cover of episode 布林肯谈拜登政府四年外交成就:促成盟友对中国的一致态度 - 12月 19日,2024年

布林肯谈拜登政府四年外交成就:促成盟友对中国的一致态度 - 12月 19日,2024年

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每日视频新闻 - 美国之音

布林肯:拜登政府过去四年外交政策的显著成就是促使美国在欧洲和亚洲的关键伙伴和盟友在对华政策上取得了前所未有的共识。这种一致性体现在多个方面,包括降低风险、防范有问题的技术转让、应对产能过剩和不公平贸易行为等。许多关键伙伴发布的对华战略,在内容和措辞上都惊人地相似,这表明美国在协调盟友对华政策方面取得了显著成功。 布林肯进一步指出,中国外交部长王毅在每次会面时都会花上30到45分钟的时间抱怨美国为协调各国政策所做的努力,这本身就是美国在构建这种一致性方面非常成功的有力证明。 此外,布林肯还强调了台湾问题。他指出,中国一直声称台湾问题是中国的内政,与其他国家无关。然而,美国成功地让世界认识到,台湾问题实际上事关全球利益,因为任何台湾危机的发生都将对全球经济和地缘政治稳定造成严重影响。台湾海峡每天有50%的商业集装箱运输和70%的全球微电子芯片制造,一旦发生冲突,将引发全球性的经济危机。因此,越来越多的国家在过去两三年里向北京施压,要求其保持现状,维护和平与稳定,呼吁中国采取负责任行动的信号比以往任何时候都更加清晰响亮。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


First, the other thing that we've seen over these four years, and not by accident, by intent, was greater convergence than I've ever seen in the approach to China by our key partners and allies in Europe and in Asia. And if you look at not only what we say as our declaratory policy when it comes to China, but also look at what we're doing together,

in terms of de-risking, in terms of making sure that we're dealing with problematic technology transfers, in terms of dealing with overcapacity and unfair trade practices. Increasingly, you have an aligned, unified approach. If you look at the China strategies that key partners have put out, we could be exchanging talking points, exchanging speeches. It's one, almost one and the same.

That's a source of incredible strength. And maybe the best proof point of the success that we've had in aligning our policies with Europe and with key partners in Asia is the fact that every single meeting that I've had with my counterpart, Wang Yi, almost inevitably starts with 30 or 45 minutes of discussion, i.e. monologue.

about complaining about everything we've done to align all of these countries. So it seems to me this is the best proof point that we've been very successful in building this kind of alignment, this kind of convergence. Now, Taiwan is, in another way, a really good example of this. Because what does China say every time the word Taiwan comes up? Don't even mention it. It's no one's business but our own.

What we've been able to do is, I think, open the eyes of almost the entire world to the fact that, no, fundamentally, this is everyone's business. Because were there to be a crisis over Taiwan, the entire world would be affected by it. You've got 50% of commercial container traffic going through the Strait every day. You've got 70% of the microelectronics of the country.

Chips being fabricated in Taiwan. If that's taken off the off the grid, you've got an economic crisis that goes right around the world. As a result, more and more countries have weighed in with Beijing in the last two or three years saying, don't do anything. We have to preserve the status quo. You have to preserve peace and stability. And the demand signal coming from countries for China to act responsibly is enormous.

more across the board and clearer and louder than, again, at any time that I remember.