The unpredictability and disruptions caused by the pandemic made Alessandro realize that long-term plans were often unattainable. He adopted a more flexible approach, focusing on short-term goals of two to three months, as he found it more practical in the uncertain environment.
Alessandro was confined to his university campus during the lockdown, where he felt isolated and cut off from his previously active social life. He began writing in Chinese as a way to cope with the loneliness, documenting his interactions with the few remaining people on campus, such as cleaning staff and security guards.
The pandemic led Alessandro to adopt a more flexible and short-term approach to life. He stopped making long-term plans and focused on immediate goals, such as writing and taking on temporary jobs like teaching Italian or working as a film extra. This shift was a response to the unpredictability and disruptions caused by the pandemic.
Alessandro worked as an extra in a film shot in Hebei, where he played a minor role as a foreign soldier. Despite the long hours and limited screen time, he found the experience interesting and used it as an opportunity to observe and document the dynamics of the film set.
During the Shanghai lockdown, Alessandro found solace in small, everyday interactions with his neighbors, such as receiving a package of cockroach powder from an elderly couple. These moments of human connection provided a sense of normalcy and hope during a difficult time, which he later documented in his book.
Alessandro's most memorable football match was the 2003 UEFA Champions League quarter-final second leg between AC Milan and Ajax. He vividly recalls the dramatic last-minute goal by AC Milan that secured their victory, which he watched as a young fan. This match remains a significant emotional memory for him.
Alessandro's unique perspective as a foreigner in China allowed him to observe and document aspects of Chinese society that locals might overlook. His writing often combines humor, irony, and keen observations, offering a fresh and insightful take on everyday life in China, especially during times of social and political upheaval.
As an Italian language teacher in Beijing, Alessandro faced challenges such as low pay, long hours, and the pressure to teach grammar in a way that was accessible to Chinese students. He also noted the disparity in status and income between Italian teachers and English teachers, who often had more opportunities and higher salaries.
While working as a film extra in Hebei, Alessandro observed cultural differences among the diverse group of foreign extras, particularly in their religious practices. For example, Muslim extras would pause filming to pray at sunset, which sometimes caused tension with the Chinese crew. These moments highlighted the complexities of working in a multicultural environment.
Football has been a significant part of Alessandro's life since childhood, serving as both a personal passion and a cultural touchstone. In his writing, he often uses football as a metaphor to explore broader themes, such as identity, community, and resilience. His experiences playing and watching football also provided him with a sense of connection and belonging, especially during challenging times.
《我用中文做了场梦》)就是这样一本书,在书里,ale 的黑色幽默总会让人突然爆笑起来,开头他刚到中国的几章有些平淡(一个来中国的新鲜老外嘛,大家读得很多了),而四年前整个社会开始癫狂,ale 的局外人视角反而很冷静,本土作者因为强烈的痛苦和使命感的压力很难落笔,最后几乎什么都没写出来。ale 一直稳定地记录,细致,生动,讽刺,幽你一默,能遇到这样的作者是一种幸运。
亚历 Alessandro Ceschi(ale)
北京电影学院读书时,亚历在校内外扮演过这些角色:马克· 扎克伯格、外国男朋友、耶稣、美军、夏洛克福尔摩斯、绝症患者、宇航员、在沙漠中与外星人作战的国际士兵。他如今的身份,是一位刚出了第一本书的新人作家,靠撰稿为生。他爸爸每天会搜豆瓣新书评分,他妈妈为他漂泊的状态深深担忧。从这方面看,意大利父母跟东亚家庭也没区别。
00:06 录之前,有点担心ale的口音
05:08 欧洲学生很懂柏拉图,但看不懂中译名
09:00 汉语教材课文:小明、小丽、小红一起骑自行车去颐和园玩
12:50 意大利外教,是北京外教世界里的二等公民
16:09 靠加班和吃兰州拉面,意大利老师也能在北京买房
18:47 意大利老板的PUA套路和中国老板差不多
22:01 新冠爆发后,ale变成北京电影学院的留守难民
26:44 逃出校园后,在街上骑共享单车都觉得很幸福
30:13 在河北当电影群演,叙利亚人、俄罗斯人、伊朗人,都在扮演美国人
34:24 剧组请群演不要再叫小姐回酒店,“为自己的祖国长点面子吧。”
40:45 2021年在上海重建线下社交生活,直到半年后
44:50 一包蟑螂粉的交流,让人觉得生活还有一点光亮
48:32 新冠后遗症:我不再做长远的人生计划了
53:50 为什么整本书一直在拿足球打比方?
58:59 在河北小城,也跟大哥们约过球,去唱了KTV
01:03:00 毕生难忘的一场球:2003年欧冠八强赛,AC米兰绝杀阿贾克斯
01:07:13 你到底像不像“那不勒斯四部曲”中的尼诺?
**片尾曲:**The Killers-Mr. Brightside