cover of episode Apple Announces New M4 Macs!

Apple Announces New M4 Macs!

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Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Lin Hill
Marques Brownlee
John Lin Hill: 推广名为“Explain IT to me”的新播客,提供IT技术咨询服务。 Marques Brownlee: 对苹果公司新发布的搭载M4芯片的iMac、Mac mini和MacBook Pro进行了评测,指出新款Mac mini性价比高,新款MacBook Pro性能提升显著,并对苹果公司过分强调“苹果芯片”表示质疑。 Andrew Manganelli: 讨论了任天堂新推出的音乐流媒体应用和宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏,对应用中一些独特的功能(如循环播放和无剧透模式)表示赞赏,并对应用可能带来的版权问题表示担忧。 David Imel: 对新款Mac mini的设计和Thunderbolt 5接口进行了详细的分析,并对苹果公司在产品定价策略上的不足提出了批评。 John Lin Hill: 介绍了新播客“Explain IT to me”及其服务内容,并对播客的未来发展充满信心。 Marques Brownlee: 详细分析了苹果公司新发布的M4 Mac电脑的性能、设计和价格,并对不同型号的优缺点进行了比较,对M4 Max芯片的性能提升尤为赞赏,认为新款Mac mini性价比最高,但对部分配件价格过高表示不满。 Andrew Manganelli: 对任天堂新推出的音乐流媒体应用进行了深入的探讨,分析了该应用的市场前景和潜在风险,并与David Imel一起讨论了视频游戏音乐的创作特点和应用中一些独特的功能。 David Imel: 对新款Mac mini的设计进行了详细的评论,对体积和接口布局提出了自己的看法,并对Thunderbolt 5接口的性能和应用场景进行了深入的分析,对苹果公司在产品定价策略上的不足提出了批评,并对Magic Mouse的设计和使用体验发表了评论。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the most polarizing and delicious Halloween candy, Candy Corn, and its origins as a candy version of chicken feed.
  • Candy Corn was invented in the late 1880s and originally sold as chicken feed.
  • The original name for Candy Corn was 'Chicken Feed'.

Shownotes Transcript


I just don't get IT just wish .

some of you do the research. Can we figure this out? Hey all, i'm john lin hill and i'm a hosting a new podcast advice called explain IT to me.

Here's how IT works. You call our hot lying with questions you can't quite answer on your own. We'll investigate and call you back to tell you what we found will bring you the answers you need every wedding day starting september eighteen th. So follow explaining to me presented by clavo.

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because Normal music has definitive begin. What's so funny watching the math is so is a child mask and so it's like scratching my eyeball and i'm doing for you video video anyway so yeah, I think there's something cool here of like, yeah, this is a mess. I can't fit my Normal headphones under my hat, so i'm using my like digital headphones which have like two million second delays.

So i'm like almost stumbling over every word i'm saying right now. My eye balls are on fire. This is a mess.

It's what we do.

What is up, ghost and girls of the internet? Welcome back to another episode of the way of form podcast. I know that you're watching this on november first or possibly even later, but for us right now as a recording, it's booky season. Baby, it's halloween. Kw.

the what music?

I guess they didn't. I was kind of hoping they had something. I don't know.

I would look like he was reaching for something anyway, we are your best. I am David and I am you. And markets has to be out today. Because he dressed up as a skeleton and then he just became a skeleton.

And I.

If he was a zombie, he could have walked here.


he from his apartment house, right? Okay, anyway, oh, there we go.

There's the music. I don't like, like harby.

Is this going to the demonetized?

No, okay, again.

realty free. Anyway, in this episode.

we have a lot. It's not royalty free. We just .

paid for IT. okay. Anyway, in this episode, we got a last step going on. Apple had a whole week of releasing new max. So we're going to talk about all that lintons do. Dropped a number of apps this week as well, which was a very random and the more rapid up with more pokemon stuff. So so but first, we are wearing halloween costs.

We are audio listeners. We are all wearing halloween costumes.

They already knew that. What you mean? How you can hear? IT.

oh yeah, yeah. okay. screaming. Who wants to go first?

I feel like .

i'm the most recognizable here. I zero, so surprising amount of the pieces of my cost of war labeled soro. But no, I am fame criminal, a enemy of maya.

C cheese. I am a hamburgers. Commit crime. Do IT been prepared for this one for year? perfect. I love IT .

beautiful. I am just as work .

from over the garden wall. It's a cartoon network show that's amazing, and everyone should watch.

That was a book. What am I .

thinking of?

I don't know what you're thinking of. I made no sense. Prety good, but no.

thank you. Do they are? Do they released? no. See, I let limited november third.

They are listener. If IT is november third. When you are listening to this, go watch the stop motion special. That carton network is .

dropping in youtube.

I know I am where it's really good .

because .

did you make that caper?

No, no, this came from. I want to say amazon something.

The washington post.

Now you are on .

point with, thank you. Yeah, Normally series here dressed as the frog and .

my farm suggests is just as great as a IT.

Actually, if you you know, yeah, just work, endure.

What is your costume?

I am an X A little IT is a emphasize an um weirdly I only know about IT because there's a discount player name similis a who has like a signature disk that's t and ask a lot on IT and it's like everyone's favorite version of this disk. Very cute. And then I just happened to be trying to buy a halloween costume for lane.

And I thought I was really cute. I was born for myself. I A tail.

哦, listening. He's standing up and holding up his tail.

Where are we going to get demotivated? Ed .

island, also an excelled of the .

exact same color and everything. I can't wait to the picture for treating tonight.

go. Fun fact, during the pandemic woman, like we were all at home, I released a short story children's book about an x little.

Yeah, I know I have .

you not at .

least i've lived .

in many publish. amazing.

They we, you are up. Okay.

i've to stand up for this one because you have to see the whole thing.

