者环境问题, 它可以是关于性别的, 它可以是关注健康的等等等等。 然后这里面我们当时在
Now, we have made many interesting examples, such as helping autistic children use VR technology. If you are interested, we can talk about it later. And through learning these, I feel that this is a good starting point and a good start. Then I can apply this thing and see what changes I can make to the world.
I think this is a very good concept, social innovation. And then you said how to get through this way, because many traditional NGOs are really dependent on this donation method to survive. Then this new social enterprise, social innovation, is actually done in their own way. Since you mentioned that you used VR technology in Canada to help autistic children, can you talk about it in detail?
We were in the same school. What's interesting is that our professor in this class, he's not actually a business professor. He's a psychology psychologist. He specializes in psychology. We're not sympathetic or pessimistic. Instead, you're standing at the other person's angle to think about the problem. Such a perspective. And then a professor. So I took his class. Our class has an in-class capstone to help a family do...
自闭症儿童赋能的公司去做咨询顾问。 然后呢,这家公司呢,它就是发现说, 其实很多传统的模式去帮助自闭症儿童并没有那么的有效。 原因呢就是,他们需要在孩子年纪非常小的时候, 每周可能需要去医院大概五天。
and her own child also has autism. So she hopes to change this problem in this way. She started from her friends, including her community, parents with autism children, and talked to them. Then she found out that she could actually do it through virtual reality technology.
For example, when they do a diagnosis face-to-face with a patient, they can continue to communicate with the therapist in this way, and reduce the cost of transportation and money. In addition, there will be many simulated real-life scenarios in the glasses. For example, autistic children need to practice how to cross the road. If there is a dog chasing after a dog, how does he avoid it effectively? But in fact, if they practice in reality, the risk is very high.
但是在这个虚拟现实基础中,他就可以保证儿童可以每天去进行这样的一个有效的训练。 同时呢,他有人工智能的监测可以保证,OK,他这个得到了一些进步,那我们可以稍微再提速一点。 他如果觉得这个还没有 OK,那我们可以再去练这个环节。 包括家长和他的治疗师都可以通过这样的一个平板电脑实时看见他这里面在进行怎样的一个训练,包括可以跟他进行交互等等等等。
So through this way, we can help them reduce costs, and then more families can enjoy these services and access medical resources. Besides this project, I know you have participated in other social innovation projects. Can you talk about other social innovation projects you have participated in?
能可以,有帮助香港的第一家人造鱼丸公司去做咨询顾问。 就是人造肉其实在美国还是有很多尝试的, 就比如说因为如果未来想要喂饱所有的地球人的话, 那其实这个很多的地都要用作去给这些家畜去喂的这样的一个他们吃的粮食。
The land area and carbon emissions are problematic, including animal welfare during the breeding process. So people started to think about other better ways. So they started to make man-made meat with cultivated rice, or replaced it with meat through some plant proteins, including balance of nutrition. But this was not particularly popular in Hong Kong at the time. But everyone was very concerned about this.
So this company started to try it out. It wanted to make the taste more local. So it made the first artificial fish ball. Then we started to help it to carry out the new product design and then to promote it to the public. Then later, I joined two startup companies. They are all social enterprises. One is to do children's psychological health education, including positive psychology, including social emotional education, and then let them go
Then I started another company, the first Chinese gold mining company. It's very sustainable. There were no sustainable gold mining products in China before. Many sanitary products had incurable soil and caused pollution. So when the founder came out of Victoria's Secret, he wanted to start his own brand. I joined their company and did a lot of things.
