S:Howard and Bernadette,you tried to comfort me when I was ill,and I treated you terribly.I’m sorry.H:Wow.I’m impressed.S:No,no,no,wait.I’m not done.Allow me to underscore my sentiment with a haunting rendition of Brenda Lee’s “I’m sorry”played on my pan flute.允许我用排箫来吹一曲布兰达李的对不起,通过令人难忘的表演来强调我的真心H:Apology accepted.B:Forgiven,forgiven.TIPS:1.I’m impressed我很感动,印象很深刻e.gI’m impressed by your performance.Your performance impressed me deeply.1. Apology accepted接受你的道歉e.gI accept your apology.I owe you an apology for being rude to you .2. forgiven原谅你咯I’m truly sorry for what I’ve said to you earlier and I hope you can forgive me.【英语口语视频播客课程找MAGGIE老师】转发此视频到社交网络(微博或者微信)可私信索取免费精选BBC英语学习音频视频与资料微博:性感英语社群Maggie微信:331515810原英国培生集团环球雅思资深听口讲师 跟着好玩的人一起说口语!