cover of episode EP35 用爱种出的杀人之毒,新加坡义顺多重谋杀案

EP35 用爱种出的杀人之毒,新加坡义顺多重谋杀案

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海豚酱:本案是一起发生在新加坡的骇人听闻的多重谋杀案,凶手王志健残忍杀害了张梦、冯剑宇和杨洁,唯一幸存的杨洁的女儿Grace在案发时也受到了严重伤害。案件涉及到复杂的感情纠葛,王志健与张梦的婚外情,以及张梦女儿冯剑宇对王志健的厌恶,都为案件的发生埋下了伏笔。在案发过程中,王志健使用了多种凶器,对受害者进行了疯狂的虐杀,其行为令人发指。 在审判过程中,辩方律师试图以王志健患有适应障碍,在案发时精神失控为由,为其减轻罪责。但检方则认为王志健在案发过程中具备一定的自制力,其行为并非完全出于精神失控。最终,法院判决王志健犯有谋杀罪,被处以死刑。 本案也引发了人们对亲密关系中不正常操控行为的思考,以及对受害者和幸存者的关注。 树懒:本案中,我们不应简单地同情或理解凶手,但也不应忽视社会舆论对罪犯的过度同情。案件的复杂性在于,它不仅仅是一起简单的谋杀案,更是一场爱恨纠葛、人性和社会问题的综合体现。王志健与张梦之间畸形的感情关系,以及冯剑宇和杨洁母女的遭遇,都反映出社会中存在的诸多问题。 本案的审判过程也体现了法律的公正性和复杂性,辩方和检方围绕王志健的精神状态展开激烈的辩论,最终法院根据证据和法律做出判决。本案也提醒我们,在亲密关系中,要保持警惕,避免不健康的控制和压迫,保护好自身的安全和权益。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the nature of the relationship between Zhang Meng and Wang Zhijian?

Zhang Meng and Wang Zhijian were in a romantic relationship that began after Zhang Meng initiated contact with Wang in 2005, despite having only met once nine years prior. Their relationship involved intense emotional and financial investment, including blood-written vows and tattoos. However, their relationship was marked by control, manipulation, and eventual violence, culminating in Wang murdering Zhang and others.

What were the key events leading up to the murders in Singapore?

The key events leading up to the murders included Wang Zhijian's financial and emotional exploitation by Zhang Meng, who demanded he spend large sums of money on her and her daughter. Tensions escalated when Zhang asked Wang to buy expensive crabs, leading to a heated argument. This, combined with Wang's growing resentment and feelings of humiliation, triggered the violent outburst that resulted in the murders.

How did Wang Zhijian attempt to justify his actions during the trial?

Wang Zhijian claimed that he was under extreme emotional distress due to Zhang Meng's abusive behavior and manipulation. He argued that he suffered from an adjustment disorder, which impaired his ability to control his actions during the murders. However, the court ultimately rejected this defense, finding him fully responsible for his actions.

What was the outcome of Wang Zhijian's trial?

Wang Zhijian was found guilty of the murders of Zhang Meng, Feng Jianyu, and Yang Jie. Initially, he was convicted of manslaughter for Zhang and Feng's deaths and murder for Yang's death, but on appeal, he was convicted of murder for all three deaths and sentenced to death by hanging.

What was the impact of the murders on Grace, the sole survivor?

Grace, the sole survivor, suffered severe physical and emotional trauma, including the loss of her right eye. Despite these challenges, she continued her education in Singapore, supported by donations and her mother's savings. She later graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic and found solace in Christianity.

What were the key pieces of evidence used against Wang Zhijian?

Key evidence included bloodstained weapons found at the scene, DNA evidence linking Wang to the victims, and the testimony of Grace, who survived the attack. Additionally, Wang's own admissions during police interrogations and his inconsistent statements about his mental state were used against him in court.

  • 案发时间:2008年9月19日凌晨
  • 地点:新加坡义顺
  • 受害者:两名女子遇害,一人重伤
  • 凶手:王志健
  • 案发现场:血迹斑斑,凶器为锯齿刀、菜刀、小刀和铲刀

Shownotes Transcript

-本期案件- 2008年9月19日晚,新加坡一个出租屋里,正在发生令人难以想象的惨剧,数小时后,警方赶到现场,在这里,一个神秘男子微笑着接待他们,除了这个衣着干净的人,屋内的一切都让人触目惊心。 惨案背后的故事众说纷纭,随着调查的推进,数年前的浪漫故事浮出水面,一场义无反顾的爱恋到底是怎么和谋杀案扯上关系?欲知真相如何,敬请收听本期节目。 -时间轴- 00:00:00) 开场 00:04:42) 案发现场 00:12:21) 主要人物背景信息 00:13:28) 以爱之名的往事 00:24:45) 另外两个人物背景信息 00:35:12) 嫌疑人对案件过程的自白 00:41:10) 审判阶段控辩方的交锋 00:55:58) 关键证人的证词 01:02:26) 量刑 01:07:44) Grace的新生活 01:09:47) 案件结束后的讨论 -案件相关图片- 血书 纹身 坠楼现场 案发公寓屋内情况 作案工具 更多图片请前往公众号查看~ -关于主播- 海豚酱、树懒。 我们是相爱相杀却性格互补的entp和intj。 -收听节目- 国内平台:小宇宙、喜马拉雅、荔枝播客、网易云音乐、爱发电。 国外平台:Spotify、Apple Podcast、Google Podcast。 -一起玩耍- 欢迎案迷们留下足迹,评论点赞我们,也欢迎加入案迷会一起玩耍! 微信听友群:添加ziwuamh,或扫描下方二维码 公众号:子午案迷会 微博:子午案迷会