I’m back from my trip to New Zealand and getting back into the swing of things. Sorry for being offline for so long. When we left the US things were relatively normal, and in New Zealand it seemed to be business as usual. Although we watched the stock market melt down on television, out on the streets of New Zealand life was normal. And on our ship (that’s right we were on a cruise) we were fat, happy and almost oblivious to the rest of the world.
Then all hell broke loose. Our cruise was suddenly cancelled and for a few days we didn’t know how we were going to get home. When we did finally get back (I’ll spare you the details) we landed in a world different from the one we left. Im still trying to get my head around it.
I’m sure you’ve had enough Coronavirus talk to fill the rest of the year, so let’s put that aside and talk street photography.
Today our guest is Shlomi Amiga. He’s a commercial photographer from Toronto Canada and very active street photographer who has just formed a new collective for Canadian street photographers. Shlomi was also the featured photographer of the month in our September 2019 issue, so be sure to check out him and his work after you finish listening to this.
If you’ve ever thought of forming a collective with like-minded photographers this is a good time to do it. If you’re like everyone else you’re stuck at home for the foreseeable future. Shlomi put his group together pretty quickly by starting an Instagram account. So have a listen to my conversation with Shlomi Amiga where he tells us how he made it happen.
Shlomi has very graciously offered to perform a few portfolio evaluations for free. If you’re interested you can contact him directly by email at [email protected]) or DM him on Instagram at @callmeshlomi.