And do you want me IT all? I'm going to describe what David wearing and then audio listeners, along with video .

as just in thirty second. Es I I in .

this, okay, David mail sleep for jacket, kind of crappy what I say, like a little short, big color and unzipped with really nice bell bottom maron pants service looks see a giving very serving looks. And then on his shirt is a bunch of words for magazine.

And now, David, do you want to tell us what you are?

right? so. What happens when you have words all over yourself and you're also a model, you're a language model.

Nice if you were this weekend. I did.

嗯 well.

no, I was resolved well. So here's my question. When someone came up to you and said, what is that? Did you say language model? Or did you say what .

happens when I like the latter?

And this is like before.

this is the most big area.

This like is like you walking .

around with like a kind of for breeze at an optimist prime action figure. And you're like, i'm a diffusion transformer.

That's right, baby. Yeah, I want to look. I told everyone at the party I was going ill on the podcast. So I hope I hope that is.

I hope that is .

so up to you .

all are most people kind of a lot because look, I also am annoyed at these language bindles. Um so where .

people got .

ta know IT at you? Yeah sort like a 哦, you're one of .

those guys kind of no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Does me guys we .

cover this anyway, whatever. So okay, we did our costumes. Markets is dead for halloween.

No, sick. Zombie, zombie, zombie. He'll be here eventually. Anyway, we should get into the news of this week. We got out in intendo covers this week, which is actually amazing. Um we have both the intendo music streaming APP yes, this dropped this morning as a recording and also the pokemon trading card game pocket from mobile, which is crazy.

been a great week for me in my inner .

child do verio. So the intended music streaming APP is basically this up you can now on your phone that looks a lot like spotify IT .

looks a lot like youtube music to the music and .

yeah and IT just has like a most of the tracks from, like most of the games and is going to .

be more coming later.

And I think that intendo knows that people love this iconic music. I every super speed brother's brow game, there was like a music action where you could just listen to music from the various games. And I spend so much time, just like a listening to animal crossing music as a kid.

Do I have, okay, so this going to be turned to a mini meant, so if you don't care, skip forward two minutes. yeah. So every year my top artists on spotify, rapp is always some random game developer that makes music because I always listen to gaming tracks.

When i'm even when i'm editing, i'll have IT like really low into background on switching camera angles and stuff for the podcast if i'm like writing or editing pictures or anything, i'm always having like that kind of music behind me, like a small a bit gaming music. So every year that's what IT is. I have a whole players dedicated to. Now this APP is included if you have an intendo music online, which is only like four dollars a month, there's something like that.

So I think it's like twenty bux a year really.

I get charge like four dollars and three three cents every month. So I maybe I can do the year the option yeah whatever IT is, it's like, is that the cheapest music streaming service .

right now with a small library?

Well, I made two dollars month for spot five. I have a family.

Yeah, have a family plan is like actually sixty. You just hat IT sixty or whatever he calls like twenty eight or something? No, no. But I think this might be the cheapest one. And for me personally.

even IT only has video game .

that is that's what i'm saying like this is so good for me.

Yeah four dollars, monty. eight.

There's something else it's kind of interesting here, which is as someone who I went to music video game, shut up, this is my time now now.

But video music is written .

really differently than all other music because really different function. One of the interesting games about video and music is .

that this masks right now.

one of the things that's really interesting about video game music is that it's written to be layer and it's written to be open ended because in theory, a player can spend an infinite amount of time in the area and that music needs to loop seamlessly. And there's something cool about the idea of a music streaming APP that only streams music that's designed to be ambient's look.

which they added features for.

So I saw that. But if if there was some sort of .

a thing that .

they could incorporate here that could plug your phones knowing what you're doing at all times, which IT does um and could actively do the same blends and fades and layers that a game engine is doing because the game engine knows that your characters doing all the time IT could be a really cool way and you couldn't do this with Normal music because Normal music has definitive begin.

What's so funy watch me that is so is that child's mask and so it's scratching my eyeball here and i'm for you vio video anyway so yeah, I think there's something cool here of like, yes, this is a mess. I can't fit my Normal headphones under my hat, so i'm using my like digital headphones which have like two million second delays. So i'm like almost stumbling over every word i'm saying right now. My eyeballs are on fire. This is a mess.

I mean, speaking of the you know looping features, they actually introduced a number of really interesting features into the so you can loop songs or extend tracks for fifteen, thirty or sixty minutes.

I I wanted to ask you about this. Do you think you know how in adobe there's like that yes.

remix feature to use that all the time.

And you just like if if you have a three minutes on in your videos, four minutes, you just stretched out to four minutes and IT like ambient's kind of a makes IT sound like a smooth transition to a four minute track. yeah. Do you think that's what this is doing? Or did they record fifty minute, thirty minute version? Sixty minute versions.

IT says a select tracks fifteen, thirty and sixty minutes. And I think in games like animal crossing or there's just music infinitely, I think there are parts like Alice was saying, like in the song where kind of like fades into a thing and they naturally made IT. So it's able to loop in certain areas. So I think that they just like they have those chunks and they can just blend them together like very easily. But you game music is like .

the easiest music to .

do because all of the whole thing, when you're writing video sic, when you're scoring a film, you have definitive times right? When things change yeah when you're scoring a game, a guide, your character could walk into a new area literally any point in the track. So you have to IT has to be written in such a way that I can blend into any other piece of music, completely seamless.

Ly, what our china say is interm music, and do something, or like something that's very specifically like the cut seen opening of something, might not be able to do that because it's like the default en one where there's like the ambient walking around abusive yeah I like probably has to be whatever.

And I think they take advantage of uh loading times because if you like, walk into a new area kind of pads and then IT goes I can out there or something .

yeah that sort of what I meant with when I said layering like a lot of this music will have like you can't really think of a piece of music as like one thing in the same way you do with a film score and or song, where there will be hit and moments and cut seen moments that are designed to come in and out at any possible point over that ambient, ambient layer.

