cover of episode 底层逻辑变动,现在的设计师需要什么样的整体感?对话HookBook刘雯(下)


logo of podcast 「设计,几何?」


AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
@纪晓亮 : 我认为不同行业有不同的周期性规律,例如猪周期、房地产周期和社会周期。这些周期与生产或生命周期有关。真正的创新不是简单的模仿,而是从具象到抽象,再从抽象到具象的创造性过程。特斯拉的logo设计成功,是因为它融合了竞争环境、美学依据、社会环境和未来推断等抽象要素。设计师需要具备将具象事物抽象化、在抽象层寻找相似物以及将抽象概念具象化的能力。目前中国设计教育储备了大量能够将抽象概念具象化的设计师,但缺乏能够将具象事物抽象化和在抽象层寻找相似物的设计师。未来设计师的机会在于培养自身将具象事物抽象化和在抽象层寻找相似物的能力,或者与具备此能力的设计师合作。设计师需要考虑客户的实际问题,而不仅仅是表面的设计需求;需要考虑市场营销、生产成本等因素,而不仅仅是设计本身;应该具备全面的视野,了解设计之外的其他环节。在某个领域深入钻研,就能成为专家。时间有限,需要选择合适的领域进行投资,才能在有限的时间内取得最大成就。任何时间进场都有机会,关键在于你有什么能力,以及你能做什么。即使在行业不景气的时候,只要具备相应的优势,仍然有机会生存和发展。设计是一种思维方式,适用于任何行业;设计思维是一种解决问题的思维方式,应用广泛;设计并非一个独立行业,而是一种贯穿于各个行业的思维方式。AI对设计的冲击是时代变革,需要适应和利用;AI时代的设计师需要思考如何利用AI工具提升效率,而非仅仅关注AI工具本身;AI时代将催生新的工作岗位和工作流程,设计师需要适应新的工作模式;设计师需要学习如何利用AI工具优化工作流程,提升效率。企业领导人需要具备设计思维,才能更好地与设计师沟通和合作。设计思维的核心是优化工作流程,提升效率;企业领导人需要具备设计思维,这不仅包括视觉设计,还包括工作流程、组织结构等方面的设计;视觉设计只是设计的一部分,其他方面的设计同样重要。现在每个人都拥有AI助手,关键在于如何有效利用。设计师不应该把自己局限在“设计行业”,而应该专注于所服务的行业。设计师应该专注于所服务的行业,而不是仅仅局限于“设计行业”。设计师应该专注于自身擅长的事情,而不是盲目跟风。专注于一个行业级的爱好,比拥有多个入门级的爱好更有价值。选择行业级的爱好,专注于做好它,等待行业上升期。选择一个行业级的爱好,专注做好它,等待行业上升期,就能获得成功。专注于一个行业,等待行业上升期,就能获得成功。人们更关注结果,而忽略了通往结果的过程和能力。职业和岗位是结果,而能力才是通往结果的关键。要提升自身能力,才能获得更好的结果。要抽象化思考职业背后的能力,才能找到更多的机会。认真练习才能提升技能,技术进步源于人们的懒惰。 @刘雯 : 中国的包装设计处于全球领先地位,中国电商的繁荣带动了咖啡包装设计的全球领先地位。中国包装设计的全球领先地位,反映了中国制造业的强大实力。中国制造业需要提升视野,才能更好地发展。厂二代的国际视野和现代管理经验,将推动中国工厂的升级和发展。厂二代的崛起为设计师提供了新的机会。设计师可以帮助中国工厂进行品牌升级和转型。设计师可以帮助中国工厂进行品牌升级和转型,拓展海外市场。设计师可以帮助中国工厂进行品牌升级和转型,拓展海外市场。设计师可以帮助中国工厂拓展新的业务领域。不同行业之间存在技术共通性,设计师可以跨行业应用技术。设计师应该具备跨行业思维,才能发现更多机会。设计师应该关注市场规模和实际需求,而非仅仅关注自身领域。技术创新能力是成功的关键。设计师需要关注科技发展,提升自身思维逻辑。好的3D设计师不会被AI取代,因为他们具备底层架构和材质应用能力。设计师应该提升思维能力,而非仅仅关注技术。设计师需要分析自身特长,才能在新的时代立于不败之地。设计师的竞争对手并非其他设计师,而是那些能够有效利用AI的人。在AI时代,人不会被淘汰,但不会使用AI的人会被淘汰。AI时代,每个人都需要像企业家一样思考和工作。AI时代,超级个体更容易实现。使用AI工具的成本应该与它能解决的问题和节省的成本进行比较。熟能生巧,认真练习才能提升技能。开咖啡店需要考虑成本和收益,并非所有设计师都适合开店。 supporting_evidences 纪晓亮: '真正的创新不是简单的模仿,而是从具象到抽象,再从抽象到具象的创造性过程...' 纪晓亮: '特斯拉的logo设计成功,是因为它融合了竞争环境、美学依据、社会环境和未来推断等抽象要素...' 刘雯: '中国的包装设计处于全球领先地位,中国电商的繁荣带动了咖啡包装设计的全球领先地位...' 刘雯: '厂二代的国际视野和现代管理经验,将推动中国工厂的升级和发展...'

