cover of episode New Final Cut 11 Has Some Big Updates!

New Final Cut 11 Has Some Big Updates!

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Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
专注于解决高质量训练数据和模型开发成本问题的 AI 研究员。
Marques 解释了 MKBHD 频道制作赞助视频的频率和不同类型,并回应了观众对最新 DJI 赞助视频的强烈反应,指出主要问题在于视频中不当的驾驶行为以及部分观众对赞助视频真实性的质疑。他强调了选择赞助商的标准是产品质量和个人 genuine 的喜爱。Andrew 也补充说明,理想的赞助产品应该是在没有赞助费用的情况下,创作者也愿意推荐的。Marques 承认,即使创作者真心喜欢某产品,赞助合作也可能会影响观众对内容真实性的判断,无论如何公开赞助关系,观众都可能抱有怀疑。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the challenges and nuances of sponsored videos on YouTube, reflecting on a recent sponsored DJI video and the broader conversation about trust and authenticity in content creation.
  • Roughly one sponsored video per year on the channel.
  • Different types of sponsorships: mid-rolls, end-rolls, pro-les, full sponsored videos.
  • Main takeaway: fully sponsored videos may no longer be viable in the current YouTube climate.

Shownotes Transcript


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Does anyone need?

wow. 哇。


That's a world that's so cute, so that's totally IT.

Yeah, what is up? People of the internet? Welcome back to another episode of the way from podcast where your host, my kiss, you and David, and today we're going to play play.

Is that a game run A A session of we're going to do a thing where we have had confused headlines and hat. We're going to do headlands s and A E I got update. I'm also on the fence about a laptop decision maybe will jump in that that would find a cut, but also a new E V company and more goods.

But first, I do think it's worth having conversation about sponsors because of the last week, IT was the beginning of this week. Uh, we put a video on the main channel. Uh, D J I A. D J I. I was to fast D J I video, uh, with the action camp five pro and IT was a full sponsored video and the reactions were very strong.

Um I think obviously the main thing or the the extra thing on top of that was I did something very dumb in the video, uh, with the car was driving so that was cut out of the video and right fully people were very mad about that. But aside from that, the whole conversation about sponsor videos sort of comes up every once in a while. And I think it's kind of interesting and I maybe worth revisiting, maybe not, but I think it's a kind of interesting that basically A I looked back at the history of the channel past couple years to see what the rough frequency is, what the kines.

We've done roughly one sponsor video per year and one wonder's fully sponsor video. And I think there is some nuance to IT because we've talked about sponsors before on the show, on this channel, on other channels, and there are different types of sponsorships. There are mid roles, there are end roles that are like right at the end of the video, there are pro les, there are full sponsored videos.

There are sponsored segments inside the videos, right? There is a how much different versions of a sponsored video. And we've tried to mix IT up.

But I think here's my main take away um from doing a sponsor to video in the current youtube climate that we're in, which is i'll ask you guys a question, what do you think is the ideal sponsor to say yes to because we've we've accepted couple sponsors and we've also said no to ninety nine point nine percent of the things I show in our inbox. What makes the ideal sponsor to say yes to. About time. That's a great example because you can speak to why talk about a good be good sponsor.

I know the answer your looking for and I also understand the issue with that being the answer. What you're gonna is, is something you genuine, you like and enjoy and outside of being paid for IT you think is a .

good product that's are you looking for? That's about what I would say, yeah is that .

does that make sense? Yeah that's okay. Yeah the and I but at the same time, I one hundred percent see that I can seem untrustworthy to say, hey, I really like this product but i'm also getting paid for IT. And um I do think that's one of the reasons we picked this as one of the you know I think he said the last sponsor's deo was in the three sixty and .

september twenty two .

that was full a single product. And so when D J, I came to us with this, we've been using the D J I action cameras for a while. I was not used IT to go in third percent like over a year ago.

They're pretty cold. One of the main reasons we could do in the videos because as this like a really need feature of being able to plug in, and i'm not so going to preference this. We did just get paid by D.

J. I. So even everything i'm saying now should be taken with a grain in any way they perform. But had this like web cam future is totally plug and play, and that's how we were able to just plug IT in and go through person yeah so even using them for a little while, but we like to the product we thought had a couple cool features. And we looked back to see the last time we did in action cam video on us ten years ago. Funny enough, IT was being a dog in fork with a go pro, a video that people thought .

was sponsored because like at the end of IT you put ercs action at yeah um so yep.

I one hundred percent see why no matter how much you like a product, if you get paid for IT seems distent genuine and there's no real way to prove that you actually like the product yeah .

yeah anything in general IT IT kind of a especially when the channel reviews a lot of products. IT just isn't the look anymore to do a video. I think the unions basically is lost. That is not a review. I think that's what IT comes down to.

I think a lot of people watch the video and thought two things one um because this isn't add, I cannot trust anything that has said so even though I actually have a lot of plans to like record more things outside the studio and do all sorts of things uh, with cameras that aren't the red in the studio a that just kind of get ignored because it's a sponsible video and people want to focus on that and I totally get IT. And then if you do other videos that are in a similar style, people no longer know if they are sponsored or even if you're extremely clear about disclosing IT and follow every rule to the tea, the best you possible can. So I think my learning is like, okay, yes, fully sponsor videos.

I think I think i'm done with those. And I think we still have lots of ways of integrating sponsors that we really believe in their products. And I actually like and use in ways like we do here on the podcast and like and we do on the studio channel and like we've done with materials and dope tech and all sorts of other .

fun places and things that are unobtrusive to the regular content we're putting out. I think like doing these android things is kind of something that we ve fought with. Um advertisers are like different companies with pretty hard and are definitely taking a hit in terms of what we're getting paid because you would rather put IT at the end of a video than the beginning of video interjects less um into things. But um yeah no matter what we say and I get like you should take every single content creator like with a grain of salt on anything that they say that should just be like kind of how you tackle anything in media at all and um the only thing we can do is try and prove our trust, which we haven't been doing the best of job lately. But I still truly believe that were a trustful organization.

Yeah, I think I also I watch a lot of youtube. I watch a lot of youtube and I actually watch when people do integrations in their videos and know we will probably do this.

But I watch them, I watch of videos and my least favorite type of um integration is when IT like interrupts are just like hard cuts and shifts to a ad read that doesn't feel like the creator cares about IT at all or or actually cares about the integration or wants to make an entertaining or anything like that you d do to see that sometimes. And I think a good a good integration is the opposite of that. So I still think that that's true and I think that there is good ways to do that.

