The three main stages are: 1) Judging business opportunities, where pre-sales and sales collaborate to assess potential deals and be cautious of overly perfect client demands. 2) Requirement analysis, where the feasibility of client needs is evaluated, including whether third-party collaboration is needed. 3) Client solution interaction, involving technical Q&A and negotiation, often leading to bidding or direct contracts.
Understanding personal and company capabilities helps pre-sales professionals identify when to involve external partners or internal teams like product managers and technical staff. This ensures that solutions are feasible and prevents overcommitment, which can lead to project failures or inefficiencies.
Pre-sales professionals act as a bridge between sales and technical teams by translating client needs into actionable technical requirements. They ensure that the technical team understands the client's expectations and that the sales team is informed about the feasibility and constraints of the proposed solutions.
In cases where client demands are unclear or non-existent, Xiaomi recommends on-site observation and interaction with the client's operational staff to identify pain points and potential areas for improvement. This hands-on approach helps in crafting tailored solutions that address real needs, even if the client cannot articulate them.
Building a personal knowledge base helps pre-sales professionals efficiently manage and retrieve information about client needs, industry trends, competitor strategies, and past project experiences. This repository enhances the quality of solutions offered and improves communication with clients and internal teams, leading to higher success rates in deals.
Xiaomi describes the pre-sales role as having a 'pessimistic' aspect because pre-sales professionals often focus on identifying potential risks and challenges in projects. This cautious approach helps in setting realistic expectations and preparing contingency plans, ensuring that the sales team does not overpromise and that projects are more likely to succeed.
02:18 售前工作的三大阶段
08:34 项目故事-1 商超会员中台建设
16:18 项目故事-2 B2B精准获客
27:48 项目故事-3 MCN机构AIGC营销提效
36:19 项目故事-4 养老中心的数字化场景
44:00 项目故事-5 银行对公营销获客
50:14 小米对售前岗位的看法
55:20 售前自我成长的锦囊
局部有语 | 对话客户体验专家 龙国富:离开业务目标谈客户体验提升,就是自我感动!)
销售实践 | 从月入千元到年薪百万:大咖级Sales Jonathan的进阶之路)
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