We are extremely excited to have on our first FOSS & Crafts guest: Stefano Zacchiroli)! (Also known on some corners of the FOSS world as just "zack".) Stefano has a long history of FOSS advocacy, most famously for his role in Debian) where he served three well-regarded terms as Debian Project Leader. These days zack works on Software Heritage), an archival institution for software source code. We talk about how Software Heritage plays a role in common with other GLAM institutions) (which stands for "Galleries, Libraries Archives and Museums").
. o O (Could we possibly have a more appropriate FOSS & Crafts first guest episode?)
- Information on Software Heritage for developers)
- Inria)
- Debian)
- Guix)
- Software Heritage and GNU Guix join forces to enable long term reproducibility)