But ah that's something I keep noticing. I I wish ads were Better, the general, every Green statement and nobody loves ads. But that's that's something I .

noticed if anyone was looking at the action five after that and is where that is a sponsor thing, there's a bunch of religious content directly comparing IT to the go pro hero twelve and here twelve now I believe and the new inside three sixty. I forget the name of IT, but there's some really good ones out there and I watched like all of them um but yeah that's I think at the end of there anything one else says anything to to everything we kind of mess up with the title but yeah .

exactly I think there is a world where we just called IT A D J I action camp five showcase and that was IT. Um the video that I am made, I didn't want to just I think if you're a sponsor who makes a product, you want a video to look kid like a review. I I want to the opposite of that should be very clear that it's not a review. So I did a video talking about different ways to use this camera and obviously talked about the features um but yeah I wanted to also titled IT in a way that included that stuff which ended up, I think yeah being a mistake and shifted too far towards people thinking that was kind of baby like all you're talking about like to bake up date. It's just a video about a camera so that is totally fair uh, but we do have we do have everything to talk about.

We can jump in to yeah now we can get into head ines in a hat and you want to first who is what do you mean?

Who something? Why do we have that sorrow? IT looks like IT, but zero doesn't work here. So just kind of wondering, yes, anyway uh, okay, yeah we can just up in start with Helen and the head you're on first.

Am I you're picking out your own help and I feel that bad life and you want to go to David first? O pick on. You have .

one right? I got mary's new video. This headline comes to us from youtube 点 com。 Mariah herself, the video editor here at the studio, just launched her first video on her personal youtube channel. And IT is about the very unhinged ed, really, really old menus that are all stored in.

like the one who can, a bunch of old menus throughout the years. And it's in a new york public cyberia, I think. And he went through them.

And IT is fascinating and and wild. And SHE did a great job. Did you all watch IT?

I know I will link IT .

in our we will link IT in the description. SHE does a great job at like going to old, providing context of what the times were like when that happens. And then I think at the end SHE visit one of the places that still around Monica.

Take us one hundred years. I am Monica few weeks ago, and I not know he was working on this videos. I just sent a picture of one of the really old menus in the like how did you know I was like how did you know what that's also pretty it's a really.

really good video will link IT um but if you have any interest in food or just history.

well worth I has a very unhinged but also what creative what do you .

mean is completely hinged all the time.

right? Yeah anyway it's it's a .

fun to watch next time, one more before at break. Okay, the problem is we get .

one of the long ones.

I yeah try to pick the short .

a Better home. You you. Alright.

U, S, B, C, medi .

controller. I did.

You see the .

script? K, do you wants to explain? I think because I was going to explain IT .

to you to see what you thought. I be happy to explain this. A fero.

okay. I'll start explaining IT and then I was, you can jump in, okay. So no, it's not five at a time. Start up is working on this U. S, B, C.

Accessory for mobile devices that basically looks like if you plugged the VIP into like the bottom of the iphone and then IT can you can blow into IT and then use controls on the screen to essentially agree um I don't know how to use the term midi if i'm being on is but a middle wind instrument, does that make sense? So it's like you can change the sound of the instruments and then through blowing, through IT and using the different controls, like a regular wind. Dm, now your phone becomes a winner.

You know, it's really funny. It's always really hard to explain to people how md works and what IT is. But in in this room, and with our audience specifically, I can related IT to something even more and nerdy and archaic that that all you know is actually know about, which is the way keyboards work with IOS standards, where when you hit a key on your keyboard is sending just like a number to your computer, right? And then your computer goes like, oh, what language you are looking at, what what font of is selected right now.

And then IT actually pulls the character, right? But there's this transforms of information between wrote number on a keyboard to perceive experience by human being, right? And that exactly how midi works, like midi is an information for storing the notes when they're played, how loud they are and how long each note is. And then you've send that to an instrument that ingests that and spirits out musical tones.

And so through this controller is using the breath, be able to judge how long IT is, potentially how loud IT is because of the amount that you're blowing into IT?

yes. And and the fingering buttons that you're pressing on your phone will tell you what notes IT is. And then you can plug this into a or wirelessly hook to a computer and control any instrument in any audio software with that.

But that seems really, really, I would like to try IT for those. You know, I play wind instruments, so I would really like to try this there. So there is like an established version of this is called the E V, which stands electronic wind instruments like around since the eighties. But this thing seems pretty cool.

How much is that? The E V?

Different people make different ones. It's not like one thing. It's like, it's like a family that different people compete on.

I think right now, the cheapest ones are in the three to four hundred range and the most expensive ones are in twelve hundred. And but that's like a whole instruct, a physical interest that you hold. So that's cool. If not a ferr nose.

Nose is the company. This is a far, is the name of the product.

So this a hero, is sort of like the mini version of noises flagship product, which is the mouth piece attached to a full recorder that you can play IT like a record or play IT like a digital instrument, which I think .

is like a really .

a education tool. Yeah, i'm curious about this. When I first thought I was like, David knows i'll talking about, do you remember smeal le? Is that the company that that made all the like og IOS music apps? Oh and they had an okawa APP.

Oh yeah, do you remember this where you like blow on the microphone, your iphone three gs and like that and like play. And so like i'm sure this sensor is probably Better than just blown ing on the microphone, but IT does seem like it's a similar thing. So yeah, if I got my hands on IT, I would I would totally play IT, play IT for you guys. Flex my saxe phone and flute skills.

Um I will note that this is a new kick starter with very IT IT has passed its goal of of backing. But just for context, like what IT is, slash isn't it's not shipping yet, right? Or hoping IT becomes real.

That's I do think because of the real I want to let me like kick starter where the goal was five thousand dollars.

the starters are really well. There's a lot of companies now that totally have the funding to just make a product, but for reason, they launch on kickstarter first.

IT feels like a priority Price yeah ah where like it's most likely ready to go but like let's do to save this preorder way possible um and that's what this is. You are mentioning foreign dollars for full instrument. I know this is not the same, but this is about fifty books, which is pretty awesome.

right? IT IT is awesome. You know the the ones the four hundred dollar ones are are professional yeah for people who are you know have real music jobs.

