People dislike being sold to due to a lack of trust, as salespeople are often perceived as profit-driven rather than genuinely concerned about customer needs. High-pressure sales tactics, such as creating urgency or offering limited-time discounts, also cause discomfort. Additionally, salespeople often fail to address individual customer needs, and there is a deep-rooted negative stereotype of salespeople in society. Information asymmetry between the customer and the salesperson further exacerbates the issue.
The 'doctor' model focuses on diagnosing the customer's problem and providing tailored solutions, which is time-consuming and costly but builds trust and long-term relationships. The 'salesperson' model, on the other hand, is faster and more scalable, focusing on promoting the product's features and benefits. However, it often lacks personalization and can lead to customer resistance due to its pushy nature.
The 'need-root-solution-damage' framework is a structured approach to problem-solving. 'Need' identifies whether there is a significant problem requiring action. 'Root' explores the underlying cause of the problem. 'Solution' proposes a remedy, and 'Damage' evaluates the pros and cons of the solution. In marketing, this framework helps in understanding customer pain points, identifying root causes, offering tailored solutions, and assessing the feasibility and impact of those solutions.
Companies often use the salesperson model because it is quicker and easier to implement, especially when there is limited time or resources to deeply understand customer needs. Additionally, sales teams face KPI pressures, forcing them to prioritize quick sales over personalized solutions. Many organizations also lack a strong focus on customer experience, leading to a preference for the more straightforward salesperson approach.
The 'doctor' model's advantages include building trust through personalized solutions and fostering long-term customer relationships. However, it is time-consuming, costly, and requires significant effort to diagnose and address customer needs. It also risks creating a hierarchical 'doctor-patient' relationship, where the customer may feel pressured or uncomfortable.
The choice depends on the clarity of the customer's needs and the alignment between the product and those needs. If the customer's needs are clear and the product matches well, the salesperson model is effective. If the customer's needs are unclear or the product requires customization, the doctor model is more suitable. In some cases, a hybrid approach combining both models may be necessary, especially in complex industries like AI or enterprise software.
🩺医生 vs 💊推销员,该为产品选择哪种营销方式呢?医生模式就一定好吗?推销员就一定是不好的营销方式吗?
当前来看,人们普遍不喜欢被推销甚至是不喜欢推销员了!(可怜.jpg)对比之下,推销员的营销体验似乎是没有之前我们提前到海棉说 | 是不是所有的B端客户都需要解决方案?)那种类似寻医问诊的医生的营销体验好。
面对这个问题,本期海棉从彼此被推销的痛楚聊到奇葩说里的辩论方法,进而讨论了不同类型的ToB业务来看,是该选择医生模式还是推销员模式?以及对比了医生模式与推销员模式的各自优劣区分。又是一期有趣有料的内容enjoy it
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35:35 为什么大家还是会喜欢用或者说下意识得就会去用推销员的营销方式呢?
39:19 🩺医生 VS 💊推销员的优势与劣势
48:32 不同类型的tob业务,该如何选择是医生模式还是推销员模式呢?
局部有语 | 对话客户体验专家 龙国富:离开业务目标谈客户体验提升,就是自我感动!)
销售实践 | 从月入千元到年薪百万:大咖级Sales Jonathan的进阶之路)
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