然后再之后呢就是基于这些对于儿童对于性别议题的关心 我自己也做了一家公益组织叫做月事骄傲 然后可能很多朋友大家也听过 是主要来关注月经贫困月经羞耻 那你可以聊聊你做过包括你自己做和你参与过这么多社会企业的项目 你觉得这些事情对你这一路走来有什么影响吗 我觉得我一直是一个
如果这件事情它吸引到我,我感觉它跟我有一个牵引力,我就会丝毫不犹豫奔向这件事情去做的人。 所以我觉得可能就是他们对我的牵引力,然后写成了我的人生故事。
I believe that everything in life is arranged. So if my life is a movie, then these things are already some of the twists and turns of the movie I wrote. And I'm destined to experience these things. And in this process, I think, instead of helping a lot of people, it's actually these people who really changed me. For example, when I was doing "The Moon is Proud",
We are going to change the poverty in the world and improve the shame in the world with the volunteers from the Five Lakes. In the process, you will feel a lot of power from the volunteers. You will also learn a lot of wisdom from the people you helped and supported. These things actually changed my life, not that I really did a lot for them.
I also know that you have extensive experience in the field of international development, and you also work in different countries and projects. We just mentioned that in these innovative industries, when you work in other projects, you will face some complicated social problems. How do you solve these problems?
嗯,明白。 我觉得每一个国家的, 它要面临的整个的 context 议题, 其实都非常的不一样, 包括它的经济,政治,社会结构。 那我一直在去尝试努力的一件事情是, 在大的社会机制是这样的定下来之后, 有的时候我们作为一个 outsider, 其实也会为当地人有一种很强的替代者创伤。 那如何用一个,
to make some very specific changes. And this specific change may be the beginning of the change and improvement of the social system. For example, many people are now paying attention to the situation in Gaza, and the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
I also went to many villages in Palestine before, and did a field tour. During that time, it was very, very, very painful for me. We were mainly in Jordan and Zion. Jordan and Zion do not have any continuous exchange. But you can still see that it is occupied, occupied by other countries.
然后当地的一切的资源,水电,基建,进出口,然后教育,经济等等都被其他国家去控制。 然后当地的小孩甚至很多,他被从小关进难民营,然后一生没有身份证,一生不可以离开难民营等等。 所以就包括我们在的时候,其实也遇到了很多暴力行为吧,就比如说,
中东长相的同学,他也就会被直接拽下车,然后就不让他入境等等各种这样的问题。 然后再到我们当时甚至是在去一家难民营的时候的他的一个艺术疗愈中心, 是一个创业者跟我们在分享说他如何通过艺术疗愈来帮助这些难民营中的儿童, 可是就是在同一时间,同一地区的另一家难民营,士兵就冲进来去击毙了当地的孩子。
So this happened right next to us. And of course, everyone was crying in the car. When I witnessed all this, I felt very guilty. I felt like as a distant person, my life was not bad. But I didn't know that in other parts of the world, there are many people who worry about their own life and safety every day.
Then I would think that I got so much knowledge, why can't I do something for the locals directly? But then I found that it was actually my words, that the locals, they guided me, they changed me. I can share a few small stories.
One is that we went to a local museum, and that museum was built on the Goli River, which is the Goli River built by Israel. And there are many artists writing anti-war slogans on the Goli River. And there are many museums in front of the museum, such as Palestine, Israel, and this number is very unequal.
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这里是巴勒斯坦,但是我们不是受害者,也不要把我们当成受害者。 我们也有自己引以为傲的各种的科学家呀,艺术家呀,民族文化等等。
So this is the first one. The second one is that I went to another village called Lifta. There was no one living in Lifta. The local residents either died or were forced to leave. But on the wall of Lifta, there was a sentence that said, I will not hate you for killing my child, but I will hate you for letting me become you and then kill your child.
I was in a desert area, and a little girl in the desert was in junior high school. She could speak six languages, especially Chinese. But her internet was not good. So I didn't know how she learned it. We asked her, and she said she learned so much because she wanted to tell her hometown story in a peaceful way, and let the world guide her.