I feel like that cost more than an .

actual instrument four .

hundred yeah yeah well, but I was I ve a really .

nice my if that's how you feel, don't never .

look up how much a professional buzz costs a tribonian .

hundred and fifty hours, two hundred fifty hours. I guess that's like it's like maybe instruments are like I don't want to say watches, but there are kinds like cars in that the Price to performance ratio that you can aim for is widely varied. Based on Price range, you can get two thousand, you can get five thousand dollar car. You can get a five million dollar car. And there will be .

differences. But then also, americans remember that a lot of instruments are made of wood, which introduces a whole another factor of, yes, going to breath. Where, where? Where was this wood cultivated? What year was this tree cut down? Anyway, enough Alice music. I say triple .

base occur for two thousand dollars.

all right, are the are off the deepen. This thing seems to be cool if you're interested in learning how to play recorder, which is people joke about IT. But the record is a really great way to get your first musical experiences.

I I think this could be a cool thing for you. And then also, if you're interested in going from something like the record to producing music and logic able to IT doesn't m like you can use this a fero as a controller for that. So if you get good to record now, you can make sick beats .

with a recorder.

The record to DJ. Anyway, thank you, Andrew, for a giving me a chance talk about .

infor music. You're welcome.

What's up and .

take a good break. We do our time for a break. We have.

3 so we were just talking about midy question about meeting for you。 IT stands for musical instrument digital interface。 So that's .

not the question that .

i'm going to give you. You just .

play a song .

in media and we guess this song IT is I did my like typing on a keyboard not connected to a computer, and then .

being like.

sorry. ChAllenge, don't trigger l is oh my god, impossible. The question Alice is mentioned that middle has velocity.

I didn't .

date velocity now .

I said yes, I said, I said it's the latter is how loud the note is, which is velocity. But I didn't use the word velocity. You're too smart. We need to leave this all ever. For the first .

time in the hardest level of the chAllenge value of velocity in midi ranges from zero to what? Oh.

that is .

something well, i'm writing IT and I think for later, well, we're going to think about IT. If you wanted about IT, you can think about the answer.

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Right, welcome back. We have more headlines, is the same hat. But here you can see the headlines in the hat. Andrew, pick a headline. Let's talk about IT.

You would looked at that one. I did. And then I, but I can read IT. Okay, I have the scout motors E V exhaust .

some post about people funding over this thing.

We had a lot of people say, why didn't you talk about this last year? right?

Let me look into IT right now, real time.

Ah i'll give you the quick breakdown, the early breakdown. So scout motors, which I was not aware of this because I believe is before all any of us were born, was an old an older legacy car manufacturer they stop producing in nineteen eighty.

I can see this guy you were around back then.

Weren't you get out um water back now as a new E V start up but they are under the V W group. So like V W owns them, kay. So we have like a little more backing than our regular uh like lords down uh you know start up section, but they just announce the new truck, the terror and the traveller S U V.

Both of these vehicles are sitting on E V platform that they created that they are not using from V W。 They're making their own E V platform like battery base. Um just different types on the top claims could be starting under sixty thousand dollars, but it's not going to be produce twenty twenty seven. So who on earth knows .

that that every single time we had Price from manufacture .

thirty to person high but even some of them like river an launched with .

the high Price said .

and then still was .

like yeah like like launched and had all the or paid for try to put IT up not great but um yeah S U V and a truck they are um extremely similar. Another company owned by va or partner with V W now which is river in and they .

look just like riviere.

Actually, I believe the riviere partnership pretty much just went through its first stages of the like billion dollar one that there and it's like five billion over the next x amount of years. Um and they do say that like part of this could potentially come from that V W is licensing revision zona al hardware design. Um so we probably are going to system riviera similar things in here and probably in the software as well.

Um and they do look, this is an r one s and an r one tea pretty much with yeah instead of circular lights there are like bar lights sor like slots yet um but yeah scout used to be this kind of like utility is off road finds party type of like vehicle and they are focusing on on that one really interesting thing about IT is these will have a gas power battery generator for extra range where there is a fuel tank. But all I does is run a motor that charges the battery. And i'm assuming this will mostly just be used for if there talking about off road that much like if you're really going off road, actually offer thing and might need .

extra range, ran out of range .

and free OK. I'm intreat. I mean, i'm going to this website. This website extremely elaborate and Frankly, probably cost as much .

as the car.

This is a crazy elaborate website, so for the website but um i'm scoring through i'm looking at the pickup truck specks body on frame. IT says pure electric models offer up to three hundred fifty models of range and then the extended range models offer five hundred models of range or more through the built in gas power generator. So fun fact, we're testing an E V or hybrid right now that's doing the exact same thing. It's called the lee auto l nine. That generator ma?


yes. So the l nine outside has think it's like a thousand kilometers of range when you are like four hundred kilometers combined, but it's always driving from the electric drive train, the battery just either charges up via region and plugged in or the gas power generator. So you're always driving on the instant throat and the efficiency that comes from the electrode train built in.

But with a little bit of piece of mind that if you need to go, you don't have to plug in. You can just feel up with gas and the generator can get you small range. It's I like that idea. It's cool. Um there are others that do that as well. The other question mark is like, okay, is this is this company going to a actually first figure out how to many of actually doesn't ship them? Question mark by twenty seven will see uh, if they can execute on IT like they did on this website, it's going to be incredible .

try yeah I need to you are not going about this website. IT starts with a video, which is like i'm not always huge into videos, but when you scroll down and the cars drive at you based on your scrolling and then swap into the old scout.

no, that is pretty level .

of whoever is the web designer there, shout out this is incredible.

All money.

yeah. This reserve now by and down here might be going streight into this, uh, internet. The website is almost good.

So when you go to reserve, you can buy the electric only version up to three hundred fifty miles arrange, or you can buy the electricity gas version and it's one hundred dollars and IT is refunded, able into your order is confirmed options and pricing may change. I think yeah, I see the riving conference for sure. A lot of colors look like riva.

A lot of the shapes, a lot of the general vibes of outdoorsy ess and adventure look like river an. So that's great. People love that and looks .

like a river. The side, yeah, the side, like every shape of the every part of that pretty much so yeah.

the question is, like, do you think this will get there? Or do you think afford will make the bronco elect first? Like what to what's going to happen at first? Who knows? But I like IT is cool, I think for will announced ed, the electric mongo before the ships.

And then just who ships first? Yeah, because I member, the rival, was announced on the cyber truck. And they was kind of like, which one will come first? The riviere came out first, and then the cyber truck came out after.

So people were just kind like trying to pick between them, people meaning me. Um so it's curious to see like is are people going to put money down for the scout? A hundred box kind of nothing, so they can just start to drumm up reservations in attention and that's grate. But then yeah, what happens between now on the ship we shall see.

