cover of episode Deng Xiaoping, Democracy Wall, and the Dialetics of China — with Orville Schell

Deng Xiaoping, Democracy Wall, and the Dialetics of China — with Orville Schell

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Peking Hotel with Liu He

Orville Schell
Orville Schell讲述了他作为记者见证邓小平1979年访美的经历,以及这次访问对中美关系正常化和改善两国人民相互认知的积极作用。他描述了访问期间美国各界人士的热情和友好,以及中美电视台合作进行现场直播的开创性意义。他还对比了邓小平与习近平在对美态度上的差异,认为邓小平更开放务实,而习近平更将美国视为敌人。Schell还谈到了邓小平的个人特质,认为他自信、自主,并非一个缺乏安全感的人。关于天安门事件,Schell认为邓小平对此感到深深的受伤和羞辱,这可能是他下令屠杀的原因之一。他分析了邓小平与美国官员会面时的态度,以及美国政府在事件后试图维护中美关系的努力。Schell认为,尽管邓小平下令屠杀,但他仍然是一个复杂而矛盾的人物。 Leo引导访谈,并与Orville Schell讨论了20世纪80年代中国改革开放的历程,以及这一时期所展现出的希望、乐观和活力。他回顾了“民主墙”运动、赵紫阳的改革尝试以及知识分子和媒体的活跃。Leo还提到了80年代中国经济的转型,以及农村地区私营经济的兴起。他与Schell探讨了“灵活的专制主义”的概念,以及中国社会在改革开放过程中所面临的挑战和矛盾。Leo还谈到了胡耀邦的改革以及他的去世对天安门事件的影响。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Orville Schell on his experience in China in the 1980s, a magical decade in recent history that brought hope, optimism, dynamism and endless possibilities in China, and ended with Tiananmen Massacre.

The Peking Hotel podcast and newsletter are a bilingual online publication that takes you down memory lane of recent history in China, and narrates China’s reality through the personal tales of China experts. We present subjective, opinionated, and coloured views of veterans in the field based on their first-hand experience and direct observations. The project grew out of Leo’s research at Hoover Institution where he collects long oral history of China experts living in America. The stories here are a reminder of what China used to be and what it is capable of becoming. 

This episode is co-produced with China Books Review), a new digital magazine about everything China and bookish. A special shoutout to the editor, Alec, for supporting the Peking Hotel and to Taili Ni for sound-editing.

Since this is only my first episode, any feedback from our audience (you!) is warmly appreciated. We also have Substacks in English) and Chinese). I hope to publish more conversations like this one, so stay tuned!

I am recruiting a producer and editor to help me run this publication. Email [email protected] if you are interested. Get full access to Peking Hotel at