The speaker decided to dye their hair orange after seeing AI-generated images of themselves with red hair, which they found surprisingly appealing. They wanted to try a lighter hair color after having dark hair for 30 years.
The speaker, who is afraid of heights, tried rock climbing for the first time on a beginner’s route that was about 10 meters high. Despite initial fear and discomfort, they managed to complete the route, though they found it physically exhausting and challenging.
The speaker felt that trying new things like dyeing their hair and rock climbing only temporarily distracted them from their deeper issues, such as feelings of loneliness and a lack of deeper meaning in their life. These activities didn’t address the root causes of their emotional struggles.
The speaker learned that while exposing themselves to fears like heights or social judgment can be empowering, these fears weren’t the core issues they needed to address. They realized that their deeper struggles, such as loneliness and lack of purpose, required more introspection and honesty rather than just external challenges.
The movie 'Look Back' resonated with the speaker because it depicted the journey of two characters who shared a deep connection through their creative work. It highlighted the importance of having a 'shareable soul'—someone with whom one can share vulnerabilities and experiences, which the speaker feels they currently lack.
The speaker found comfort in the idea that loneliness doesn’t have to erode one’s inner self. The article emphasized that even without romantic relationships, one can still cherish daily life and create a sense of belonging. This perspective helped the speaker feel more at peace with their own feelings of loneliness.
🙀 试试危机
00:49 十月也有努力地在尝试新鲜事之染一头橘发
04:30 恐高的我居然勇敢攀岩(十米新手版本)
08:58 再好玩的事情也没能让我逃离中年危机,因为 what you resist persists
13:43 即使还带着犹豫,让自己的话自然地流淌出来
16:23 「出来る」:任何形式的「出来」都是一种能力
18:49 《蓦然回首》:从封闭的心里走出来
21:07 藤野和京本:可分享的心灵的抵达
24:13 孤独不会侵蚀我的内心
📖 文章
《棋类、博弈和人工智能》 by 李喆 from 《格》) 逃离,如果是被迫的,或许创造也是。每一次逃离都让我们更加清楚自己不是什么,每一次创造也让我们更加清楚自己可以是什么。当原有的秩序崩坏,人们逃到最后的堡垒中,发现许多界限都隐隐消失,一切价值都期待重估。黑暗之中,不知名的花草正破石而出。
《世界とはぐれて #3》) by 銀の森(ぎんのもり) 恋してなくても毎日を愛おしむことはできるんだって、孤独が心をむしばむことはない。
✍️ 文字
崔庆龙关于「心理源自于可分享的心灵」的阐释一)和二) 我们都知道一句话说出去以后,另一个人能够有所感受,并且给我们回应的那种感觉。它会让我们想要分享更多,想要探索对方的经验世界,也想将对方邀请在自己的世界里,这两个世界在相互重叠的那一刻将创造出一个全然不同的新世界,那便是第三主体,它是我们心灵可以访问的新区域,类似于你遇见不同的人,就会有不同的自我感,这份新的自我感又会为你新的遇见贡献影响。
🎬 影视
🎧 播客
《No.56 做一个废物也是没那么容易的》) by 得意忘形
《67. 和张春一起的心声特辑:堂堂正正地做一个「身弱之人」》) by 展开讲讲
FINAL ONE - haruka nakamura
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