cover of episode 《装置》:假如我“咻”地一下瞬移了,我还是我吗?


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今天为大家介绍来自 J.O.Morgan 的科幻小说《装置》。



00:23 假如你拥有超能力

02:26 一个诗人写了一部科幻小说

05:29 瞬移「装置」编年史:从传送一支塑料勺子到登上月球

15:31 一个新科技到来,我们的生活会有哪些变化

19:31 我们对赖以生存的世界了解多少?

24:24 从忒修斯之船到传送机思想实验,如何确定我是我?


The Time to Run (Original Piano) - Dexter Britain

Silence is an Answer - 昨夜派对

最后附上 J.O. Morgan 诗作《Assurances》:

Born from a need to counteract the threat.

Now that such a threat.

For threats have been made.

Now that the enemy has shown that they.

And having sailed so close.

In having simply sailed.

the gun, to get in first. To win the war before there is a war.

(There’s no incentive in looking for a reason.

Though such action may at least be reasonable.

And good reason shouldn’t have to be excused.)

And once it’s done it’s done. If the call goes out it can’t be

re-called. That’s one of the basic rules. Can’t have the

bombers yo-yoing.

How close things draw together just to split.

How full an understanding of the ways in which

our worlds may pull apart

(I will not drag on updraughts.

With my nose I split the air

and sew it up behind me

seamlessly. I tidy as I go,

O my creator)

(as with the mess of cotton thread

extracted from a sewing bag

each knot has a visible structure

a line leading in and a line leading out)

The decision itself would already.

And it would all be over in a flash.

In any case it just wouldn’t do to be so reliant on automated

missile dumps. Each clutch of them tightly siloed static…