cover of episode 【作家說|EP42】愛情是什麼?古代文豪已經親自為我們演練過了——宋怡慧談《愛情時光機》


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Daily Voice 每日鏡好聽

宋怡慧:本节目以古代文豪的婚恋故事为切入点,探讨爱情的本质,并与现代人的爱情观进行对话。节目选择具有代表性的八位古代文豪,例如李清照、陆游、李商隐、元稹等,讲述他们的爱情故事,并分析他们在不同生命情境下的爱情选择。宋怡慧认为,爱情并非非黑即白,每个人都有自己的难处和不得不做的选择,重要的是在每个当下保持真诚。 通过对古代文豪爱情故事的解读,宋怡慧希望传递给现代人一些人生智慧,帮助他们在爱情的道路上走得更明白、更勇敢。她认为,了解古代文豪的人生经历,能使他们的作品更有温度、更有人情味,并能给予现代人力量,让人们感受到在人生的种种挣扎中并不孤单。 宋怡慧也强调,学习古典文学并非为了崇拜完美的偶像,而是要从古人的真实人性中看到自己,汲取养分,找到对自己生命有意义的启发。她不鼓励人们过度美化或崇拜古人,而是要带着现代的眼光从古典中汲取智慧,活在当下。 此外,宋怡慧还谈到了她选择Podcast形式的原因,她认为声音的传播方式更具有亲密感和感染力,能够与听众建立更直接、更亲近的生命连结,让听众在快节奏的时代中也能沉浸在动人的故事中。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Song Yihui create the podcast 'Love Time Machine'?

Song Yihui created 'Love Time Machine' to bridge the gap between ancient literary figures' love stories and modern relationships. She aimed to use relatable, life-oriented approaches to interpret classical literature, helping contemporary audiences understand timeless themes of love through the experiences of ancient scholars like Li Qingzhao, Lu You, and Yuan Zhen.

What is the main message Song Yihui wants to convey through 'Love Time Machine'?

Song Yihui emphasizes that love is not black and white; everyone faces unique challenges and 'must-make' choices in relationships. The key is to remain sincere in every moment, a lesson she hopes modern audiences can learn from the nuanced love stories of ancient literary figures.

How does Song Yihui connect classical literature to modern life?

Song Yihui connects classical literature to modern life by highlighting its relevance to contemporary issues, such as love and personal struggles. She uses examples like Yuan Zhen's 'Yin Yin Zhuan' to explore themes of idealism versus reality, showing how ancient texts can offer wisdom for today's emotional dilemmas.

What role does reading play in Song Yihui's life?

Reading is an integral part of Song Yihui's life, with her consuming 200 to 300 books annually. She views reading as essential for personal growth and a way to deepen her understanding of classical literature, which she uses to enrich her teaching and writing.

Why does Song Yihui believe classical literature is still relevant today?

Song Yihui believes classical literature remains relevant because it addresses universal themes like love, struggle, and human nature. She argues that the stories of ancient scholars, such as Li Qingzhao and Su Dongpo, offer timeless insights that can help modern readers navigate their own emotional and relational challenges.

What unique perspective does Song Yihui bring to teaching classical literature?

Song Yihui brings a life-oriented approach to teaching classical literature, encouraging students to see ancient texts as sources of personal growth rather than just academic knowledge. She uses relatable examples and encourages students to reflect on how the experiences of historical figures mirror their own lives.

How does Song Yihui use podcasting to share classical literature?

Song Yihui uses podcasting to create an intimate and engaging way to share classical literature. She believes the medium's conversational tone and accessibility allow listeners to connect deeply with the stories, making ancient wisdom more relatable and impactful in today's fast-paced world.

What does Song Yihui think about the portrayal of ancient literary figures?

Song Yihui advises against idealizing ancient literary figures, emphasizing that they were human with flaws and struggles. She believes understanding their imperfections makes their works more relatable and inspiring, offering valuable lessons for modern readers.

Why does Song Yihui appreciate modern life despite her love for classical literature?

Despite her deep appreciation for classical literature, Song Yihui values modern life for the freedoms it offers, especially for women. She contrasts the limited autonomy of women in ancient times, like her mother's struggle for education, with the opportunities she enjoys today, such as writing, teaching, and podcasting.

What is the significance of the eight ancient literary figures chosen for 'Love Time Machine'?

The eight ancient literary figures in 'Love Time Machine' were chosen for their diverse and meaningful love stories, which resonate with modern audiences. Figures like Lu You, Li Qingzhao, and Yuan Zhen provide varied perspectives on love, offering lessons on resilience, sincerity, and navigating complex emotions.

  • 阅读是作者生命中不可或缺的一部分
  • 古典文学的学习和训练教会作者用更宽广的视野看待世界
  • 作者喜欢用生活化的方式来和孩子们解读古典文学

Shownotes Transcript










02:14  古典文學教會了我,用更寬廣的視野看待世界   

04:36  不分古今中外,愛情是跨越時空的永恆主題   

08:23  有一天,我忽然發覺,我懂元稹了   

10:37  古代文學家也會軟弱,也會做出一些後悔莫及的蠢事   







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