In this second part of our team talk series on live load testing with Goose, we focus on demonstrating load testing using a Gaggle. A Gaggle is a distributed load test) using running Goose from one or more servers. Here, we’re testing with 20,000 users using ten Workers and a Manager process on services spun up using Terraform.
CEO Jeremy Andrews, the creator of Goose; Fabian Franz, VP of Software Engineering; CTO Narayan Newton, and Managing Director Michael Meyers demonstrate running a Goose Gaggle and discuss how variations on these load test change testing results, and what you can expect from a Gaggle. Our goal is to prove to you that Goose is both the most scalable load testing framework currently available, and the easiest to scale.
Narayan is a key member of the infrastructure team, responsible for ensuring the site stays up under load or attack. Load testing is a critical part of ensuring, or any website’s continued success.
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