Did you know that J.K. Rowling is not her legal name? The name was created for marketing purposes. 想知道JKROwling名字的来历?巫师魔法的世界在实际上有何真实的渊源?JK Rowling哈利波特之后又有哪些新作满足粉丝?
Hellow, Ximalaya, this is LIndsay from New YOrk. THis time, I’d like to share with you my most precious reading subject, J.K Rowling and the magical world she creates. 大家好,今天我们来谈英国女作家JK Rowling和她凭一己之力创造的魔法世界。以哈利波特为首的英雄们和JK Rowling天马行空的想象力俘获了世界读者的心。这才真配得上是奇想书世界。 J.K. Rowling is the most successful writer in the world! But did you know that J.K. Rowling is not her legal name? The name was created for marketing purposes. The J stands for Joanne,which is her first name, and a very typical female name. The editor was worried that a female writer’s fantasy book would not win boys’ attention, so they asked her to use her initials instead. Since she has no middle name, she used her grandmother’s first name Kathleen instead. That’s how the J.K. in the author’s name came in. Kathleen is not part of her legal name. Initial, 就是名字的首字母。有时候在国外签一些文件会要求你Initials,就是让你签名字的首字母缩写就可以了。刚才Lindsay讲到Harry Potter作者J.K.Rowling名字的来历,还是很感慨的,这么才华横溢的作者,最开始为了卖出作品赢得市场,还要玩点花招,把女性化的名字给藏起来。Now let’s see what she has created for readers? J.K. Rowling has created a whole world filled with amazing, beautiful creative things. This wizardly world is built around the hero Harry Potter, famous in every country. The wizard school Hogwarts seems just like any regular school but it is filled with totally different courses. It is just so fascinating! The Harry Potter series has 7 books. I have read them many many times, and watched the movies. But recently, there has been more to follow. Harry Potter有多受欢迎,我就不用多说了。这魔法师的世界虽然离日常生活那么遥远,J.K Rowling有本事让那个想象世界和今天生活里的青少年的感情发生沟通,好像那个魔法学校里发生的事情就仿佛是我们身边一个普通学校里的。多年前写完了这7本书,J.K。 Rowling系列又有新的动作。也是很受追捧的。来听听LIndsay的介绍 There is a new movie series Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find The,, which has had two movies already released, with J.K. Rowling as the screenwriter for both of them. I can’t wait to see the rest of the movie series, because The Fantastic Beasts movies are now one of my favorite parts of the Harry Potter Universe. Magic and magical beasts take a center stage in them, and all the special effects and beasts are so beautiful! 这部电影是JKrowling写的剧本,以神奇动物们为卖点,形象又萌又梦幻,虽然哈利波特本人不在电影里出现了,但是这个魔法世界遵循和构建的法则还是哈利波特世界的。每当影院里响起哈利波特的主题音乐,Fans都齐齐鼓掌,这场面也只有老牌的星战系列电影可以比拟。 There is also a Broadway play called The Cursed Child. I haven’t seen it, but I’ve heard that the tickets are really hard to get. It is a live performance, and so you can only sell up to the theater occupancy. But there are so many fans that it’s nearly impossible to get tickets. I did hear that the script for the play was terrible, but the special effects and acting for the play was amazing. 至于百老汇舞台剧哈利波特被诅咒的孩子,那真是一票难求,故事是J.K.Rowling和其它人一起合写的,舞台剧的剧本不是她的。听说台词不是太好,但是特效极佳,FANS基础太强大,也是热剧。Lindsay, why do you love the wizardly world that J.K rowling created so much? It’s creative and magical, full of bravery and all sorts of imaginative things that seem to take me on an adventure I could only dream of. I went to see a Harry Potter exhibit a few weeks before, which I hoped could help expand my understanding and love for the Wizarding World. Lindsay这里说到的这个展览是一个以哈利波特的魔法世界为切入点,叙述真实历史上的魔法传奇。名字就叫做Harry Potter,a history of magic. 大英图书馆和英国巫师博物馆展现了很多古籍古物来佐证人类历史的发展变迁里是多么热爱魔法巫师和神奇动物们。 I learned that the world is rooted deeply in mythology and all sorts of old religious beliefs. The legends surrounding so many magical myths were incorporated into the Harry Potter world. For example, potions is a class subject Harry takes in the novesl. Even this simple subject is surrounded by many mysteries, like old tales of witchcraft where somebody could brew you a mixture that would cure you of sickness, or certain ingredients rumoured to bring you fortune or fame. From all of these legends, old folklore, and myths, the Wizarding World blends into it seamlessly, until it is hard to tell what is fantasy and what is reality.