I don't do you think for it's gonna an electric bronc. I thought recently they were like kind of cutting back on some other E V stuff. And I wonder if the bronco is gonna. I think they should do a mac because that.

So I think there's a couple things in their lineup that would be awesome, as easy or as hybrids like this. Both of those I think the america, I think the branco, uh and I think the audience of people who like the africa in the branco and associated with the outdoors is that the scout is really have there's like a big over left there.

Yeah, I here's my I was talking about this with miles the other day. Do you know the silver auto has the and I know this isn't just the new silverado you be they did IT in the aveline. I think where the like what do you call IT? Where the wall behind the back seat? Yeah migc would be awesome because like it's smaller, it's not an absolutely absurd sized truck. But i'm assuming the bed of the truck would be a about the size of like article.

not to mention that some fire literally right there, the gate basic.

you know the size of the mac bet is four.

five, four point fall.

But IT doesn't matter .

because everyone who owns mavricks is not using the bed. Now we know the data. We have the data. People who own trucks do not do truck stuff.

We know for a fact, for the most part, everyone, fifties by the most part, are family holder.

are exactly, but, you know, be even cooler than an electric mavricks. If we brought back the nineties ford ranger and electrify that thing.

if you want to talk about bringing back old things .

and electrifying them, I got some for you.

Where were .

you here .

for that .

one fifty? I'm talking about the ford ranger is a pick up truck the size of a nimble, you can fit in your wallet is so small. And this is what we need. I like IT only as two seats. Yeah, there are multiple configurations across the nineties, but this thing is cute and puny.

Is this not that much? What is this size .

compared to a ric?

Let's find out amErica wants big trucks, unfortunately.

Yes, I know that's .

why I like there is a trend going .

towards smaller trucks, still truck. The ca.

I saw on today .

is a .

cruise ise.

a cruise is the .

truck? Yes, I love I .

saw that small.

It's quite as that popular IT.

Is that like versus the like?

The new .

amErica but was the old ranger is our uh, four version there is is shorter than the folder version that I would assume about the same as is the folder version.

The folder version of the ranger is still a few .

inches shorter.

Yeah, small trucks. I mean, the revision .

is small truck.

No, what are talking? I promise the revision .

is small truck .

compared to some other tri. An the default truck, the side truck that one people can take up check that they get is an f one and fifty. And yeah to us is massive because yeah, it's massive.

That is the Normal size truck. There are larger trucks and smaller trucks. The river is definitely smaller and there are bigger trucks. There are hammers. And so .

the gans and a are significant.

And just like .

four size.

I don't know .

that I have a question. I think we will take all our brains a little bit yeah what is the lightest an object can weigh and and IT is still massive, massive yeah like for us to describe that as massive? Or I actually let me think i'm actually asking the opposite question that I mean to ask because you're saying the riva is not a massive truck.

saying the revision is a smaller.

right? But how how heavy does something have to be before we're like now that's massive regardless of size. How heavy does something have to be before we're like now that's massive, even size out of the equation.

Just wait so many categories.

I don't know, yes.

but something I not talking about the definite I think before IT feels massive before our show goes, that is massive.

Just vehicles.

no anything thing, any object, regardless of size. What is the wait? What is the wait point?

The massive, the size .

that fair. But but, but you know, is that a ton.

Ten is debating the like depends on ject.

I'm just i'm looking for our souls here, man.

It's enough. One fifty and tell tec.

No, no, I I only bring this up because the riva is seventy one hundred pounds.

definitely really like that. The cyber truck is less massive. So how do you feel about the EV battery is six thousand? yes. yeah.

E V battery .

y is just throw away in .

a total mix. I think it's fairly these the fifty.

the f one fifty weigh much less than the river, but no one would say it's less massive. It's way bigger, right? That's all. They're not actually talking about weight when they say massive.

I know. But just just trying to open up our our brains, our hearts to like maybe it's all massive. Yes.

I hope the scout, I hope the scout happens because IT looks cool and IT seems to have A A nice a system. You know, the hybrid thing is cool. I think a lot people want that.

So I have now you can have an E V with one of those gas tank accessories on the back that you never use, but it's not totally this. So you can still tell people you go off without talking them. Go off.

Someone needs to put a SQL on IT.

I I E V, A sore so bad I ve realized have two .

more head ines here. one. Youtube scrolling future where yeah this no, what's the youtube growing feature.

So there's a one of those feature flags that they test on random users but don't necessarily rule out that they do all the time. And they're testing one right now where as you're watching a full scale youtube video on your full scale computer, if you like, scroll down IT just IT take tok fies full sized .

videos have IT because I do, you have IT h and so OK here i'll just show you ready .

all also way. It's only phones.

not only one, yes, and ID ones. I right now, right now is what they're testing. So right here, you know, like, but dance a disk, but soop. Now we've playing sup.


Let's see, joe is hungry. Best channel.

youtube. There is hunger chantal.


These are not red.

and these are related. I think it's yeah recommended you know hockey, I know we haven't had way for me IT because I watch all .

the way from of service.

I yeah i'm interested in this. I think the immediate reaction is this feels like tiktok and that's not a good reaction in general.

yes. Well, to us, youtube is like, yes, it's this perfect. That's exactly what we want to hear. Okay, what if they changed this so that as you swiped IT goes to the most swatches part of the next video?

Would that change feel about this?

That will be af, don't give .

them ideas. I know they're listening.

Engagement spiking. And can I throw .

out my why I don't think this is that bad? Okay, so why I hate IT and why I don't think it's that bad, right? So Normally if you're in full screen, the best way to get to another recommended video is either have to get all the way to end cards, but let's be real.

A lot of youtube video the last minute might be a little bit of like an ultra that I don't always watch and I won't get the next related videos er in my end card until it's all although at the end or have to get out of full screen so I can take the risk and just swipe up and I got to see full screen and I could get there my bigger issue there right now, I didn't even know this is a thing and i've randomly swept away in a video i'm actually watching because I like, I try and swept down for a notification. I do that all the time. I'm like, I saw notification in full screen and I tried to swept down the top to get to my notifications. I swipe into a video and I ve lost my place.

Swiped down either way.

different the upper .

down yeah ah I down to be is i'm trying to swipe .

from this yeah yeah yes. But then i'm going up either way .

to the history. yes. So it's like a tiktok, Carole. Now yeah, yeah.