然后就冒着瞪着好奇的大眼睛,然后过来跟我们 favorite,然后跟我们一起白手玩踢足球,所以我们就很惊讶,就是我觉得如果我在那里或者孩子在那里,他可能不会这个样子,但我不知道为什么当地人会这么的善良乐观。
So I asked the local mother why she felt so strong and happy. You can see that they would carefully decorate their house, plant lemon trees, even though it was all rotten outside. There might be surveillance cameras watching them, and they would have a good life. The mother told us that
因为别无选择,我们当然要快乐的活着,然后我们的父辈,我们的丈夫,他们被迫离开这里,但是我们作为女人,我们会死守在我们的家园寸步不移。 然后他说我们最大的快乐其实就是祝福这个世界变得更好。
In many cases, we will blame ourselves and hate our own micro-pages. We can't change the social system. But at the same time, even if the people in this social system are wronged, they still have their beautiful human light. You don't need to treat them as a poor group or a group that is hurt.
Do you think, I know you work in an influential creative institution in North America. I don't know if your experiences, including the cruel reality you saw, but optimistic people, have anything to do with your influence in this institution?
嗯,明白。 然后我之前就是在国内主要做的是儿童性别和教育相关的社会创新,我们也做了一系列的事情,然后当时呢就有两个想要去得到答案的事情,一个就是我们发现如果是非常传统的
The NGO system is not as effective in this era or the future. Instead, the convenience of technology can greatly accelerate its efficiency. At the same time, as a tech person, it lacks a sense of social understanding and insight. So it's great to combine these two things. This is the first thing I want to find a more specific answer to. The second thing is that I also want to see a bigger world.
I also hope that I can do the same in China, improve the quality of the screen, and communicate with people in India and Kenya, and also help the locals. So I came out to study a degree and try new jobs. My current job is to do impact investing.
If it's a traditional business, a traditional business service, the people who invest their money may be the first market, which is VC, angel investors, founders, then private equity, PE, and then maybe IPO, listing, issuing stocks, etc. Such a model. But in this case, for example, traditional VC will pay great attention to you being a unicorn in 10 years, so that you can make money.
So it requires a very large market for people who can serve, and at the same time, the speed is very fast, and the ability to profit is very strong. But this is not true for a market company. The reason is that, for example, he wants to serve autistic children, and the number of autistic children in the community is not that large. And they may have a lot of people who are in the poverty line, and they can't do such a purchase-friendly behavior.
如果只是图快的话,可能这件事情并不是完全一个逐利可以解决的。 所以就诞生了一个新的东西,叫做影响力投资。 影响力投资要求传统的这样的一个金融投的方式,就募投管退。 我募钱,我投资,我管理这个 portfolio,我退出。 但同时也有一个新的东西,就是我也要去投影响力,投 impact evaluation。
这个影响力和中文常说的影响力就是能影响多少人其实不一样的,它更多的指的其实不是 influence 而是 impact,就你对当地的比如说经济改变了多少,对当地的受教育人群改变了多少,当地的性别平等指数,当地的这个碳排放等等等等,这些非常非常具体的数字。
So this organization that I'm in has just established a fund that helps Africa to make climate and agricultural investment. And then the main thing is to invest in these funds to help them to increase agricultural sustainability, increase agricultural efficiency. And then to these small-scale credit companies for farmers, these fintech financial technology platforms, including to invest in women agricultural entrepreneurs, etc.
社会创新项目,你参与的项目,包括你现在的机构,都是想要为这个社会做出一些改变。 那我也想问问你,目前或者是你将来的一个目标是什么? 你的一个梦想是什么?或者你的下一步的计划? 明白,可能我家有三个特别特别想做的事儿。
比如说我们一提复合器,我们想到的其实是在硅谷的 YCY Combinator, 那它去帮助像 Airbnb 等等这些企业可以在短时间内成长起来, 因为其实创业也是有一套可以用的这样的学问, 然后支持网络的,那我其实也很希望可以去
想在亚非拉真的去做这些发展中国家创业, 尤其是这些跟社会创新相关的这样的创业者们集结起来, 然后通过这样的一个孵化器的模式, 让他们可以在短时间内获得更多的知识, 更多的专家指导,更多的人脉互助, 然后更多的这样的资金来源, 帮助他们可能很多人,包括遇到很多人, 他们想要尝试这个东西, 但总觉得好像...