I think this is really good picture like, this is a little big brother Y A picture like, guys, you guys both go to the gym. You go to the gym to you guys are old gym yesterday. So picture this time. Watch and your watch nose like, I was heart right, just one out. You must have just some prety work out always like, he's clearly like to changing in the gym cloth and your airports just got going the years.

Of people doing like what if my life had like yeah the soundtrack to IT. So that .

would be would be so big health data.

I think nintendo you might be sitting I mean, nintendo is always sitting on a gold mine and not doing anything with IT, right?

Well, that's why they mean this. So okay, to address. So some people I posted about this, some people are kind of upset that this exist. Some people think that now that intendo is putting out their own APP with the official music, they're going to use this as a way to like copyright strike people who have upload intended music on youtube.

which is how we've been listening .

to IT forever. Yeah, most people have been. No, I don't think they are gonna go after like the remixes like people make K, K, slider music of anything like there is a there was a charlie ex brat K K lighter that was freaking amazing.

Um I don't think they are going to do that, but intendo are traditionally extremely hard core about copy rate. So we'll see. I don't think this necessarily like changes anything because .

they already owned the copyright of the music. And people are just a little like you to understand at some point that could be yeah.

So can I just say that whoever is running in tender right now is doing an amazing job because that is the holiday season now and they have released an alarm clock ah and music streaming up yeah and it's amazing yeah I think .

this is kind of like what's really cool about this is like how Adams as he he uses IT and i've ever heard our mark says like he doesn't do IT as much now that we have so many people in the office. But when he used to work, he made sure the music that he was playing wasn't in english because he said, like if he was in english would be paying too much attention to lyrics and taken away so they do a lot of french music. This is this is really good background amb music that's not going to distract .

you but still keep you and I got .

not silence and .

it's already included in count um which I do because you need IT to play like Brown online or not all of jesus you need .

to play first measure ultimate .

and I think a who want of this probably have that online subscription already yeah um and then its four dollars .

by self outside of that are you're saying, okay four ying .

to just get this for a month I thought .

spelt quick. What is everyone's favorite and intendo soundtrack? O where .

mario galaxy?

Yes, excEllent choice. That is number two for me.

What's come on? Red, we channel baby. Well, okay, that's iconic, but that doesn't make IT like the best.

That's the best. There's a whole station for on the step.

It's its own thing that's so .

funny yeah I feel a very no I mean.

it's a look. It's iconic. I don't know if it's supreme o galaxy music literally makes me want to cry IT is not even joking ah like .

it's so good my yeah I was going to say for me it's galaxy too because that scores is a galley you not to like he is my number two oh but I think it's sort of even split for me between the system music because he is like unreal, how good IT is and then we system music mario galaxy. And then I think twilight princess .

do like princess music .

is amazing reval yeah there are some pieces in that that are so creative and inventive yeah my gosh .

you like twenty twelve I know two thousand and ten. They came out with a twenty fifth innovation, ary orchestral soundtrack for zola music in general. And I bought the CD that IT came on and IT was, it's just increase.

Can listen to remind the jerusalem y like live orchestral version is just incredible. Santanna goes hard for orchestral music for for their games. And it's it's great.


what's your so I grew up with a place station, but me too, my friend haven't sexy four and like my favorite song or the most. So gic on probably doesn't even encounter because it's from gold. And I said like that, I just A I remember where is having good music, but like I couldn't specifically pull any of IT.

You're not wrong. I think as far as like sound design or music design or like creative audio branding goes, the playstation is the king. Like like the first, especially the first three playstation yeah system said, I think one of the most genius creative decisions ever made by a human person is making the P.

S. Three start up sound and orchestra tuning. There's like so much IT makes you feel like, oh my god, like something complex and beautiful is coming to life in front of me and then, you know, you play playstation. But .

dm, play station too. I had as a kid that's the the only Sunny council i've ever owned was play station to and that starts sound is freak cool. It's like, yeah.

Funny enough, I went from a placation to an x box and then totally dig play station after that. But yeah.

IT was, yeah, every time I put to that up as a kid, I was like, i'm living in a different universe than everybody else. Seriously, IT was incredible. One more feature on this APP that is very interesting is they have a spoiler free togo. The idea is that if you want to play an instance, like they have all these playlists, right? And nintendo generate the playlist, you can create playlist.

But if there's a game that you haven't played yet and you want to, like, experience the music as IT happens, which to me, in inten of music is like a huge part of the game I been playing, the news world game, echoes of wisdom. And every I only play IT well, actually being able to listen to the music because it's such like a deep in my chest experience. So basically there's a spoiler tag where you like, I haven't played these games, yeah. And I want to experience them while playing the games.

So IT filters out .

the music from the lit, you know, IT you just say I want to play this.

that it's good. No, I totally very thoughtful feature this yeah in run scape there's something called the music cape because like it's a skill cape, which are these things you are lock when you only reached the like highest level of the skill? no.

But new areas and new quest among different songs in rensink pe, which landscape songs are awesome because one, they're all copy free. Everybody can use them whatever, and some of them just slap. And but every time you you get cape that has like a hard on IT and you are market called the music cape, I think it's called .

that's us yeah we love old school.

We love all love. I love that came with me.

right? I think that we're going to take IT to trivia, then they're going to talk about all the apple announcements of this week. So take IT away. Spoke today. I knew, I knew you IT does something, something.

I always do something, things. All bookie halloween trivia, let's get IT. So question one, if my eyes the most polar, I zing.

And delicious halloween Candy. Candy corn was invented in the late eighteen eighties and originally sold as the Candy version of what common farm animals food. That's right. The original name for .

IT was blank feed. I have an idea matter.

a cross full of Candy corn.

I don't have to be I like, I made that what you think .

like Candy and we can .

lax is delicious.

I .

ve never .


say, when he said the most polarize zing Candy, what came into your head? At first .