The thing that youtube has always had that I feel like has been saving us from the brain rot of the current internet matter is the fact that you still have intentional content consumption where you are picking something to watch. And yes, there is already thin. That is like serving up options of things you watch. And sure, sometimes you just click on whatever is available because you just want something to play. But I think that many of the problems that we have in the world right now are because people are just being service stuff and having no intentionality behind what they're consuming.

I fully coin. In addition, youtube historically has this thing where there they are the biggest video website ever, right? But for some reason, they feel they need to also chase other media. They feel they need to chase T V and netflix and tiktok because they feel like threats.

But they constantly introduce either experiments or features that, to me, just feel like, what if we were more like netflix? If you'd go to the youtube summer and you listen away they about youtube on TV like they are constantly thinking about netflix ify that experience and having these huge highrises like cover art things, which is it's nice, but it's that's chasing netflix. They also chase T V all the time.

They try to like internal the talent, bring T, V talent to youtube and put youtube talent on T, V. And they have TV features like they do that all the time and doesn't shock me all. They're doing a tiktok thing.

Obviously shorts is taken off, but like why not longs to like just they're trying everything. So yes, just the thing that youtube always willing to do, which I I guess you give him a credit for being willing to you know things up because you could be the same forever. You could be vimeo, but they're trying new stuff.

So good. That's one thing they .

have not tried to be ma? Yes, true. They don't have to be male.

There's A A mark z berg quote that is really releve here, which is in twenty twelve. He said, if we don't create the thing that kills facebook, someone else will .

I think.


well, yeah, that kind of goes off. What you are saying was like their they're scared of these other options. I think that that's definitely an element for things like shorts. Maybe we're like we have to or AI or whatever all these companies are like. If we don't do this, we're going to be love behind.

I also think since they're n by google in our stock cast, to keep going up, they have to look at every possible category and say, hm two percent of americans consumers content. But what if they consume this content on youtube instead, right? So that just they're looking at all the available markets that they could just transform and replace that category completely. yeah. And that's why they're doing TV and netflix of fine everything.

And it's watch like the occasional like you'll see like a big push from them to like bring traditional hollywood celebrities to youtube. You'll see will Smith and when although and all these people start youtube channels and like who's this for I go I guess it's the people who are watching them on T, V, right? And now they're going to began youtube mission.

Accompany everyone are smart tvs. Now, you, so it's, what if you could watch everything on the youtube? P instead of the individual? Yes, I, I exclusively .

watch basketball of the youtube, but yeah.

And youtube and youtube T, V, I watch youtube. I watch games on youtube TV. And I want chillies and analysis on youtube yeah i'm just on and them in their universe whole time I never leave. I don't even need cable subscription.

A lot must thought he could make the super APP but you too out youtube es out you're making the .

superb just off like youtube kind of like makes these change or tries to chase these things and .

then just kind .

of gives up you bread and all the things they were like, let's attack TV our own stuff just like and like, yeah, live streaming and gaming, they were really hard to like. Let's pay for all these twitch streamers and bring .

him some of .

IT IT totally yeah, some short .

waves shorts is there. And it's competing with tiktok. yeah. A lot of the other stuff feels.

are there used to be a whole separate youtube gaming APP? Yeah remember, remember that that was like.

remember him in my office chair and reading the article about IT and downloading IT. And yeah.

that one didn't hook so well. But youtube music still exist. So maybe, well, back still listens. Every cast, the backs .

of giants mean google play music. Yeah, which now there are competing in spot the beautiful application here we are. Yeah, competing is a strong world. Yeah.

trying to bring people having an option. Yeah yeah existing. So i'm surprised I used to messaging have one thing where I brought up with this that I didn't think about was that thun, ils wouldn't matter in the situation.

Yeah, I mean, this is the insane thing to me about tiktok shorts. All t from content in general is like you have no control over how the algorithm is going to serve your video, whether or not you can optimize certain parts of the video to have things that maybe the already thin relax, I don't know that's also a terrible way of making content that makes everything horrible. But when you just have short form content like this, it's like or just infinitely tly scroll.

Can you speed this up on trying to optimize for the next seven .

seconds of the yeah I just I don't know the more you like strip from the creators presentation IT just yeah it's not good as I know minority .

report yeah we're having tories of future. We're like consuming content is just like the Price cox like were like floating we're floating in the milk and then like something that served .

like straight our brain like ah I think we're all like that a lot.

I do I don't think this is as big of a deal like this isn't some you still ultimately have to be inside of a video already that you've click down on the home page to even get to this part. To me, it's mercy, just a quality of life blunder because if I can accidently switch out of a video i'm actually enjoying and then I have to go find the spot and because like every time i've done IT, IT hasn't brought me back. IT brought me back when I flip back I at the start of the video and that's really annoying.

I'm so sorry that .

you're in this experiment. Stop experimenting .

with I this will not be available for kids either.

I don't think this is personally, I think this is not going to work and they're not going to roll IT out because I think they are going to find that youtube as a platform as a more intentional platform at all.

I just think because I know they don't let kids use auto play. So curious, is ready? Is this the same?

Just like a is .

this different?

I get, I guess youtube auto play is basically doing the same thing without the swipe. Yeah, yeah. As hard as I can tell, I don't know the engine for what IT recommends for a slight is different from auto play, but feels kind of like it's the same thing but just a voluntary i'm done two minutes in versus to the end yeah.

it's the same thing. It's kind of the same thing. Just a different movement.

Yeah, wait. So what? IT swipe a regard. But this is for mid down. So here's wait IT IT not auto play. If you have this feature, would IT swipe anyway.

play into the video. If you just like, let IT play through. But if you but.

but there's already a next video area on the screen.

It's probably yeah kind of like on tiktok. Have you ever noticed when you're on a thing and you try back out of the APP IT just goes to another video to try and keep you in if you always swipe up is the video you tried to back at all. The backbone doing is swiping to the next one and try touch your tension. Yeah.

there are these new gear paradise that a lot of these applications that we've grown using kind of created, like tender, created the swipe. Equals yes wipe no equals no paranoia. And now everything uses that.

It's the same kind of thing. Tiktok kind of created the swipe up to keep dum culling or keep a brain rotting. So now IT works. Now we here very effected highly effective .

highly effective, highly effective. Ah okay, how many more happen do you have? Two, two. So two more after the break.

Do we either do one now break or two after the break? I think either way at all work.

let we both have to the break.



so early in the episode, talk about a car company that doesn't exist anymore, that make cars that don't exist anymore. Scout, which I looked at up, scout was on by a tractor companies, pretty hilary, harvester international. But now I have in front of me four cars that don't exist anymore.

