cover of episode 秦旷的房间(下)丨故乡和记忆是创作的不竭之源 vol.21

秦旷的房间(下)丨故乡和记忆是创作的不竭之源 vol.21

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秦旷:我的童年记忆与故乡丰都紧密相连,特别是那个未完工的玉皇大帝像,以及后来被淹没的老城,这些独特的经历构成了我早期对故乡的印象。这些印象并非直接形成“故乡”的概念,而是在离开家乡后,通过与其他地方的对比,以及对自身身份的思考,才逐渐清晰起来。故乡对我而言,并非简单的地理位置,而是与个人成长、记忆和情感紧密相连的独特地方,它塑造了我独特的视角和创作灵感。 离开家乡后,我开始思考故乡的意义,意识到故乡的意义并非简单的地理位置,而是与个人成长、记忆和情感紧密相连的独特地方。丰都老城被淹没的经历,以及我与家人对这一事件的不同情感反应,都反映了我们与家乡之间复杂的情感联系。丰都的独特文化和生活方式,也与周边地区有所不同,这些差异进一步加深了我对故乡的认同感。 我的创作灵感与童年记忆和居住环境密切相关。从小接触的创作工具和环境,以及父母对创作的引导,培养了我独立创作的意识和能力。我现在的创作方式,与我童年时期的完整生活体验,以及对故乡的独特记忆,有着千丝万缕的联系。创作对我而言,是一种心态,一种相信自己能够创造一切的心态。这种心态,也影响着我对待生活的态度,以及我选择居住环境的方式。 在创作过程中,我曾面临瓶颈,例如在创作关于丰都的故事时,如何平衡现实与魔幻,如何避免文风杂糅等问题。我通过反思创作心态,借鉴古典文学的创作方法,以及与他人交流碰撞,最终找到了解决问题的方法。我意识到,好的创作需要扎实的现实主义内核,以及恰到好处的魔幻元素来增强戏剧张力。创作过程是一个不断反思、不断精进的过程,需要对自身生活经验有深刻的理解,以及对创作技巧的不断探索。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the construction of the Jade Emperor's head in Fengdu become a failed project?

The construction of the Jade Emperor's head in Fengdu became a failed project due to frequent changes in developers, with each successive developer reportedly dying under mysterious circumstances. Additionally, the project faced financial irregularities, including illegal loans from banks, leading to its eventual abandonment and transformation into a makeshift space for local activities like night markets and KTVs.

What unique cultural phenomenon emerged from the abandoned Jade Emperor's head project in Fengdu?

The abandoned Jade Emperor's head project in Fengdu became a unique cultural phenomenon where locals repurposed the structure for night markets and KTVs. The building's openings, such as the eyes and mouth, emitted lights and sounds from the KTVs, creating a surreal and eerie atmosphere that became a local landmark and a symbol of grassroots creativity.

How did the speaker's perception of their hometown, Fengdu, evolve over time?

The speaker's perception of Fengdu evolved from a childhood filled with vivid, surreal memories to a deeper understanding of its significance as their hometown. This realization crystallized after leaving Fengdu for university, where the speaker began to reflect on their identity and the unique cultural and historical aspects of Fengdu that shaped their sense of belonging.

What role does Fengdu's ghost culture play in its modern identity?

Fengdu's ghost culture, historically tied to its reputation as the 'Ghost City,' has been modernized and integrated into its contemporary identity. The city has embraced this heritage by creating young, culturally relevant IPs, such as anime-style representations of ghosts, and fostering international cultural exchanges, such as a partnership with a Mexican city known for its Day of the Dead celebrations.

How did the speaker's childhood experiences in Fengdu influence their creative mindset?

The speaker's childhood experiences in Fengdu, particularly the surreal and imaginative environment of the Jade Emperor's head project, fostered a creative mindset. This early exposure to unique cultural phenomena and the ability to repurpose abandoned spaces for new uses instilled in the speaker a belief that anything can be created or transformed, a perspective that continues to influence their creative work.

What challenges did the speaker face when attempting to write a story about Fengdu?

The speaker faced challenges in writing a story about Fengdu due to the complexity of blending realistic and fantastical elements. Their writing style, influenced by diverse literary and commercial backgrounds, lacked a cohesive voice. The speaker struggled to balance the historical and cultural richness of Fengdu with the need for a compelling narrative structure, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction with their initial attempts.

  • 丰都鬼城给秦旷的童年带来光怪陆离的印象。
  • 烂尾的玉皇大帝头像建筑曾被用作KTV和烧烤摊。
  • 离开家乡后,秦旷才逐渐意识到故乡的真正含义。

Shownotes Transcript



配乐:《淹没》作曲/制作 秦旷