她的作品销量仅次于圣经和莎士比亚。密室杀人,是她创造性开拓的悬疑小说题材。Lindsay 八岁时候由老师介绍开始阅读阿加莎的作品,读过十几部,有些要读好多遍。那我们今天先听听Lindsay来介绍作者,之后我们会陆续介绍她的作品。(东方快车谋杀案,尼罗河上的惨案,无人生还,这些你听说过吧)Agatha Christie is a famous murder (谋杀)mystery(神秘) author. Called the Queen of Mystery, each story is filled with plot (情节) twists(扭转)that I can never predict(预见). She is the mastermind that created Hercules Poirot (菠萝探长), a genius Belgian(比利时) detective(侦探). She also created Miss. Marple(马普尔小姐), an elderly spinster(独身女人)with a knack(天生的窍门) for reading people and figuring out crime. Agatha Christie has written many famous novels, such as Murder on the Orient Express(东方列车谋杀案), And Then There Were None(无人生还), and my personal favorite, Death on the Nile(尼罗河上的惨案). These books were made into movies as well. Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries leave the reader speechless with the way the murder was committed and how the murderer got away with it. You can try to guess who the murderer is, or what happens, but most often you are wrong. Each plot twist and new revelation (泄露)of the murders leave me breathless. I can never put one of her books down because of how badly I want to find out what happens! I love her writing style and how she puts in clues that are so casual(随意的) you might not even notice. 是的,克里斯蒂的小说绝对欲罢不能,不仅情节构思精巧,而且写的用词简单但能栩栩如生,不刻意在气氛上堆砌恐惧感而是靠对人性的洞察来塑造故事和人物。是难得一见兼具趣味性与文学性的作家,是英语爱好者提高阅读能力非常好的选择。来听听我们下次的作品推介吧。