And I need you to tell me which one isn't real, which one do I make up? A, the reno lay car. That's right, the car is called lay car.

b. The A M. C, graham lin. c. The isuzu mysterious utility wizard d the super u brat or e all of the far real I hate this ah .

now all .

of the above damn kinds .

and that's tough .

never oh sorry, my bed the issues oo mysterious utility wizard was sold in the us as the hand passport, but outside of the us, the issues of mysterious utility was, if IT is real, this is real. If IT is, yes, in the us.

On the passport I hope that somebody has painted their civil bread bright Green that be great.

Just hang to love the letter pee, even realizing .


prolog. ot. Pilot .


Behind the parliament or you .

can begun behind element should be an E V. No, why?

Because it's a car. Mean to .

get wet.

Be not, not element, element. Element has a drain.

They just make a honda lithium.

Or cobo, I think, is a good time to take a break. What we are at that.

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Full bring you our best insight on what's moving the political agenda, who we need to get tabs on and what IT all means for the future of democracy. Find raging moderates were every get your protest and hit that followers subscribe button to never miss an episode meters in the medal stuck in the middle with me on the mother to resist. Come for Jessica AR of stay for Jessica AR love.

I welcome back. We have two more headlines, and David really wants to pick one of these.

so let's see if he can grab. This is so dramatic. Yes, I got IT.

What is IT? okay? The headline says blue e sky in flight here.

You good tension graph.

you guys know how much I love protocol.

local love. So in one nine hundred and fifty seven .

launched in space first. Because here's what happened. I saw this on my timely and I was like a the line that said a bunch of Taylor swift fans are leo that .

to go that is also .

a part of and I read .

that headline and I was like, no, they're not. And I kept throwing, is what wrong? okay? So when you say they did was IT like a few dozen of them, was IT like a hundred and fifty of there's when .

you talk about Taylor swift, T A dozen is not a number in that scenario. You are talking .

a tens of thousand hundred. I guess i'm Operating on the tech blog scale of we need to report on a trend. And if I see five tweet about this, the trend sure is IT more than that.

I agree with you that too many people write articles based on like one tweet.

I agree with that. But I also think a lot of the old like tumblr ask, just like very quick stand and ask accounts or on twitter and Taylor has a or had a very large twitter uh.

following but now does not tweet.

I even fully followed I .

would be surprise .

SE I doubt .

IT 嗯 okay, okay, so, uh, yeah okay. So basically every single time x does anything, which is all the time, uh, people leave. And so basically, people have been leaving that for blue sky recently. Every time they make up fluently or people just want to leave the platform.

And also IT used to be that people are flocking to threads, but people are finally realizing the threats is just tiktok for words because threads does not give you very much control of what you're saying like at all. There is technically a follower feed on mobile, but you can't default to IT. You're always going to go to the algorithmic feed.

Uh, it's a lot of people just from instagram and facebook. There's a lot of random out of context from yeah and then the algorithm is like incredibly strong. And if you engage with anything, but even like clicking into you just read the comments, it's going to serve you a lot more of that stuff. Thank you. So on threads, it's really easy to just see a lot of stuff that like, you know, you click on because you're like White and then your whole feed becomes .

that right now my threats is like you live in new jersey. You want anything that just says the word new?

I got more of that.

Yeah so also you know I think people um are realizing that another meta platform is maybe not where they want to grow the audience and this kind of sucks because we didn't entire episode on activity pub, which you should go watch. Um IT is a really cool protocol that a lot of things are starting to use. But threads currently is kind of the basin for activity pub because I has two hundred seventy five million users as of last week.

But in the last like week or so we just hit fourteen million users on blue sky and now fifteen million is on blue sky. And my entire threads feed probably just because I engaged with posters about IT are just people saying i'm going to blue sky. Here is my new handle .

le so so it's like a super high frequency echo chAmber created yeah .

what threads is yeah yeah .

there's a guy of me statistics website that just tracks blue sky legers and users and posters over time. And so just in the last couple of week they have weeks theyve gained like tons of users. How many is tones though there? Up to fifty million.

And they gained, I think I saw they gained a million or something. They gained like two million in the last week. And then they gained a million when brazil got temporary banned .

from x that was a few months ago.

which was like, yeah, two months ago or so o so I don't know. I mean, I think IT sort feels like they are growing blue guys, very cool. They use this protocol called the A T protocol um where basically you can have your own custom fees and you can kind of control the way the alarm works.

It's almost exact opposite of threads because just like we're going to do the algorithm, you and a blue y you basically create your own algorithm and they have this feature called starter packs where if someone that you follow decides to make a pack of people that they follow, you could just instantly follow all the same people. So has a lot of on boarding features that I think people really like. And IT feels exactly like the old version of twitter.

Um the interesting thing about competing protocols is always going to be that there's a long period of time before we see anything that university wins out. Unfortunately, activity pub is like the protocol that's published by the w 3c。 And so it's not owned by anyone and that's awesome.

Unfortunately, blue sky is owned by blue sky and the eighty protocol is open source. But it's still owned by a company like blue sky, still on by a company. So kind of pick your poison. I don't know we're ever gna get back to a point where we had the same social media that twitter used to be, I don't think that's ever going to happen again. But if she's been really interesting seeing people kind of like moving around to all these different options.

yeah so this websites is really interesting. Yeah i'm trying to contextualize what fifteen million users looks like and like that rate of people joining per day. Um the bottom of the website maybe can link this in the show notes um shows followers per user percent tile. So if we have six followers you're in the seventy percent time of all blue sky and if you have four hundred followers, you're in the ninety nine percent twelve o wo so this means there's lots of new people yeah because most people zero followers right? Just joining and like hop around following a few people yeah yeah that is that is indicative of activity yeah I specifically like .

that you can just default to the following feet and just look at everything. All the people that you're following there is also a popular with friends option, which is algorithmic, but based on the people you're following, which is a nice sort of like narrow version of that. And then there's discover which is what's popular. And then you can follow own feeds based on feeds that people create. So just it's very intentional social media.

which is very cool. You don't have a defaulting to the dog pig feed.

It's funny because there is a picture of a dog on his screen right now.

But yeah, and it's fun.

I do you on your phone phone.

The ad is really good. That actually was originally only .

I yeah ah I was on that one was invite only and must around for a while. But that was not a great experience yeah because that felt like a lot of kind of what threads feels like right now, which is like, hey, i'm do the thread. Who can I find here that I called a chat with her, whatever, which is kind of weird. But i've been on threats a lot more lately. I don't really .

like you is active. no.