钥匙链或者一个手机上的一个什么贴纸或者什么什么,但是它可能就是大家会都用它,然后这个东西真的就提升大家效率或者让大家生活变得更快乐更方便等等都可以。 然后我就觉得如果我可以去做一个这样的小的科技产品,然后可以这个东西可以留好多好多年,那也是很值得的。
包括也很想去读一个跟物理相关的 degree, 因为我小的时候物理特别好, 然后也是物理竞赛生, 但是我爸妈妈妈都希望我做物理博士, 因为我的姐姐们她们就是都是这个方向, 然后但我小时候就觉得不行, 我想要做社会创新, 就是想做一些跟社会相关的, 就没有去读, 然后现在就是有时候做梦就会梦到这件事情, 然后我就想说, 哇,还是很想读一个科技, 然后再读一个跟物理相关的 degree,
然后我就很想把这些东西能记录下来, 然后那就可以跟当地小朋友一起通过画画绘本的方式, 真的把这些事情记录下来, 然后同时可以把这个,
《宫崎军千语千询》,然后像《魔女宅急便》。 当时小的时候看的时候觉得,啊,这是一个挺好玩的故事,没有多想。 但长大了之后,你看,你发现它就是一个小姑娘出入社会,出入职场,遭到毒打的故事,对吧? 就是你看《千语千询》本来好端端的,突然要到这个汤婆婆这里,然后去卖身打工,然后去靠自己的劳动去赚到钱。
and then to save the lost parents who were lost by desire, etc. And then he almost became a real tool man and forgot who he was. And then little white dragon told him to show him the card that his classmate wrote for him. And then he pulled back these friendship, these people who are very true to him. And then he remembered that I was actually Qian Xun, not Xiao Qian.
但是他靠自己的一点点努力,然后就获得了,就重新可以飞起来,然后重新去赢得尊重。 然后但是他小猫依然不能再跟小猫猫沟通了,就是这个过程中成长中也一定会有一些丢失。 然后所以就是,在真的体会到这些的时候,真的经历这些的时候,你再回去看就会发现,哦,原来在我很小的童年的时候就有一个善良的老爷爷,他在我童年的记忆中埋了一个小小的种子。
然后那个种子就叫做勇气,力量就叫做善良。 然后它会在你人生最黑暗的时刻突然冒出来。 然后它会跟你说你看琪琪都做得这么好,你看千玺都做得这么好,你也可以咬牙坚持过来。 然后所以我就很想说,如果可以的话我也想做宫崎骏那样的人。 就是给大家的童年少年埋下一个那种可以在他未来最艰难的时刻去守护他,呵护他的小小种子。
让我想到就是好像安徒生的童话也是一个道理,那他其实也是经历过很多事情,然后写出了一些,这个童话虽然我们都是大人写给小孩看,但是真的是在一些困难的时刻,黑暗的时刻能够帮助,不管是小孩子也好,也是大人也好,成年人的人生会有一些新的改变。 我觉得今天跟 Valencia 聊完之后,我觉得你的故事,
完完全全是一个让我看到了一个小女孩, 带着她对文学的热爱, 带着她对社会创新的热爱, 带着她想改变这个社会或者帮助一些,
社会弱势群体得到一些改变,包括性别平等。 那从你小时候,它就像一个种子种了一颗芽, 然后到你现在,包括你现在想做的三件事情,梦想, 仍然围绕着你小时候想要完成的一些梦想。 我觉得看到了一个特别坚韧, 对自己的理想很清晰的这么一个,
Thank you very much. Thank you to every listener for exploring her diverse career and dream. If you like our show and want to know more about the story of Valencia, you can leave us a message. Please share this show with your friends. I hope more people can learn about this great fairy world through the Northern Wall.
与此同时,我们也将努力为大家带来更多的精彩内容。 谢谢 Vicatoria,然后我自己也感觉就是人生正像一部电影,就像你说的,好像最开始买它的种子,它有一天就会,你发现,哦,原来有这样的一个故事的伏笔,然后我也很相信每一个听众,每一个人,他都会有自己的电影,然后都会有自己的人生之光。 谢谢 Valencia,我们下期节目见,bye!