cover of episode Ep.40 [EN]: Cindy & David: the Driftooors building the future of finance on Solana

Ep.40 [EN]: Cindy & David: the Driftooors building the future of finance on Solana

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David 认为 Drift 协议的目标是创建一个去中心化、更值得信赖和透明的金融交易平台,以解决中心化交易所交易链下进行的问题。他强调了开源的理念以及将交易转移到链上的重要性。在谈到过去三年的建设历程时,David 回顾了 Solana 生态的繁荣与低迷,以及 Drift 协议 V1 版本在 Luna 事件中遇到的挑战。他详细描述了 V1 版本中纯虚拟 AMM 模型的缺陷,以及由此导致的风险管理问题。他强调了团队在应对危机时的团结和决心,以及在 V2 版本中引入损益结算层等改进措施以增强系统稳健性。David 还介绍了 Drift 生态系统的参与者类型,包括交易者、流动性提供者、做市商和订单簿维护者,并解释了协议自有资产的构成和作用。他详细阐述了 Drift 选择上市资产的策略,以及如何平衡风险管理和社区需求。最后,David 还谈到了 Solana 网络拥堵对 Drift 性能的影响,以及团队采取的优化措施,例如动态优先费用、JITO 捆绑包和多 RPC 等。 Cindy 作为 Drift 的联合创始人,主要负责战略、产品和业务拓展。她对 Drift 自2021年以来的发展感到兴奋,并分享了团队在应对挑战时的经验。Cindy 详细介绍了 Drift V2 版本相较于 V1 版本的改进,包括结合订单簿、AMM 和 RFQ 匹配算法,以及通过流动性提供者充分抵押头寸以提高定价的公平性和效率。她还解释了 Drift 提供现货交易、杠杆交易和货币市场协议的原因,以及允许用户参与保险基金的意义,其目的是为了去中心化并让社区参与到协议的关键功能中。Cindy 还介绍了 Drift 的做市机制,并强调了社区在降低做市门槛方面所做的贡献。此外,Cindy 还解释了 $DRIFT 代币分配的策略,强调了该策略考虑了用户参与协议的持续性和真实性,而不是单纯的交易量和积分。最后,Cindy 还谈到了 Drift 未来六个月的发展规划,包括开发移动应用程序和探索与机构合作引入更多链上 TVL 的可能性。

Deep Dive

The co-founders of Drift discuss their three-year journey, including navigating through bull and bear markets, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned from their experiences.

Shownotes Transcript

Similar to how I feel about Magic Eden, it's very inspiring to see how well Drift Protocol is doing today after all the thick and thins. In light of the $DRIFT TGE, I did this podcast with Cindy and David. 


  • How was these 3 years of building? How does it feel having been through the whole bull and bear and bull again?
  • What was the toughest time for you during these years? How did you power through it?
  • How did that challenging experience impact and lead to the design of v2? How was v2 different from v1?
  • In Drift V2, can you define the participants of the ecosystem into a few categories?
  • Why did you decide to offer spot trading and swap with leverage? You also introduced the money market protocol and allow people to stake in the Insurance Fund.
  • How’s the market making experience like on Drift? Can a retail participate in the MM?
  • How to understand protocol owned holdings on your dashboard? Where did they come from?
  • What exactly happens when there are more unsettled PnL to be withdrawn than what’s available in the pool?
  • How do you pick which assets to start a market?
  • What does your demographic look like, if you know.
  • How did Solana congestion impact your performance? What did you do to try to optimize the experience for the users?
  • Can you talk about the $DRIFT token distribution for the users? What’s the thinking behind not considering trading volume and points accumulated in the distribution terms?
  • What’s on the roadmap for the next 6 months? Have you thought about a mobile app?

Twitter: @DriftProtocol / @cindyleowtt / @davijlu

Website: Episode 53 on 51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital


ETH: 0x83Fe9765a57C9bA36700b983Af33FD3c9920Ef20

SOL: AaCeeEX5xBH6QchuRaUj3CEHED8vv5bUizxUpMsr1Kyt

BTC: 3ACPRhHVbh3cu8zqtqSPpzNnNULbZwaNqG


重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Mable Jiang有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某项目中持有头寸。


Important Disclaimers: All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Mable Jiang may hold positions in some of the projects discussed on this show.