Well, as the thing I don't like, I, i've stopped. I took twitter off my phone, I put threads there, and i've been calling threads like the negative gum, like my social media twitter garet te that I was using all of the time. I like, I need to stop, let's go on threads and it's and it's basically like, oh, I press, I put in the exact same spt on my phone or twitter was so I just defauts click and then after like three posts, i'm like, I don't need to do this and then I don't do IT and then it's it's slowly winning me off of that level of like quick post social mea. I A really good, after all.

about the thing I love about blue's guy right now is like the alternate feed so I can use the feed just for looking at news for the podcast. I can also use a feed for what my friends are talking about. And when you go to the friend feed or the following feed, yet not friends, just the following feed, you can kind of scroll down until you like, oh, I recognize that post. Oh, the last time I opened IT, that was the first once and now i'm done. And then you get .

off chronological feeds. It's great. I miss google plus.

We could have .

at all google plus was the google glass of social media.


think about IT. Think about IT. IT was ahead of his time anyway. Yeah, I fascinating.

IT is growing a lot. I kind of think where they fumbled was they kept IT invite only for two law. There was a period of time where was extremely hype because I was invite only.

But if you do that for too long, I think arc also had this issue in many applications have this issue where they just keep IT too closed off for too long and then altera alternatives pop up and people lose interest. And if they opened IT up like four, five months earlier, I think that they would have had a lot more growth. But it's interesting to see their growth right now anyway. Yeah um yeah so I feel like social media .

just turning to this thing of like you get really into IT and you don't really want to use IT anymore, but you can have to keep IT around for some sort of contact with a couple people at this one of facebook and twitter just like I realized I know people on there or that's the only way I can contact them so I have to keep them but baby, I should just .

ask for their email yeah yeah .

I email is forever I don't post on my personal facebook but IT is like this is an era of communication basically .

A I yeah that's interesting to see that grow.

Can you you pick on you pick yeah make make sure it's a good one. Yes.

make sure it's about protocols.

That's right.

It's about pro.

It's about pro. It's about final cut pro. Five pro updates .

is .

the last one, and god am I? So i'm so torn, i'm so much to say here. Where do I start? Is a big up OK perfect? This is the end i'm going to to try to keep IT as short as David's blue sky context about o okay, so i've been reviewing this maco pro, right? And for max, it's the equivalent of the m one max that i've been using three years.

I've been like teetering ing on. Is this finally the one I shoot up? Great too. I really it's very much faster than what of this nanotechnology like it's got thunder able five future proof.

I think this might be the one I don't need IT maybe I should get IT um found a cut for updates come out. Really, really saw IT updates. I think some of us saw this coming because there are some sort of teasers and the key y note, uh, it's final cut pro levin. And the main new feature is called magnetic mask.

If anyone's been editing videos from more than few years eve, at least doubled in or heard about roto scoping, which is a very difficile manual technique, but to cut out the subject of a video, right? So if you've, if you have a photo, the subject in the front of photoshop has got to advanced A I tools to cut off the subject. Scot, Better and Better over time.

Super good. Now there are, like this matter, tools that do IT now, but in video, it's always been this thing, because the subjects gonna move you have to every single frame. And so vote scoping is a techne to cut every single frame off and exercise amounts of time to do this.

But with the advent of these A I tools, it's become a plug in away like emotion. The effects has, I think it's called m roto ai, where I click the subject and hit track and IT analyzes, figures out what the subject is, cuts IT all out, and then moves forward to frame. Cuts all out again, move ford of frame, and just goes, goes, goes, goes, goes.

And is a whole thing for me really, really impressed stuff. Magnetic mask. Is this all built into final cut pro o, and I haven't actually tried IT yet, but I assume that this will take advantage directly of the improved neural engine on the and for max chip, which is making me really want this top do that more. So that's the main thing. That's the number one headline ing new future. A I powered essentially road to scoping, but there are my running and magnetic mask, cool tracking great um there's also A I captions and translation so you can basically create transcription in any language of I don't know about any language but this seems like multiple languages based on what i've um which is very useful because I don't trust youtube auto generated captions. So for every single video I pay service that has a human go through and create and type out manual captions for at least in english, every single video IT costs me like fifty box of video I do for every video if this is good, saves me fifty box video you trust, if you trusted.

I will be trying .

IT and seeing if it's as good as youtube or as good as the humans. We shall see. Ah, there go, I take a human job.

And then the last one is A A I space al video. You can edit spatial video, and A A pro element is great. If you're shooting spatial video on your iphone and you want to shooting into your vision pro, this is how you'll do IT fantastic.

C three d box found a pro o eleven. Very exciting for me. I think this is the last nail in the coffin for my m one max laptop. I think I now have to get them for .

do you think that this is a big enough upgrade for them to warrant the entire version change?

I think the amount grades required to to warrant a version change gets smaller every year yeah in the same way that like android gets a bunch of tiny upgrades and .

I like it's android fifteen. Yeo has around forever so long yeah that I feel like you would need sort .

of like a visual ref yeah .

it's been like .

fifteen years old. I would say that you could argue that this new advent of A I features is a good enough uh, inflection point to warrant a new number. I think there's going be more AI features in the future, and I think this is the first new AI features. And you can go, all right, eleven for this trivia.

Adam alis, one did final protein.

One eleven cut.

I looked IT up to.

we look just eleven. Yeah, it's okay.

New trivial question. Wanted found a cut come out. I know this don't look IT up. When do you think .

you came out? Came out? I know this IT .

came out to hold on on on.

Are we are you talking about when did final cut come out? Or when did apple, when did final cut apple's first publish? Because I was a thing before apple purchased IT.

IT was a yes, I would say when I was apple's .

final cut. Okay, apple's final cut came out in two thousand. Note, in ninety eight.

ninety nine, nine, ninety nine spent twenty five years. Yeah, oh, they did.

They developed the, okay. They acquired IT in ninety eight, but they released in one thousand and nine.

Yeah IT was first on stage and ninety nine? yes. So yeah, finally, because old, this is a new version number.

I think it's fair that it's eleven. It's whole of new air features. I'm going to be trying my neck mask. I'm probably going to add this to the laptop review before IT goes out because I think it's that I want to try IT hopeful they can get my hands on IT. There's also new final cut pro for ipad improvements and including AI enhance for a lightning color hit a button that looks Better, what to do, adding new stuff to content library, new effects, new transition to a and pencil pro haptics and new a inks for live drawing.

which is that I still .

want to try editing a podcast on an ipad difficile.

