cover of episode Vol.36 特异能力!武林秘籍!扫帚和麻瓜?神奇故事大分享

Vol.36 特异能力!武林秘籍!扫帚和麻瓜?神奇故事大分享

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秋秋:分享了身边朋友和同事的奇特经历,例如能控梦、感知天气变化、一眼看出他人品质等特异功能,以及对这些现象的个人理解和思考。同时,秋秋也分享了自己在使用塔罗牌过程中的经验和感悟,强调敏感度和静心的重要性,并对一些塔罗牌的牌意进行了详细的解读。此外,秋秋还介绍了一些医院自制的药膏及其疗效,以及一些民间偏方,例如用鸡蛋清治疗烫伤。 秋秋的观点主要集中在对特异功能和玄学现象的观察和记录,以及对这些现象背后的规律和意义的探索。她认为,一部分特异功能是先天的,一部分是后天修炼的结果,而塔罗牌等玄学工具可以帮助人们提升自身的敏感度和感知能力,从而更好地理解自己和世界。同时,秋秋也强调了在使用这些工具时需要保持冷静和客观,避免主观臆断。 锤锤:分享了关于特异功能、使命感以及自我修炼的思考。锤锤认为,拥有某种能力意味着肩负某种使命,需要帮助更多的人。同时,锤锤也分享了阅读《悉达多》的体验,认为这本书帮助他更好地理解了自我修炼的过程,并学会了如何控制情绪和应对困境。此外,锤锤还介绍了李可老先生及其“破格救心汤”的故事,以及一些医院自制药膏的疗效,并强调了平淡生活的重要性。 锤锤的观点主要集中在对人生意义和自我修炼的探索。他认为,拥有能力并不意味着拥有幸福,平淡的生活也是一种难得的幸福。同时,锤锤也强调了责任感和使命感的重要性,以及在面对困境时保持冷静和客观的重要性。此外,锤锤也分享了一些个人感悟,例如如何通过阅读和思考来提升自身的认知水平和精神境界。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the significance of the '749 Bureau' mentioned in the podcast?

The '749 Bureau' is a mysterious organization that has long intrigued those interested in the occult and supernatural. It is known for its association with individuals possessing special abilities or 'supernatural powers.' The podcast uses the recent movie '749 Bureau' as a springboard to discuss real-life stories and experiences related to such phenomena.

What unique ability does the podcast host, Qiuqiu, possess?

Qiuqiu has the ability to control her dreams, known as lucid dreaming. She can re-enter a dream after waking up and even distinguish between different layers of dreams, such as in a dream within a dream. Additionally, she can sense environmental changes, like predicting rain based on the smell of the air.

What is the story about the dog that could self-medicate?

A friend of the podcast host had a Shiba Inu dog that was suffering from diarrhea. Instead of taking the dog to the vet, the friend allowed the dog to eat specific types of grass it chose. The dog selectively ate certain grasses, and the next day, its diarrhea was cured. This behavior is similar to how some animals instinctively know which plants can heal them.

What is the 'Chicken Radar' mentioned in the podcast?

The 'Chicken Radar' refers to a heightened intuition or sixth sense, particularly in women. It is described as an ability to accurately gauge situations or people's intentions, such as knowing if someone is attracted to another person just by observing their behavior or expressions.

What is the 'Fox Immortal Connection' discussed in the podcast?

The 'Fox Immortal Connection' refers to a belief that certain individuals have a spiritual connection with fox immortals, often indicated by specific facial features like upturned eyes. One of the podcast host's colleagues was told she had this connection but chose not to establish it. Despite having no formal training in physiognomy or the occult, she could intuitively judge a person's character and predict their behavior.

What is the 'Diamond Sutra Heart Mantra' and its purpose?

The 'Diamond Sutra Heart Mantra' is a Buddhist chant recommended by the podcast host for calming the mind and ensuring a peaceful sleep. It is particularly useful for those who have committed verbal misdeeds or harbored negative thoughts, as it helps cleanse the mind and promote inner peace.

What is the 'Po Ge Jiu Xin Tang' and who created it?

The 'Po Ge Jiu Xin Tang' is a traditional Chinese medicine formula created by Li Ke, a renowned Chinese doctor. It is used to treat severe heart conditions and is known for its life-saving properties. The formula contains a high dosage of 'Fu Zi,' a toxic herb, which is used in a controlled manner to counteract life-threatening illnesses.

What is the significance of the 'Siddhartha' book mentioned in the podcast?

The book 'Siddhartha' is recommended as a guide for personal growth and self-cultivation. It teaches how to transition from one stage of life to another, much like moving from one martial arts move to the next in a manual. The book emphasizes the importance of patience, self-discipline, and the ability to view problems from a detached perspective.

What is the 'Chicken Eye' in palmistry and its significance?

The 'Chicken Eye' in palmistry refers to a circular line on the thumb, which is believed to indicate a person's heightened spiritual sensitivity. Individuals with this mark are thought to have a natural affinity for spiritual practices, such as meditation, Buddhism, or Taoism.

What is the 'Cross Mark' in palmistry and its meaning?

The 'Cross Mark' in palmistry is a sign found between the life line and the heart line. It is believed to indicate a person's strong spiritual or psychic abilities. Those with this mark are thought to have a natural talent for spiritual or occult practices, such as divination or meditation.

  • 身边朋友拥有特异功能,例如控梦、预知天气、感知他人情绪等
  • 特异功能可能与个人体质、敏感度有关
  • 部分特异功能并非后天习得,可能与先天的天赋或经历有关

Shownotes Transcript














01:31 关于身边拥有「特异功能」的朋友们

02:32 除了可可爱爱的蜜蜂小狗之外,还有「中医小狗」!

04:14 与🦊仙娘娘有缘分的女同事

08:42 另一种意义上的「避谶」

17:01 提到的经文《金刚萨埵duo心咒》

22:52 读书分享《悉达多》




25:22 一旦拥有某种能力,同时也肩负了某种使命

35:09 全国各大医院的「神奇自制灵药」大汇总!


46:21 塔罗故事分享~

54:07 大众占卜环节「你心中所想之人,对你的真实看法」

54:45 南瓜

56:44 糖果

58:29 捣蛋鬼




