cover of episode 野蛮的胜利之人物篇蝇王3


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一本好的小说必有立得起来的人物。这篇小说里有四个主要人物,分别对应着明决,智慧,野性, 与灵性。今天我们来看看他们身上的品格如何在逆境中被放大又会走向哪里。在人格发展上,我们如何平衡各种品质,才能在越来越丛林的社会立足,才能既守住人的底线又能在系统里生存,这本书都会给我们带来很多思考。这也是阅读优秀作品的意义所在。

The main character in this book is Ralph. He is the elected Chief, and he represents leadership. He is attractive, charismatic, responsible, and quite intelligent.Most important of all, he can execute what is right and is not afraid of confronting savagery. He can maintain the common sense of civilization even in the most dangerous situations. Ralph 是书里第一主角,他最大的特点就是清醒,有勇气承担责任,富有魅力,也能从善如流。故事的开始他被选为首领,布置了主要的工作,还明确了有火有烟是最重要的,因为要想得救必须发出信号,对小孩子们也懂得照顾。与他结成好友和联盟的是Piggy,piggy的性格又怎么样? Piggy is the intellectual with poor eyesight. He is the most physically weak of all the boys, despite his greater intelligence. Piggy represents the rational world. He wears a pair of spectacles, which is the only tool to ignite fire. Sadly, his glasses get broken, symbolizing the boys of the island throwing away the world of civilization and science. Piggy, 小猪,是Ralph的忠实盟友,也扮演了 advisor的角色,他是书里最具有智性理性的人,是他一再强调火的重要,强调秩序和协作。但是他为人固执拘泥,不能变通,且完全没有体能和行动能力,时时被群体嘲笑。如果在文明社会他可能会相对容易生存,但是在那样没有秩序保护的荒蛮之地,他最后被Roger抛下的巨石砸死,他的眼镜,书里唯一能点火的工具被砸碎,火,就是人类的文明发端啊。所以说,光光靠明事理是不足以在丛林里生存的。Ralph的长处就在于他不仅能吸取Piggy给予的正确想法,还可以推动实现,并且共情能力也高,是天生的领袖人物。相对于Ralph,另一个Leader型的人 是Jack,他又怎么样呢? In the beginning, Jack follows the rules and promises to cut trees to build a fire. But gradually he let his instincts run wild by hunting and neglects his responsibilities . As a result, one ship passed the island, which triggers conflict and then a power struggle between Ralph and Jack. Q:Ralph and Jack are the two older boys and stronger ones. 但他们是非常不一样的。 Stella:Jack represents evil and violence, the dark side of the human nature. His main interest is hunting, an endeavor for meat, and an overwhelming urge to master and kill other living creatures. He is responsible for the deaths of a few boys. At the end of story, he and his tribe even tried to hunt Ralph as the wild pig. Jack has no self control or concern for others. He is ruled by emotion and his animalistic instincts. Q:在小说里,Ralph开始拥有领导权,安排了几件对大家生活和得救都非常有意义的工作,但是Jack所代表的一群人,由于贪恋打猎有肉吃的快感,逐渐偏离秩序,崇尚武力迷信,大的欺负小的,最后让小岛完全成为Jack弱肉强食的领地。这也反映出了作者对人性的失望。 Stella:There is another important person in the book, Simon. He is very kind and gentle and always takes care of little boys. He is also a loner. He is the one who reveals that the beast the boys are afraid of is actually a dead pilot and his parachute from a air crash. He is the wise person of the novel, with the ability to predict the outcome of their situation Simon这个人物被描写得有疏离和神秘的气息。作者在他身上赋予了非常多的象征意义,作者给予PIggy一副眼镜这个科学工具让他能看见Truth,说起Simon则是很直接地说他有bright eyes,明亮的眼睛,直接看透人。岛上人心惶惶的怪物的真相是Simon发现的。也是他仿佛预言似的告诉Ralph,“You'll get back to where you came from.”。He represents intuitional artistic and religious vision。 书里他死去的时候安排了一场宏大描写的海葬,蝇王这个名字也是来源于他与想象中猪头的对话,这些都说明作者对他的厚爱。很多文学评论认为Simon身上有基督耶稣的影子。 那么这本书是很多学校的必读书,我们连做了三期,我个人在写稿上也做了很多掩饰阅读。本人也非常偏爱这本书。尤其推荐给家有青少年的去读,在人格发展上,我们如何平衡各种品质,才能在越来越丛林的社会立足,才能既守住人的底线又能在系统里生存,这本书都会给我们带来很多思考。这也是阅读优秀作品的意义所在。