cover of episode 43 | 时尚对话:如何运营一家买手店

43 | 时尚对话:如何运营一家买手店

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Yilei: 买手店创立始于一次偶然的合作,最初以电商为主,后因客户对品牌信任度需求开设线下实体店。选址陕西北路,看重其闹中取静的地理位置和周边环境,目标客户是具备一定经济实力且追求品质的都市女性,而非时尚达人或艺术家。买手店经营理念是发现新设计师,并重新定义当代上海女性形象,不追求爆款,注重人际连接。买手需要具备全方位的素质,包括审美、潮流感知、文化理解以及商业认知。十几年来,坚持小而精的经营模式,注重与客户建立深厚关系,并谨慎尝试电商和社交媒体,保持线下体验的优势。 十年来,上海买手市场变化巨大,国内品牌崛起,年轻设计师涌现,对买手选品和市场敏锐度提出了更高要求。新乐路买手店与设计师合作紧密,主要通过设计师推荐和VIP推荐来发掘新的合作对象。店主坚持十几年没有扩张,是因为更看重个人价值和与客户的紧密联系,而非规模扩张。坚持做同一件事十几年,是因为热爱这份工作,并从新客户和新品牌中获得持续的动力。 电商对实体店冲击很大,但新乐路买手店坚持线下体验,并谨慎尝试电商和社交媒体。通过定期上新活动、VIP晚宴等线下活动维系与顾客关系,并注重团队建设,营造轻松愉快的购物氛围。对想进入时尚行业的年轻人建议,需要具备全方位的感知力和文化素养,并积极尝试不同工种,全面了解行业运作。 Eve: 作为时尚行业数字化营销专家,对买手行业有独特的见解。对Yilei的买手店经营模式表示认同和赞赏,认为其在保持自身风格的同时,注重客户关系和线下体验,在快速变化的市场环境中找到了平衡点。 Zoe: 作为资深数字营销专家,对买手行业和社交媒体营销有深入了解。对Yilei的买手店经营模式表示好奇和赞赏,并从自身经验出发,探讨了不同买手类型和经营模式的差异,以及社交媒体对实体店的影响。同时,也分享了自身在时尚穿搭方面的经验和感悟,并对Yilei的经营理念表示认同和赞赏。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What inspired Yilei to open her boutique XINLELU?

Yilei opened XINLELU after a chance encounter with a British-Chinese neighbor who proposed a collaboration to create a website featuring independent designers. Yilei, with a background in fashion marketing, saw an opportunity to combine her expertise with her neighbor's passion for fashion, leading to the establishment of the boutique.

How does Yilei describe the typical customer of XINLELU?

Yilei describes XINLELU's typical customer as 'normal people who are fashionable,' specifically targeting the five most stylish women in each office near the boutique. The store focuses on providing proper, occasion-appropriate clothing rather than catering to fashionistas or artists.

What are the key traits Yilei believes a successful buyer should have?

Yilei believes a successful buyer needs a comprehensive sensitivity and perception, encompassing aesthetics, trends, and cultural awareness. Additionally, they must have a strong intuition for finance and a solid understanding of business dynamics.

How has the rise of e-commerce and social media impacted XINLELU?

The rise of e-commerce and social media has posed challenges for XINLELU, as many large-scale boutiques now dominate online sales. However, Yilei remains confident in the value of physical stores, believing that the in-person experience cannot yet be fully replicated online.

What is Yilei's approach to maintaining long-term relationships with VIP customers?

Yilei maintains long-term relationships with VIP customers through regular events, such as store updates and VIP dinners. These gatherings allow customers to socialize, meet new people, and shop in a relaxed, enjoyable environment, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

What advice does Yilei offer to young people aspiring to enter the fashion industry?

Yilei advises young people to gain a broad understanding of the fashion industry by exploring various roles, such as merchandising, PR, and marketing. She emphasizes the importance of cultural awareness and the ability to collaborate across different functions within the industry.

How does Yilei view the balance between personal passion and business in running XINLELU?

Yilei views running XINLELU as a way to combine her passion for fashion with her business acumen. She focuses on creating a store that reflects her personal taste and values, ensuring that the business remains enjoyable and sustainable for the long term.

  • 创立买手店Xinlelu已十年,选址在陕西北路
  • 买手需要具备全方位的敏感度、感知力及商业认知
  • 选品注重实穿性,目标客户群是追求品位的时髦女性

Shownotes Transcript





3:49 Yilei的买手店

6:41 街边的买手店,是谁在买?下次请勇敢推门进去

11:13 做买手需要什么样的特质?

20:00 关于买货选品

31:19 长久的坚持做一件事

35:53 电商和社交媒体的兴起, 如何摆脱危机感?

47:37 买手店做成沙龙



Zoe,资深数字营销专家,前时尚公关,文化人类学与社会行为学硕士 时尚书籍《美丽的标价》译者


Yilei的买手店叫XINLELU, 但地址在陕西北路




Box Full of Toys - Biddy Sullivan

57th Street - Wendy Marcini




本期,我们邀请了Eve的朋友,在上海开了十年买手店的Yilei聊聊她,typical 上海女生,非typical买手的故事。