I thought to poland.

it's like the the I don't care that i'm passing Candy out to these kids this year. Have some two rules, especially the flavor to rules. Andrew, i'm just saying I don't just like them is are White .

in the blue .

wrapper. And i've never heard .

of before this a ton of guys.

This is .

a bad opinion. I said there are polar ized Candy clear.

I hate them.

I think Candy corn is the thing that people like I am going to devour ten pounds of this or yeah they're gonna be like that is follow. And there's .

very few in betwen ordinary sosa's .

did A T out ora usage, that small creators.

Youtube you are like eight hundred .

thousand alright.

never my OK. And I think we should take IT back. It's commercial. It's commercial and will talk .

about apples, what the corn mr. like. I can't fully how good that cates.

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I welcome back we uh markets was nice enough since he went to a quick apple brief ing in L A, which is by half the reason because he travel to wait too much in the last week. But he went and got to see some of the new products. We all got to see just the releases because they've been doing IT throughout this week.

Apples been launching mac products every day essentially this week. Um so we're going to talk about all them. But first market recorded like a four minute little video about what he saw. So we're going to watch IT and then we're David and I are just gona talk about IT without markets afterwards so let's hit IT.


I what's a picture? Open doing open, doing great. Ah I know out for the moment, but I couldn't help but weighing on some of the the new announcements from apple this week.

So instead an event like last year but that scary fast mak event we had in october this time, we had a week of press releases. So a string of crust releases and also videos to go with them knife els like they cut up what would have been an event into several days long of chatter online. But basically now the entire mac land has got in for updates.

So that's what we're here to talk about. Have a couple of reactions to him, and i'll leave you with these thoughts and maybe you have some stuff to add or some reactions or that was evoke who. But okay, I read them out first thing.

Oh, apple intelligence is like headlining all these updates, which is interesting to me, maybe even a little bit misleading because he feels like, I mean, you can get apple intelligence on any older, not any older, but lots of older max. But if you look at the headlines, they are like apple intelligence is here. But that's not really coming with the m four ships that kind of interesting that they're selling a apple intelligence so hard.

Anyway, first mac update that came was the imac. The new imac is now update with the m four chip. Now sixteen guzan, a memory base. It's the exact same design and that has slightly, slightly new colors just to be able to say they change the design so great steering both colors. And there is also now a nano texture option on the display, which actually don't think most people getting in imac are actually interested in.

I mean, these are still like the every person all in one putting the kitchen, the living room type of computer like it's it's a Better computer, but it's not really a gigantic a bit here. Then we got mac mini. Mac mini was interesting to me because I think it's may be now at the base Price, the best deal in apples entire line of the products that phones, computers, tables have, everything they make.

I think i'm the base mac mini for five ninety nine with the sixteen exam memory is a really, really good computer. It's tiny now. It's a five inch by five inch cube.

Hard to overstate how small that is is is closer and closer to the size of apple TV. It's really incredibly small. I think I would only be possible with these new chips.

Um so guess the and four chip gets the extra memory and IT loses all the full size USB airports, but has U S B C on the front and the headphone jack on the front now as well. Um every single Price upgrade, if you look on apple's website for IT, is pretty expensive. Like the second you get off of the base Price, you're overpaying for memory and storage in all that.

But the base main, I really interesting, will be getting up to review pretty soon. Also got then the one that I am personally attempted by, which is the macbook pro. So m4, M4 pro, m for max. This is the one I am interested in because I have actually been holding out.

I'm doing air closed because like I I added maybe three or four videos a year on the macbook pro, but I ve been using the m1 max macbook pro and it's been great, been totally five sixteen inch max out, has sixty four gigs of memory. But this new one makes all the right updates and all the right places. It's got now this new m for max version, which is allegedly two times faster than mine, you twice as fast graphics, Better neural engine, up to one hundred twenty eight games, max memory, furthermore, five faster I O for the drives I use and of course, the space black.

So it's it's speaking to me. I'm very interested in the new micro prose. All of this, of course, we're opening, get our hands on and review pretty soon. But the last thought I really have is that maybe the most underused thing about this m for mac update is that every mac now starts at sixteen gigs. A unified memory IT was all eight before.

And I know that's decent enough for most people, but I think starting at sixteen, which is probably because apple intel gent, it's actually going to make a prety big deal for a lot of people that makes a lot of the base Price versions are much Better deal. So anyway, those are my initial thought. Just seen all the new stuff. I'm curious what you guys think and are also send review questions.


I think .

that's all. Oh, no, I have.

Well, first, first thing I want to say is just about the video he said is mark is sick and still records. The video is like a sweeping in trio I make camera and he doesn't miss. He just, it's habit, pure youtube r through and through.

But he answer a face uncle, he does the same thing.

What's up? Oh, sorry, the video was making a video over the camera.

Okay, give any initial thoughts and then I think we can go through each one .

individually. Yes OK um .

many initial thoughts OK um was your biggest ones and then .

we can may be group the other times .

said before we go into each individual thing just so we can keep someone of a right order. yes.

Um I think he made sense for them to make this a press release system because everything is basically based on the chips and so IT would be hard to do a whole event where they just talk about the same ship but in like three .

different devices yeah and his point of IT being what could have been an event but just cut up the reason that would be harder because they sued into the exact same little hot hole part of every single video I overall agree with yeah what. And IT keeps the hype .

up all week for a number of products like each day people are talking about a different product from I think that's a good that was a good food by then. yes. So why don't we just go through all the different announcements? yes.

And we can go through IT based on the day that they were announced. cool. So imac was monday um i'm for chip was the biggest update. People we're talking about the colors, which is kind of .

funny IT at work, is that all new colors and one persons like the Green is new and someone else like the purpose is new and then we were reading the press release for so long, trying to find out which one was new until we found this like comparison photo, basic apple guy posted of like they all are, knew they're just the pretty little different except the server. yes. So it's, are they all mute? I say there .

more passed. Yeah, they're more patient than anywhere before. I do really like the Green. The Green is very cool. I think that in .

an elementary school, IT would look fire. Man.

this is like my old computer. Okay, so um obviously I got the fort. Chip IT is now standard with sixteen gigabits of memory configuration able up to thirty two gig bites.

