曼哈顿洛克菲勒中心这两座雕塑是哪两位神?你知道吗?皮尔斯布鲁斯南出演Percy Jackson的老师,为啥是半人半马的设定?
L: Percy Jackson and Olympians have five books. The sequel series is The Heroes of Olympus, it contains five books too. This series deals with conflicts between Greek and Roman demigods, While the Percy Jackson series only covers issues within Greek Gods. Q: 希腊诸神,罗马诸神,还有半神,这样混战起来,怕是要闹不明白了。 L:It is a little bit confusing because both systems have similar titles for gods but with different names. Zeus in Greece is similar to Jupiter in Rome. It takes some time to really know who they are in their own mythology systems. Q: 因為希臘神話故事裡有其實很多沈重的內容比如屠城,戰爭,亂倫,所以給小朋友們介紹這樣的故事也的依循他們的心理慢慢來。在西方世界,有種說法,三大經典,一個是聖經,一個是莎士比亞,一個是希臘神話故事。幾乎後來所有涉及人文的都會多少在這三部书里寻到踪迹。尤其這神話故事的影响可不僅僅是神話那麼簡單. L:It’s important for people in the western culture to understand the influence of Greek and Roman mythology. The Eagle of America is related to the Roman god Jupiter’s symbol, the eagle. Jupiter is the God of Sky and Thunder and the King of Gods. Q: 現在是不是更能理解鷹为什么会这么频繁地出现在西方国家的各种Icon里。The eagle is considered "king of the skies" and messenger of the highest gods. Eagle became a symbol of power and strength in Ancient Rome. L: In many of the US government buildings, Greek murals are on display, painted on the ceilings, walls, and even floors. Many architectures resemble the Greek temples, Statues from Greek mythology, such as the Titan Prometheus and Atlas in the Rockefeller Center. Western world adopts Greek concepts in its decoration to show respect to Athens where democracy originated. Q: LIndsay這裏舉例說明了希臘作為民主起源地,它的文化對西方世界的廣泛影響。其中她说到的洛克非勒中心有普罗米修斯和阿特拉斯的塑像。有机会到洛克菲勒一游,你要知道这两位大神背后的故事,这为金身的普罗米修斯给人类送下火种,而铜像阿特拉斯是扛起地球的大力神。他俩还是兄弟俩啊。
好了,今天呢,以Percy Jackson 为引,我们实际上讲了西方文化里非常重要的一部分希腊神话。它对西方文化的影响力,你在这里生活得越久你会体会得越深。包括时下的流行文化,上次我们在饥饿游戏的系列里讲到了作者创意正是来源于希腊神话里米诺斯的迷宫故事,时下大热的漫威英雄系列里的那位天神Thor 锤子哥,原型则出自挪威德国神话体系, 也是雷电天空之神。哈利波特里的centaur 半人半马角色Firenze,后来在Hogwarts 魔法学校做教授,救过Harry的命,为什么安排他做教授安排他救命,希腊故事里就有一位外表半人半马的神是很多著名希腊英雄的老师,并且为救他人付出自己的永生。你看看,要搞创作不说了,就是做一个有点素质的读者,这里头有多少可挖的背景。Percy Jackson系列里的诸神套上现代人的服饰粉墨登场,仔细看过去,他们也确实在今天的生活里若隐若现。 今天我们话题扯得散,周末了,大家开心。