Sure, they on ipad mini.

Oh my god, I wouldn't do IT on ipad mini. I myself of what final cut pro looks like on ipad mini is very funny, really funny. yes. Um there is a new logic pro improvements as well. Alice might find interesting that the quantuck room simulator is coming as a free update allegedly um as well as plug in search and some new sounds and building stuff as well and final cut camera is going in update h VC log recording so you don't to do progress log you can do h VC log can get more color space, more dynamics range, but still smaller house great and live let viewing live let previews yes 4k one twenty from the iphone sixteen pro and pro max yes yeah i'm i'm excited to try final cut pro eleven and IT may be yeah the the reason that I upgrade this laptop and i'm very curiously to play with .

my metic mask, you said you think it's for using the new neural engine? Do yes. There is no confirmation that .

IT has to be on. No, I deduction. The reasoning i'm using is that this is apple's own APP. IT is specifically its A I powered, obviously.

And if anyone has the ability to plug directly in to the the neural course, you and for serious chips is at team and they get to play with those ships and hopefully max ized efficiency and the neural engine on this m for max ship is, I think, either twice or four times as fast or something crazy as m one. Max, that's great. You should do exports on both. I think I should do a tracking test because exports are ready, faster, averted in exports, test is twice as fast.

But the adding a mask, and like masking and effect, or just like I want this subject to have this behind that separate layers, do the for the thirty second clip, how long does that track take is a real time for A K for progress for red footage like I want to try a bunch of tracking stuff um if it's four times as fast on this laptop that's that's worth IT. So yeah cool. That's what my .

mind IT is we have one more .

thing in the hat .

so kind in the is .

that birthing .

IT is a piece of that we got sent. There's really awesome. I think we all share this. We haven't shown IT on the pot yet, but someone made way from podcast fanner with a bunch of different says and all of us.

So I just noted .

sitting .

in exactly the same position .

that it's to me.

So he says, Alice is sing the great state of california now the adam saying, trulia dude, i'm saying, you know David thing bad? No, don't do that. Is you say that was that was you okay? Yes, i'm saying I like my dominance and I like my pizza.

No perfect. No notes. Yeah and then and mark is say, you can do you want kids? You can do anything. There is also to some other, uh, bingo, let's go with a feature, not a bug. Um when did we say I can floss .

my teeth with .

sixteen years? This is wonderful.

yeah. Very, very cool. Y of.

thank you. Very a lot of way formam turns out maybe too, maybe too be not.

Need a bigger past paper yeah are going to put IT out bigger hanging IT up somewhere. And just if are if you who made this are listening, please do not stop making stop because clearly are very good at IT yeah I think we I feel like a lot of the first things we all made were like fan art or something.

This is the second piece of anner. I've see that a shut up baLance on IT. That's pretty awesome.

everything. Well, I think what any forever do we should do trivia?

哦, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Tribe, dude, quick up that on the score markets and David tied with twenty three a piece. Andrew running away with the, with twenty seven.

Oh yeah, let's go. I hope that extra gangana, I completely messes this up. Oh, IT will don't you?

Very good. okay. So the first question, midy has velocity that has arrange from zero to what number? Oh, okay, this might be a hint.

IT might not be. But actually all parameters in middle are constrained. This does. This doesn't work specifically because IT is the maximum bit depth possible in a .

midy word metaxa metage asar. Three metaphors can escape to africa.

The metadata iring.

Are these not just things that hands zimmers has scored? yes. Flippin read.

What do we got?

Oh, right.

One one.

I put one thousand bit two, five.

five to talk about your answer.

I'm not sir, but you are .

a computer person. OK, okay, so why did you pick one twenty eight eight?

Because it's half of two fifty six.


never much. I just want to talk about the answer because why did you pick two fifty six he picked to fifty five and why did he pick two fifty five?

Zero is still a value because I was going from zero to two fifty six, two hundred fifty six total, which should be zero fifteen.

Yes, which is a kilby, which is an eight bit number, not a kilby. So .

sure there.

So David, midi is seven bits, meaning that the maxim value described by seven bit, or how many discrete values .

are there in the seventh seven bits, two hundred.

twenty eight and seven bits one where .

there's one hundred .

and twenty eight discrete values possible. But like you said, zero is a value, mean one hundred and twenty seven .

is the great six, but zero.

the value is one, one hundred and twenty eight discrete values in a seven bit number. But zero is one of those values, meaning that one hundred and twenty seven is the mexican zero.

Be a velocity that's .

what we say. velocity. I mean zero is that there's no nothing .

is no that's all say it's zero one twenty seven, not one to .

one eight he combined are yeah but zero .

is you put .

mine zero so but that wasn't .

the question. The question was zero to what what was the highest number in the range?

Yeah come on.

Yeah that's what I that's why I put two fifty five.

That's why I put two fifty five.

Yeah, our logic combine. Would I get anyway.

question number two .

and that you done .

to funky car time guys, i'm on the named four cars and you tell me which one is fake or if they're all real the reno like car, L E car, let car, the AMC gramlich, the AMC gremlin, the isuzu mysterious utility wizard also called the hand of passport, the suburb brat .

or sorry.

I didn't make any of these up. All right, let's read some boys. Mars, why don't you go first? The grim lin, the AMC gremlin made by american motor company.

is real. wow. I also put.

which means I think not only is the grandma cool.

I mean real, but IT is cool.

I put all the bob that is correct. I did any of those up. I know that real .

I was either between now i'm doing that. I almost need this thing, but I don't expect .

you to .

say reno like that unless you less you didn't create IT because that's pronounce IT. I know the bra is real, the bra is so. And then when you compared you, the bra is sick. And then when you compared you said, there's the harder passport version.

I like l is and that deep in his .

the grammer is the grammy said.

look at the reno like car so now what everyone's like, oh, Alice hates cars. Alice doesn't like cars. He's mister train. No, I just same four of them.

So you like cars, name everyone.

name every car. And with like my queen.

With that, we will wrap this this year later. Thanks for watching. Thank you for your listening.

A thanks for a updating score. Maybe trivial extra of games are coming soon. That would be .

really fun.

Get you next three way.

Farmers produce by farmers produced. Don't press IT.

What is IT? Is that bus .

way from produce? but.

It's kind of hard to explain because like you think of tea literally is like digital sheet music like there's no IT doesn't have a sound. You have to give in to an instrument which can then read that sheet music.