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the key to successful logo design according to the discussion on Tesla's logo?

Successful logo design involves moving from the concrete to the abstract, understanding the competitive environment, aesthetic principles, and societal context, and then translating these abstract elements back into a concrete design. This process ensures innovation rather than mere imitation.

Why is it important for designers to develop the first two steps of the design process?

Developing the first two steps—abstracting from concrete elements and having a rich library of abstract samples—is crucial because it allows designers to innovate and find similar abstract concepts that can be translated into unique designs. Without these steps, designers risk producing derivative work.

How does the speaker view the role of AI in the future of design?

The speaker believes AI will be integral to the future of design, not just as a tool for generating visuals but as an assistant for administrative tasks, legal issues, and daily content frameworks. AI's ability to provide comprehensive frameworks quickly makes it a valuable resource for designers.

What is the significance of having an industry-level hobby according to the speaker?

An industry-level hobby allows individuals to immerse themselves deeply in a field, gaining expertise and recognition. This depth of knowledge and experience positions them as go-to experts when the industry experiences growth, leading to opportunities for collaboration and success.

Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of understanding the broader industry rather than just focusing on design?

Understanding the broader industry is essential because design is not an isolated field but a part of various industries. By comprehending the industry's dynamics, designers can better address real-world problems and create more impactful solutions, moving beyond just the visual aspects of design.

What challenges do designers face when opening a coffee shop or bookstore?

Designers face significant challenges when opening a coffee shop or bookstore, including financial viability, operational management, and the need for a unique value proposition. The speaker highlights that success in such ventures requires more than just design skills; it demands a comprehensive understanding of the business and industry.

How does the speaker suggest designers approach problem-solving in their work?

The speaker suggests that designers should adopt a problem-solving mindset, focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of issues rather than just the surface-level design challenges. This approach involves understanding the broader context and collaborating with others to find effective solutions.

What is the speaker's perspective on the future of factory brands in China?

The speaker believes that China is entering a new era of factory brands, driven by the next generation of factory owners who bring international perspectives and modern management practices. These 'factory second-generation' individuals are transforming traditional factories into innovative, design-conscious brands.

Why does the speaker advocate for designers to open physical stores?

Opening physical stores allows designers to engage directly with customers, gain real-world insights, and diversify their revenue streams. It also provides a platform to showcase their products and services in a tangible way, enhancing brand visibility and customer interaction.

What is the speaker's advice for designers looking to stay relevant in the age of AI?

The speaker advises designers to focus on developing their unique problem-solving abilities and leveraging AI as a tool to enhance their workflow. By understanding how to integrate AI into their processes, designers can remain competitive and innovative in a rapidly evolving industry.

This chapter explores the cyclical nature of various industries, using the example of pig and real estate cycles. It then introduces a new perspective on design as a process of abstraction and re-imagination, moving from concrete to abstract and back again. The Tesla logo is used as a case study, illustrating how successful design stems from understanding underlying abstract elements.
  • Economic cycles follow predictable patterns based on production timelines.
  • Design is a process of abstraction and re-imagination, moving from concrete to abstract and back again.
  • Successful design requires understanding underlying abstract elements like competitive environment, aesthetics, and societal context.

Shownotes Transcript




02:03 特斯拉LOGO设计背后的抽象要素与社会环境的推断

04:38 设计师的竞争力:长出前两笔的能力与合作能力

09:16 设计思维与智能时代的变革:探索AI在各行各业中的潜力

13:54 设计思维力:企业领导人需要具备的要素及其重要性

18:33 找到一个行业级爱好:在上升期抓住机遇,迎接挑战!

23:12 中国包装设计全球第一,厂二代的视野拓展包装行业!

27:49 新时代的思维逻辑:AI与人类的相互关系

32:27 刻意练习与技术进步:从失业到成为专家的可能性

37:08 独特商品与服务:打造个性化商店的魅力!

41:46 设计师的线下店:挑战与成长的机会

46:25 培养孩子解决问题的能力:妈妈的智慧与应对挑战的能力

51:04 你的责任,我的责任,共同承担责任——工厂责任问题的解决方案
