cover of episode AntiTalk vol.04丨当代剧作的局限:在被瓦解的语境中重写奥瑞斯提亚

AntiTalk vol.04丨当代剧作的局限:在被瓦解的语境中重写奥瑞斯提亚

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Anti: 本期节目探讨了《奥瑞斯提亚》三部曲中体现的父权制及性别书写问题,并结合当代剧作《坠楼的审判》进行分析。在《奥瑞斯提亚》中,阿波罗代表新一代奥林匹斯神,维护秩序,与复仇女神的对立体现了新旧秩序的更迭,也反映了父权思想。阿波罗的论证存在双标,其对复仇的原则建立在血亲关系上,但其论证并不完全站得住脚。雅典娜代表一种更进化的模式,她通过劝说而非压迫的方式与复仇女神交流,将复仇女神纳入城邦崇拜体系,并利用对恐惧的敬畏来减少城邦内乱。剧中王后的形象男性化,通过抛头露面、发表公共演讲等行为展现出男性化的特质,与传统女性角色形成反差,对传统的性别秩序提出了质疑。王后通过一系列策略,包括示弱、恭维等,巧妙地操控了阿加门农,最终导致了他的死亡。地毯情节是王后进攻阿加门农的关键,它体现了当时社会对女性行为的认知与现代认知的差异。艾斯库罗斯通过对王后和埃奎斯托斯的塑造,展现了性别秩序的错位,并对传统的性别定位提出了质疑。虽然剧作最终还是男性掌控公共领域,但王后的描写已经对传统的性别秩序提出了质疑。 当代语境下,很难创作出像《奥瑞斯提亚》那样能够暗示秩序瓦解的作品,因为现代社会中一切坚固的事物都在瓦解。当代戏剧作品难以像《奥瑞斯提亚》那样展现父权制的瓦解和新秩序的产生,因为现代人已经不再认同传统的性别秩序。现代文艺创作难以像古希腊戏剧那样,通过故事本身来表达复杂的社会问题,而是更倾向于理念先行。当代戏剧创作中,很难通过对男性气质和女性气质的描述来展现父权制问题,因为现代人已经不认同传统的性别设定。创作与观看的关系在当代已经发生改变,当代戏剧创作需要新的观看方式,需要观众更强的参与,甚至消解剧场和观看本身。当代戏剧在公共说理方面的力度已经大大弱化。如果要创作一部展现父权制瓦解的作品,需要一个强语境的群体,一个超脱于剧的共识或公共记忆,以及对公共记忆的深刻讨论和戏剧化呈现。电影《坠楼的审判》展现了当代女性在家庭和社会关系中的困境,引发了人们对亲密关系和父权制的思考,与《奥瑞斯提亚》在探讨秩序和权力方面有所呼应。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Apollo represent a new order in 'The Eumenides'?

Apollo represents the new order of the Olympian gods, symbolizing light, reason, cleanliness, and order, which contrasts sharply with the older, more chaotic and violent Titans represented by the Furies. His stance against the Furies reflects the shift from an older, more primal form of justice to a more structured and rational one.

What is the significance of the gender dynamics in 'The Oresteia'?

The gender dynamics in 'The Oresteia' are crucial as they highlight the transition from a matriarchal to a patriarchal society. Characters like Clytemnestra and the Furies challenge traditional gender roles, while figures like Apollo and Athena reinforce the new patriarchal order. This tension and eventual resolution underscore the societal shifts in ancient Greece.

How does 'The Oresteia' critique the concept of justice?

'The Oresteia' critiques the concept of justice by presenting it as a cycle of vengeance that is ultimately transformed into a more structured legal system. The Furies' demand for blood justice is countered by Apollo and Athena's arguments for a more rational and orderly form of justice, reflecting the evolution of societal norms.

What role does Athena play in the resolution of 'The Eumenides'?

Athena plays a pivotal role in the resolution of 'The Eumenides' by mediating between the Furies and the new order represented by Apollo. She persuades the Furies to accept a new role as protectors of the city, thus integrating the old and new forms of justice and ensuring the stability of the polis.

How does 'The Oresteia' reflect the political and social changes in ancient Greece?

'The Oresteia' reflects the political and social changes in ancient Greece by depicting the transition from a tribal, blood-based justice system to a more structured, legalistic one. This mirrors the broader societal shift from a clan-based society to a more centralized polis, emphasizing the importance of order and rationality over chaos and vengeance.

What challenges does contemporary theater face in addressing issues like patriarchy?

Contemporary theater faces challenges in addressing issues like patriarchy because the context in which these issues are understood has significantly changed. The traditional gender roles and societal structures that once provided a clear framework for such narratives have been largely dismantled, making it difficult to create works that resonate with modern audiences in the same way.

How does 'The Oresteia' use gender inversion to highlight societal changes?

'The Oresteia' uses gender inversion to highlight societal changes by portraying characters like Clytemnestra and the Furies as powerful, assertive figures who challenge traditional gender norms. This inversion serves to underscore the broader societal shifts from a matriarchal to a patriarchal order, emphasizing the complexities and tensions involved in this transition.

What is the significance of the trial scene in 'The Eumenides'?

The trial scene in 'The Eumenides' is significant as it represents the formalization of justice and the establishment of a legal system that supersedes the older, more primal forms of vengeance. The trial, presided over by Athena, symbolizes the integration of the old and new orders, ensuring that justice is administered in a more rational and orderly manner.

How does 'The Oresteia' address the theme of revenge?

'The Oresteia' addresses the theme of revenge by presenting it as a cycle that perpetuates violence and chaos. The trilogy ultimately advocates for a transition from personal vengeance to a more structured legal system, where justice is administered by the state rather than individuals, thus breaking the cycle of retribution.

What is the role of the Furies in 'The Oresteia'?

The Furies in 'The Oresteia' represent the older, more primal form of justice based on blood vengeance. They pursue Orestes for killing his mother, Clytemnestra, and their eventual transformation into the Eumenides (the 'Kindly Ones') symbolizes the integration of this older form of justice into the new, more rational legal system of the polis.

  • 阿波罗代表秩序与理性,复仇女神代表血亲复仇与激情。
  • 阿波罗的辩论中存在双标,他维护的原则与复仇女神的原则发生冲突。
  • 雅典娜的介入代表一种更温和的解决方式,将复仇转化为城邦的敬畏。
  • 王后的人物形象体现了性别角色的错位和对传统秩序的挑战。

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