cover of episode 42 | KOL (时尚博主)的职业陷阱 小心,慎入!

42 | KOL (时尚博主)的职业陷阱 小心,慎入!

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Zoe: 本期节目探讨了时尚博主这一职业的陷阱与发展历程,从博客时代到如今的短视频平台,时尚博主面临着巨大的变化与挑战。嘉宾Jeremy分享了自己的从时尚编辑转型为时尚博主的经历,以及在不同平台(微博、抖音、小红书、B站)上的内容策略差异。Zoe和Eve两位主播也从专业角度分析了时尚博主与时尚产业的关系,以及时尚博主在品牌推广中的角色,包括代言、合作、产品推荐等。 此外,节目还探讨了算法、流量与内容制作的关系,以及如何增加粉丝粘性。两位主播强调了时尚博主应承担的社会责任与影响力,呼吁不要宣扬消费主义,避免让喜欢(点赞)变得廉价。 Jeremy: 从时尚编辑转型时尚博主,初期挑战在于适应新的平台和内容创作方式。不同平台的流量逻辑和受众群体差异巨大,需要针对不同平台调整内容策略。例如,微博更注重资讯和速度,小红书更关注内容和种草,B站更适合长视频和深度内容,抖音则更短频快,更注重娱乐性和网红人设。 在与品牌合作方面,Jeremy分享了成功的案例和失败的经验,指出一些品牌会对内容进行干预,限制内容创作的自由度。他认为,内容质量和调性比粉丝数量更重要,一些品牌更注重内容的专业性和价值观输出。 Eve: 作为时尚行业数字化营销专家,Eve从专业角度分析了时尚博主在品牌推广中的作用,以及不同平台的流量逻辑和品牌投放策略。她强调了时尚博主应承担的社会责任,避免过度宣扬消费主义。 Jeremy: 我的转型经历并非一帆风顺,需要适应新的平台和内容创作方式。不同平台的受众群体和流量逻辑差异巨大,需要针对性地调整内容策略。例如,微博更注重速度和资讯,小红书更关注内容和种草,B站适合长视频和深度内容,抖音则更短频快,更注重娱乐性和网红人设。 与品牌合作方面,既有成功的案例,也有失败的经验。一些品牌会对内容进行干预,限制创作自由度。我认为,内容质量和调性比粉丝数量更重要,一些品牌更看重内容的专业性和价值观输出。 我个人更倾向于创作专业性强的资讯类内容,但也要考虑平台的流量逻辑和受众喜好。在内容创作上,需要在流量和个人兴趣之间权衡,选择适合自己的赛道,才能获得长久发展。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the main types of fashion bloggers and how have they evolved over time?

Fashion bloggers initially emerged during the blog era, focusing on two main areas: personal styling and fashion photography (e.g., Chiara Ferragni), and fashion commentary, including runway and red carpet critiques. With the rise of platforms like Weibo, short and fast-paced fashion news became popular. Later, platforms like Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Bilibili introduced influencers who often adopt a 'buy and unbox' persona. The evolution reflects a shift from content-driven to consumer-driven strategies.

How has the role of fashion bloggers in brand marketing changed over the years?

Initially, fashion bloggers acted like traditional media, publishing articles and attending events. Over time, they gained celebrity-like status, attending shows and receiving street style coverage. Advanced roles include hosting, guest editing, and even launching their own fashion brands. Bloggers now play a crucial role in brand endorsements, collaborations, and product recommendations, significantly influencing consumer behavior.

What challenges do new fashion bloggers face in the current social media landscape?

New fashion bloggers face challenges such as the need for constant content creation, financial investment in buying products for unboxing, and navigating the algorithms of platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin. The emphasis on consumerism and the pressure to maintain a 'buy and unbox' persona can be financially draining and may compromise the authenticity of their content.

What is the social responsibility of fashion bloggers in promoting sustainable fashion?

Fashion bloggers have a responsibility to promote sustainable fashion by educating their audience on the environmental and ethical impacts of their consumption. Instead of encouraging constant buying, they should advocate for mindful consumption, highlighting the importance of quality over quantity and the long-term value of sustainable fashion choices.

How do different social media platforms influence the strategies of fashion bloggers?

Different platforms require distinct strategies: Weibo favors fast, image-based content with a focus on speed and entertainment. Xiaohongshu emphasizes detailed, content-rich posts, often with a focus on product recommendations. Douyin and Bilibili cater to short, engaging videos, with Douyin favoring quick, consumer-driven content and Bilibili supporting longer, more in-depth videos. Bloggers must adapt their content to fit the unique algorithms and audience preferences of each platform.

This chapter explores the evolution of fashion KOLs, from the early days of fashion bloggers to the current landscape of social media platforms like Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Bilibili. It also discusses the different paths to becoming a fashion KOL and the changing dynamics of the industry.
  • Fashion KOLs originated in the blog era as "fashion bloggers."
  • Early fashion bloggers focused on styling/outfits and fashion commentary.
  • The rise of social media platforms led to a shift towards short, fast-paced content and a focus on "buy-buy-buy" personas.
  • Different paths exist to becoming a fashion KOL, including content creation, leveraging existing networks, and using financial resources for brand exposure.

Shownotes Transcript






  • 时尚博主的定义与概念

时尚博主最早叫fashion blogger, 听这个英文名字就能知道是博客时代的产物。

  • 造型/穿搭,时尚街拍  比如:Chiara Ferragn,做的眼睛的鞋。

  • 时尚评论人,做秀评和红毯点评

  • 进入微博时代,短平快的资讯报道加入进来。总结每一季品牌的趋势,发秀图,解析明星私服。

  • 小红书,抖音,B站上的时尚KOL都是买买买人设吗?

  • Jeremy的个人经历:成为时尚博主的契机与初期挑战

3. 时尚博主与时尚产业的关系

  • 博主如何影响品牌营销与消费者行为
  • 时尚博主在品牌推广中的角色:代言、合作、产品推荐




  • 嘉宾的经验分享:与品牌合作的关键要素与成功案例


  • 不同平台上的博主策略差异
  • 抖音有时尚吗?
  • 算法、流量与内容制作:如何增加粉丝粘性(这个词好老土)


  • 可持续时尚与博主的角色:不要宣扬消费主义
  • 不应该让喜欢(点赞)变廉价



Zoe,资深数字营销专家,前时尚公关,文化人类学与社会行为学硕士 media in museum 方向


前时尚编辑 现非知名时尚博主杰瑞米


00:49 如何成为一个时尚博主 只有买买买了吗?

12:15  微博 抖音 小红书 B站,时尚赛道如何做起来?

22:12 是职场博主的“行业揭秘”,还是为了流量放弃专业度?

30:27 时尚博主在品牌推广中的角色

35:20 了解平台流量逻辑与品牌投放策略

42:14 抖音有时尚吗?

46:25 认识平台和品牌甲方 对做博主有帮助吗?

55:39 KOL的社会责任是什么? 至少不是宣扬消费主义


Box Full of Toys - Biddy Sullivan

57th Street - Wendy Marcini