Obviously, mark has talked about sixteen gigs of memory across the board being a big deal. And they even start all the macbook airs now at sixteen gigs when you buy them online for like the same Price, the same based print, which is good. Obviously, apple is trying to push everything towards apple intelligence and you .

need more memory for that specific I make is the world's best all in one for and is built for apple intelligence OK. We're onna hear a lot about that for the next year. Yeah so I wrote down in here and maybe we can read through them. And yeah, but the press release and the like, the video just had the most interesting comparison performance comparison i've seen. And I just kind of quoted a bunch of them because some of them are silly and like shows us where we are performance is but also just feels a little yeah so i'll read s some of them and you can react with the new imac is up to one point seven times faster than imac with .

them one yeah there wasn't three and there the funny thing is that, I mean, not the fun IT kind of makes sense for them to do this because you don't upgrade your like homebush tok computer that often especially .

why would you upgrade from anyone doing? Agree but IT is still funny that they are not also they very well could have one and still twenty percent fast then like I like with them. So we have an idea between, but I also do agree, market marketing I like with m for handles more intense workload like photo editing in gaming up to two point one times faster than I.

They did make a big deal about the gaming stuff. Um that's a big movement. That's a big market that are trying to capture. They are they now have the gaming adaptive like converter thing that basically can like make your game run well on metal. And I think they're trying to talk to a lot of studios to get them to do IT. They talk a lot about this game control, which they I saw at the event, had a bunch of station set up suk, okay. So yeah.

so, uh, neural engine is three times faster than anyone I am at one. There is up to one point seven times faster performance in apps like excel. At one point five times faster browser performance in safari compared diameter with that one. What do either .

of those things made? Intangibly.

the only thing I can think of with excEllence, have you seen the like excel games, like the pro itself, players where they like, they get the rest of all these things, like dely, all the Green columns and as possible.

David peers, amazing piece on the excel world .

champions. I think he went to IT .

did .

really the video or just article .

but amazing yeah ah gamers can enjoy .

incredibly smooth gam paid with two time tire frame rights. Then i'm like, the thing here is there comparing to one? Ah this is my favorite compared to the most popular twenty four inch all in one P C with latest in intel core seven processor. The new im is up to four .

point five times .

the most popular .

twenty what they referring most.

probably twenty reign .

all in one P C with I seven.

They just say interest seven into core. What the but .

what is the? What is the most?

Who knows? The most popular one could be the most popular cousar cheap.

And has there are not many, all one intel computers?

No, I like when I think of all in ones, I think, do they even make the microsoft studio anymore? The .

service they don't make the to do and I they dated dell makes .

an inspiron I seven and the novo makes an a idea center. I seven is corporation .

by one hundred thousand .

like the absolute is yeah I never yeah I just .

also thought .

this was funny because .

I think IT was literally last episode. So we were talking about the apple graphs and like how IT compares or little like random windows and someone like they never compared to windows lapa windows computers is only ever passed back things then immediately yeah and they have in the past I know they also they do both, but they always say one shot of a completely on mark graph, right compared to a computer we have no idea yeah yeah um and then compared to the most popular best imac model, the new am is the six times first actually think that's great.

I think you know how you said, not a lot of people are updating from m three to m four. But even as a desktop computer, yeah the m one to m for upgrade is very quick. Yes, I think most people do using a dust top use that for probably closer to ten years. Yeah um so comparing IT interview I X.

this is a very different time. So they added this nano texture option, which they added across the line will get to the microphone. Ter, but it's two hundred dollars on the imac and one hundred fifty on the microbes, which this all makes things very funny is the prodigy lay X D, R, which by the way, still need an update.

It's been it's very old now. It's a thousand dollars to add IT on the is really oh my god so it's kind of funny that it's like, okay, well, this isn't that much smaller and it's only two hundred. So yeah, I would also clearly over charging for the protest play X, D, R. I mean that that display is so and it's not even to olid, it's like still you know so anyway, it's perfect.

Yeah quick question. Yeah do you have anything else?

Um basically just the .

accessories. So we did kind of talk about the rumor that they are all moving to U. P. C.

Yes, we got confirmation the magic mouse is still on the bottom, which I think we've gotten to a point now the port, sorry, the U. S, B, C. Ports on the bottom.

I think we've gone to the point because mark s. Twitter about IT, that now people are like worries, still harping on IT is we like the magic mouse now? So maybe we like the magic mouse now.

That's how far deep weird are down as pole with come full circle now that objective bad design is like, okay, it's fine, whatever.

I I don't know, it's funny. It's a funny thing thing because you because you can't use your mouse when it's dead. But like Alice has mentioned previously, if you just wait five minutes, it'll be charged for as long as you need the user computer and then you try.

I just want to throw in there like how many tech products could you say just wait five minutes in your work and you wouldn't be upset with that? That's fair. I think almost every tech product we're in a point where five that is isn't excruciating a long time. Um but I still yeah yes so updated .

the magic mouse and magic keyboard with USB c which is thank goodness because I don't have to borrow a USB c to lightning came up from adam every single time I need to charge my stuff but what about the magic track pad? Do they update that?

Did did not say anything .

about that. They do have A U S B C magic track OK good OK.

It's actually want that I do because I don't use the mouser r keyboard but do use the and I have one.

It's so they have a ton of colors for the mouse board to match the call, to match the max. So it's pretty nice. And then I think they also, you get four thunder, four reports on the computer.

okay. Was IT too, before two thunderball, two U. S, B.

C. Dear member, um i'll .

look IT up way, as is about .

to say something. I just want to say two things. One random meet up at trivia.

How long does .

