Recorded September 8, 2023 Instead of the news, we focus on a topic we’ve noticed a lot recently: that the AVIXA CTS is being pushed as an entry-level certification. It really isn’t, nor should it be, but if it’s getting that reputation, it devalues the certification for everyone. Next, student workers. They’re a fantastic resource and we all have dozens of them running around and helping out, right? Wait, some of you don’t have students in your department? You need to fix that, tout suite! It’s great real world IT experience for them and great workforce augmentation for us! Finally, Jamie managed to finagle a new job without leaving his chair via a re-org. We all share our top tips and tricks that someone new to management needs to know. Reddit posts that bother us:
Alternate show titles:
Big D and Little d
I’ve got my little d
If you’re a professional, keep up with your sh*t
Sometimes, they are the presents
Mixed bag of nuts
If you don’t trust them, then why did you hire them?
Fake IT
Students are People
Put up or Shut up Time
I don’t have time to dig my own grave
I don’t need seven goalies
Force it from below
He got his little d at InfoComm