Introducing our guest: Kevin Lee Kevin is the COO and Managing Partner for China Youthology. He is a strategic consultant at the executive level in the areas of brand strategy, marketing and product innovation for many global and well-known companies. China Youthology is a leading innovation consultancy that offers China cultural foresights and youth driven change to help purposeful businesses create value and meaning. Kevin is a frequent speaker at international summits and a contributing writer at He also writes genYchina, a blog that discusses the changing interplay between tech, media and culture in China. Outside China Youthology, Kevin is working on Positive Psychology Education, Parents, Families and Networks-of-Families. With years spent researching these areas, Kevin designs and produces Thrive - an original podcast that identifies traits, faculties and skills of individuals needed to thrive in the modern world. Kevin is a native Canadian and has spent the last 15 years in China. 嘉宾介绍:Kevin Lee Kevin是市场研究及营销咨询机构「青年志」的首席运营官及管理合伙人,为许多国际知名企业的高级管理层成员提供品牌策略、市场营销、产品创新等方面的咨询服务。「青年志」是中国顶尖的市场研究及营销咨询公司,专注中国年轻人(15-35岁),联结青年趋势与商业创新,帮助品牌融入青年,了解趋势与洞察,制定创新策略及行动方案。 Kevin常常出席国际会议发表演讲,并为Forbes.com担任特邀作者。他自己的独立博客——genYchina,聚焦中国科技、媒体与文化之间的关系,一度收获众多海外著名媒体的关注及赞赏。 此外,Kevin业余时间还在积极投入与家庭教育、心理学等相关领域的独立研究项目。在数年勤奋研究的积累之上,Kevin选择用独立播客的形式将研究的阶段成果呈现出来。他的播客作品Thrive,详细地剖析了在当今社会,优秀出色的个人大多具备的特点、性格、天赋和能力,以及他们的家长在个体成长过程中扮演的角色。 Kevin是一名加拿大华裔,过去15年一直在中国生活。 About Kevin