IT take to charge a magic mouse to have five hours, five hours, five minute? I've usable time. People, you i'll give you a bit IT of four hours.

How long they take to get four hours of magic? Mouse uses three dead, three minutes. Wrong, one minute IT takes sixty seconds. Yes, if you cannot stop what you're doing first, that means you get two hours and thirty seconds. The only people that are complaining about this, i'm sorry. I'm sorry if I send you your gamers you are and you know and you know what you gamers deal with, you open your study .

by update.

Sorry, boys, i'll see you tomorrow. That's fine today, but all the time i've .

got to wait one minute OK. But tim cook does use a logitech M X master.

I have a logitech M X master. There are plenty of times, once every two months, sure, where I come in in the morning as dead. All I need to do is plugged IT in and I can using, I can just go about my day. I don't need to wait sixty.

I know. But okay, here's the thing. I love the logitech M X.

master. I use IT so often. That is a poorly designed product. It's great.

But we no, I just want to say I just robo .

number one, it's only rated to a million clicks per button that is so much less than every day of their competitor. Number two, we all know the max masters made of plastic that only last two weeks.

Number three, the terrible M X master customization software doesn't allow or statements or just me or me IT doesn't allow and statements, so you can in the logic controls, you can only set two macros to do the exact same thing you can set up at a command ago. And that thing is designed terribly. And no one is out here being like, so everyone, everyone can shut up. Okay, quick fact check.

ten million clicks.

Ten million clicks also.

yes, but IT is noticeably worse than most other month. I think it's .

rated for ten years. But I think log check as a notorious problem for my getting double clicking issue because I know on one of the, uh, GPRS that happened with as well. I just want to say, if we were not allowed to overreact about the most S I T.

That that is what this is for. We are, we totally understand ninety nine percent of the stuff that comes of our mouth there is super mountain. And I also .

want say, yes, I do love the say it's .

a move that you pay in our salaries.

What else are with a whole new bit without when .

I was really about the design.

is really ten millions that I read, that I miss us zero. And I was reading the data today.

day. I I was going deep into OK. More question finish. imac. Yeah, what color imac would you put in your kitchen if you had .

to pick the pictures again? Yeah, I do. The new yellow is ugly.

The old, the old yellow was like a burn. Orange IT was great. That's probably problem .

with the yellow is that is Better described as orange?

No, I mean, the old deal was orange.

yes. I mean, so yeah.

I mean, my kitchen, you're not going to see the back of the computer on the front though the chain is color and the I would say maybe the pink thanks nice.

I think I would might be yellow or Green because my kitchen either Green paint or like ten cabinet yeah.

I do like pretty much all the color swaps except for the yellow because I like to that burn orange anyway. Yeah, i'm very glad that everything is now. USB c. Does that make everything and ampler line up? USB c now does .

that complete? I'm sure there's something.

I mean, there's still the I think they still sell the airports.

They still some, but I didn't know what you mean. You're saying all update things.

Apple, make everything that .

they make.

Oh, air podds. I mean, I first. Max.

I you see.



all did to them. Apple, TV, good question. Anyway, let's move on. Even know this is U S, B, C podcast. Let's talk about the mac mini tuesday.

This was the biggest kind of controversy on threads, which I find really hilarious because it's not that big of fit. Deal in my in. okay? I think .

you're office .

and are really jesus. okay? Mac, many smaller than before but also taller. So that's kind of the weird thing.

It's sort of like they squeeze they are really heart and all went into the center and it's like plato you know it's like, um it's such a great description. Thank you. It's how I was feeling about IT. It's five inches by five inches and it's two inches tall. Uh, it's pretty much the size of, like two magic mine likes put right next to each other in in with what .

can we talk about, what we think of the physical redesign, the size I like.

controversial that the what thing is part OK? Okay.

yes, sorry. yeah. We talk about what we think of size. That's what I mean, I divided on. I am team new design again, but your team design, I like .

that it's smaller in footprint, but I do like the flatter one Better because I can act as a stand.

Yeah, I think I was your team new?

Yeah, M. T. new. I think cutting out. know. I used to look at the old mac many. And I was like, dam, there's about six hundred cubic and meters that .

just need to for intel because .

I need cool. Now is a jack. But I do like I do really like the new redesign. I think like IT looks Better on a desk and doesn't like Better.

I agree. I do think that looks .

Better because I like the older one, because I was more practical for me. And I said this when we were talking about IT in the studio, like my personal, I like hiding things under other things. And because I was so like low to the to the desk, IT was easier to like slip under something I .

think like depending on how you put this on your desk, where the real status on your desk you will like IT or dislike. Because if you have a bunch of stuff and you don't care about the hate as much than this new ones, obviously Better. But if you have a shelf to give a grove made shelf, right, that makes so much more sense. Or do people with mac minutes did ever like, attach them to the bottom side of the desk?

I've seen some youtube setups where they have like a little and not to stand a rate type of thing like like mounted.

Then the old one's weight Better for that because is not taking up as much yeah need the real state down there. So you're losing less for zonal real state, more vertical real?

Yeah exactly yeah. I mean, I think that looks pretty. It's uh fairly close to an apple TV. The apple TV council is I think like three point. I I pulled IT up here.

Uh IT is three point six six inches and by one point two, whether the making money is five inches by two inches and so it's pretty, pretty close. Yeah, let's go through the spec of IT very quickly. So obviously redesigned.

You have two USB c ports in the front, but they are limited to a tena a bit per second. So they're not thunder bot i'd believe yeah they are not ah and then then there's a headphone jack in the front. You get ether net HDMI the wall socket port and then three USB c in the back.

And what's very interesting about this as well as the mac will proved that we will talk about shortly, is that the three USB c in the back are thunder able four, unless you get the m4 pro, in which case are thunder able five. And thero five is very, very new. The spec only got released a year ago.

