cover of episode 歪打正着-78-在巴黎装窗帘


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洪晃: 在巴黎装窗帘的经历,让我深刻体会到东西方文化差异,以及效率与价值观之间的碰撞。法国的消费理念与中国大相径庭,他们更注重产品本身的品质和美感,而非价格。销售过程注重讲故事,效率极低,但能学到很多东西。定制窗帘的过程漫长而曲折,从选料到安装历经一个月,期间经历了与窗帘师傅沟通不畅、等待安装等诸多波折,但最终安装完成并得到额外熨烫服务,让我对他们的服务理念有了新的认识。整个过程虽然效率低下,但最终服务到位,让我意识到效率并非一切,要考虑效率背后的得失。 在短视频时代,信息茧房容易让人视野狭窄,而这次经历让我有机会从不同角度看待事情,避免成为井底之蛙。 在与法国人的交流中,我发现他们强大的自尊心,以及对情绪价值的重视。作为客户,不仅要付钱,还要给予他们情绪价值,这与中国甲方思维截然不同。 这次经历让我明白,要从多个角度看待问题,才能避免片面,并从中学习和成长。 罗叔: 节日的意义在于传播正能量,让人们感到快乐。我计划在2025年带着家人外出居住一段时间,并重新装修房屋。 在与洪晃的对话中,我分享了在巴黎预约地点的经验,通过万能的某宝可以轻松解决预约难的问题,体现了不同文化背景下解决问题的不同方式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the speaker believe that more holidays are better?

The speaker believes that more holidays are better because they are important for spreading positive energy and making people feel happy.

What cultural differences between China and France are highlighted in the podcast?

The podcast highlights differences in shopping and consumer behavior, such as the French emphasis on storytelling and brand history rather than discounts, and the contrast in efficiency between Chinese and French service industries.

What challenges did the speaker face while installing curtains in Paris?

The speaker faced inefficiency and delays, including spending three hours selecting fabric, waiting weeks for a measurer who initially didn’t show up, and enduring a lengthy installation process. However, the experience ended with a surprising and thoughtful touch when a salesperson arrived to steam the curtains.

How does the speaker describe the French approach to shopping and consumerism?

The speaker describes the French approach as focused on storytelling and quality rather than discounts or consumerism. Salespeople emphasize the history and craftsmanship of products, encouraging buyers to choose based on what they genuinely like rather than price.

What lesson did the speaker learn from the curtain installation experience in Paris?

The speaker learned that efficiency isn’t everything and that the French approach, while slow, offers a deeper appreciation for craftsmanship and attention to detail. It also highlighted the importance of patience and viewing experiences from multiple perspectives.

What is the speaker’s opinion on the impact of short-form content in the digital age?

The speaker believes that short-form content, like短视频, often provides only fragmented information, leading to incomplete understanding and increasing polarization. They advocate for longer, more comprehensive discussions to gain a fuller perspective.

What surprising detail emerged at the end of the curtain installation process?

At the end of the installation, a salesperson arrived with a steamer to ensure the curtains were perfectly pressed, adding a thoughtful and unexpected touch to the service.

How does the speaker compare the work ethic in China and France?

The speaker contrasts the high efficiency and fast-paced work ethic in China with the slower, more patient approach in France, where workers prioritize quality and craftsmanship over speed.

  • 东西方文化差异巨大,节日庆祝方式不同
  • 西方生活节奏与中国差异显著
  • 东西方价值观存在差异,例如对效率和消费主义的理解

Shownotes Transcript



/Show Note 

00:54 节日越多越好

09:31 TED访谈背后中西方的交流

13:37 从装修购物看法国价值观和中国的不同

16:07 法国人从地砖开始的品牌概念

21:24 用三个小时听窗帘的故事

24:31 一波三折的上门测量

29:07 终于上门安窗帘啦

31:26 结束时刻有惊喜

33:03 不仅收你的钱,还需要你提供情绪价值 

34:23 纵观全局,效率不是全部,其实有得有失

37:13 短视频时代,尤其需要更多的角度,避免被动的成为井底之蛙

41:07 反对只言片语,晃然大悟想给你们更长时间的访谈


主播 | 洪晃、燃烧吧罗叔

制作 | 燃烧吧罗叔 

文案 | 燃烧吧罗叔

后期 | FirePod莎莎

视觉 | 王喆

技术 | 劲进

/BGM List






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