Speaker: Bob Proctor
**Message: Fantasizing and getting clear on your goals. **
**Source: Get on the Frequency of Your Goals | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher) **
**Connect with Bob Proctor: **
**Website: **https://www.proctorgallagherinstitute.com)
**Instagram: **proctorgallagher)
**YouTube: ****Proctor Gallagher Institute **)
**Book: **Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life)
Previous Episodes:
866 | Bob Proctor: “Quit Thinking Of What You Don’t Want”)
815 | Bob Proctor: "Who Am I? Where Am I? And Where Am I Going?")
736 | Bob Proctor: "We Are Spiritual Beings Living In Physical Bodies.")
561 | Bob Proctor: "It Doesn't Matter What The Situation Is.")
340 | Bob Proctor: "It's Better To Be Safe Than Sorry...")
271 | Bob Proctor: "There Isn't Any Finish Line.")
216 | Bob Proctor: "All You Have To Do Is Hold The Image.")
132 | Bob Proctor: "If You Really Want It You Will Get It, But You've Got To...")
058 | Bob Proctor: "If I Want To Be Free, I've Got To Be Me.")
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
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