There's only a few devices out right now that are thunder five. And I wrote down some things about thunder o five that we can talk about shortly. The four RAM is now sixteen gig about its just like every other apple product here, which is nice um starts at five ninety nine which I think like mark z had in the video.

I think the base mac mini is probably the best value computer right now. But what's in saying about that is that every other option that they sell is a bad value. So as you go through the purchasing page, the default one has the m four chip with ten core CPU ten core GPU sixteen ordinal engine uh has all these federal four sixteen gigs of RAM, but IT only has two and fifty six gigs of storage and then that's five ninety nine to go up to the next year. Which the only thing that is different is five twelve giggs of stories they just add to four is two hundred dollars extra so then it's eight hundred box to get that and then yeah I know it's .

two hundred dollars for less than a term .

or two hundred fifty six, it's ridiculous and then if you move up to the next year, which is a thousand dollars, which is almost double the Price, you just get twenty four gigs of RAM as well as the so um .

yeah as well as the five.

twelve, eight storage. So that's another two hundred dollars just to move up to twenty four gigs RAM from the sixteen gigs of RAM, which is crazy expensive like that. I was talking like you should buy a baseline mac mini.

You can litter. I look this up. You can buy a two terror external hard drive with thunder, able for like a hundred and sixty dollars and two tail rights, but then you lose a thurn erb bus. Yeah, just put in the back.


there's another table four in the back there.

Queen was in in the newly of one thunder, able left him a whole computer.

There's three thunderbolt back.

Oh, are they on separate buses? Are they on one bus? Because that that is a huge.

they're probably on separate buses, I would guess, because I can support three displays. So yeah and anyway, I mean, look, I just think it's crazy how much start churching for the additional and then and for pro is fourteen hundred dollars, which yeah you're getting the ten the twelve core CPU sixteen core GPU you're getting much more memory band with two hundred and seven three gig by per second of memory and with um you can can figure IT up to a twenty core GPU and a fortune core CPU uh up to sixty four gig bites of an and eight terribly tes of storage but the benefit the probably one of the biggest benefits of the m4 pro chip is that you get therof five, which is like a pretty big deal.

What is yeah, I was just going to say and .

to explain to me, let's go about I don't IT OK. So thunder five is quite a bit Better than venerable for the spec only dropped about a year ago. There's only a few devices that can do IT right now.

Thone about five can do up to one hundred and twenty giga bits per second of bandwidth. A thd about four can only do forty but per second. So it's a pretty big difference.

The actual rated back is eighty gigabits per second, but I can reach one twenty if it's sacrifice. This is receiving speed OK. So it's only like it's only gonna eighty if you're polling and you're also pushing data. But if you're just polling data, IT can do one hundred and twenty gig it's per second, which is really crazy.

IT can do three four cay displays at one forty four hurts or up to a five hundred and forty hearts display or two A K displays which is pretty nice um yes, done about five also ups the power delivery. So think about four could do up to one hundred and forty watts of power. But think about five, they have to deliver at least one hundred and forty watts of power, and they can go up to two hundred and forty watts of power.

So there are only about five dogs that are dropping on the market right now that are just finally starting to come out. This can be very beneficial if you're pushing around of a lot of data really quickly. If you know that you want to, to jump on to thunder able five SSD external cities, the thing is a you ve got to pay fourteen hundred books to get that. So that kind of depends what you're looking for.

And is so much money that you know, when I first read all this, I was super excited because if there's a lot of like small business and media, like live media, there's a lot of applications. So you need a lot of displays. And that's always been something that mac is less good at than pcs because with a PC, you can just put in more P, C, I, E cards and just get more display controllers. So I was really stoked to be like, oh my god, like if you own a barbershop, I don't know, then you have got four displays that you want a custom stuff like now you could do that with one point, but man did fourteen hundred.

Yeah, four hundred dollars. It's crazy because I again think the six hundred dollar mak many is like the best value computer. Our yeah because the regular m four will do basically anything.

Anyone wants to ask a new be question, the back many before. I also.

never, never, but you can ask.

you have refused work, alright. Does the power cable, uh, is IT just like an addition, or just a cable that goes from the computers, straighten the wall? yes. So the power supply is inside that little chasa.

i'm assuming. So there .

is no power.

is no power razed in there? Yeah.

that's pretty child. Ah, okay, now we got to get to the most controversial part of this computer, which is that they put the paramo on the bottom. Guys, IT doesn't matter. I don't think this matters. I think that matters is my on front .

bottom or back bottom .

of there's graphic of someone just like kind of reaching around and you you can .

fit your finger around. I think the problem with IT, at first I was like this is in the issue. But being on the back of mac mines are so good because of the stuff you can like put around them like ls or you can like slide them inside of shelves easily. And if you are plugged in tight and cable managed in the back and you can't reach through yourself to get to that and you can't pull IT out now because it's managed so well, then yeah what do you have like a little pokers.

But the mac many the old mac mini still had the power bar on the back of IT.

So was still harder yeah for and why did they I just always that the buttons looks nice on the back. Many is despite them being on the face of IT because they were like H D O, most like super fush and just work really well. yes. Yeah, I guess I was on the back.

People have been yelling about this. I don't know personally i'm like I don't ever turn off my computer unless IT freezes or glitches in a weird way.

I think you to tell your computer off more often really but yeah why I think it's I don't know the exact of IT, but i'm pretty it's like good practice to fully turn a computer.

Sometimes I have a but .

the thing is that's a that's a really complicated myth that has .

weight too many .

asterisks to .

give a simple .

that's on a windows PC. If you hit, restart and restart your computer, IT will clear all of the system states, and you will get like clean cash like that is good if you hit, shut down or press the power button on a windows PC IT will save the system states for a quick reboot the next time.

So that actually the difference on a PC between shutting down your PC and sleeping your PC is the pretty much the exact same IT doesn't negligible to your like making your computer run faster, clearing anything you have to do a full restart on a mac. It's like a little bit more complicated, but I do know apple computers hate IT when you shut them down with the power button, like the'd runs so many more processes and they clean up so much faster when you do restart from the apple drop down many. So I think yeah I think then putting the power button in the back was them being like you don't touch .

that yeah I mean, the only time that you actually to .

do IT is if you have to force shutdown. Yeah, I don't I just want to be clear.

I turn things off by because users prioritize a fast load time. Now I need a research if that's thrown mac too. But I know on most computers, if you shut down a computer, IT won't clear the cash.

IT won't clear the RAM. IT is effectively the same as sleeping. If you restart .

different things, restart and shut down.

yes. And restart is the one that makes you that you would think shut down.

Does they don't just do the same thing? no.

Is on windows. You can go into the settings and tell IT to turn off the like. I think the settings called like quick boot or something like that, yes, but yeah no restarting is definitely Better to.

I often have to restart my computer before I played dota. Um i'm not sure why, but if I like launch dota after I i've been using my computer for a while or in there's a bunch of applications open and stuff I just like won't load in the texture IT, won't load in a lot of random stuff but if I restarted everything's fine. Um so yes weird and but I also played down on my back with pro try which a lot of people hitting .

instead of restart shut down and then book your computer up and see if that works.

I think the report works fine.

I no, no. But then call me so I know more curious that doesn't .

IT IT listen at home if you're having an issue, call Alice for all of your happy .

needs yeah but I don't know. I mean, personally, I like this is a home computer similar to the imac that you you never really need to turn off. I saw a lot of people talking about like, oh, I turn on my computer every day and I was like, wow, that's swilled. I didn't know people still do that, but you know if you can do you and I will not shame you for IT. However, um you don't really need to do that most of time.

I think it's more so like the situation that Andrew was saying. I agree, if you have to, like, force, shut down your computer. Now you.

if you built IT around something that makes .

IT hard to read, I understand that. But I also totally agree that it's .

so mini situations.

And what do we need .

to yet about something .

yelling, uh, yes. So again, probably the best value computer you can buy right now in the standard, in the cheapest form and very exit makes .

me really mad that they have different thunder, both based on which but I just really hate when apple does this like yeah I I get like yeah pay more to get a storage update, pay more to get this upgrade, but don't like lock something behind yeah because theyve done this in the past with a wasn't IT like storage speeds were different based on what specular of my pro or was a macbook air. I don't remember there was something we're like air if you didn't get the higher storage.

yeah oh right yeah because they because they use a single nand chip instead of two. And when you have two chips that can read and right in parallel, so they're faster yeah also something I don't like about all of the make the mac minis here is that U. S, B, C on the front, the two ports on the front are limited to USB three speeds, which sucks because if you're like a creator and you're black, passing off a lot of storage if you want to get the fastest reading rate speeds, you have to OK IT up in the back. And if you're someone that you build stuff around IT and it's hard to reach the back.

why do you need to put anything that is still you can air job?

I don't move air dropping .

terabytes of fit.

Someone who, when I went to mulatter national park, took a time of the progress log footage. I had no on purpose. I have no idea how to get this footage under my computer. I've tried to air dropping in. I've tried connecting my phone directly .

to my computer.

We try back there, but in the end I decided just throw IT all away. Now I still have IT, and I I still want to edit. I just don't know how to .

get to my great.

Which iphone do you have?

Sixteen permai. So you can plug .

a hard drive directly in the um yes, yes, I try. Yes, I don't know, I have, I don't know. I just annoying because why can I put I put to my computer directly into IT and still didn't really want to work.

You're being too needy.

Is that yeah .

yeah okay just look, yeah they should put thunder pool ports on the front because that's the area that you're going to want to connect a at least one ah because that's where you're going to want .

to connect your .

SSD two yeah I agree. Um okay, market pros uh there is A A baseline m four micro o just like there was previously. They also added an additional USB c slashed thunder able port to the right side of IT.

So the cheapest one didn't have as many general ports but USB c ports. But now this one does, which is awesome, very cool. Uh, they now ruled out the space black color to all the models of the microbes they only had IT on, I believe, these sixteen or the m3 pro max macpro previously。 Uh, now also, the sixteen sixteen inch now starts at twenty four gags of RAM for the same old the Price, which is very cool, although the fourteen still starts at sixteen year bites. Really sure why the m four pro and m four max computers now come with all thunder able five ports, which is awesome.

is awesome, but again, not in the fourteen inch uh, which I guess is like this is the different. Now the first has done five.

Ah I think this they added a .

thd four poor on the right.

on the cheapest, on the cheapest .

one .

with the .

the regular OK right.

But I think it's because the shape the chip publication support OK yeah because they made the m four chip a long time ago. And I just want to say like it's interesting that apple supporting a new speak so early, they do that occasionally like they supported U S B C. Very early, but yet it's cool seeing them support and about five or or because there is like one external hard drive out right now that supports and five, so very cool. And I like that all the ports on the m for P M, form max or hundred about thing that's really cool. They have new twelve makes pixel web camps that cannot do center stage and desk view.

do you think? Very good though .

um there probably as good as the one on this one, which is I mean at least it's ten ty b right.

I mean remember when all all the mac of cancer seven? Yeah so I think it's good that pretty all the cameras on all of the mac products now can like due center stage, I think and all says that desk to view mode were IT basically skills and uh, you can see directly in front of you looks yeah which is interesting because there's going to a be a lot of keyboard, but we will see how why that that can actually get. Uh, you can also now get the nano texture display on the macc pros for one hundred and fifty dollars. I think the chances that people buy the new texture on the micropower much higher than the than buying IT on the IMAX, because creatives are probably gone to want that anti .

glare that thing mean, and glare on puts on make a lot.

It's very cool. Yeah, yeah pretty cool they said to faster retracing engine and neural engine and faster GPU course um yeah I think oh also, they now have the new longest battery life on any mac that isn't like the wall and they're recording twenty four hours of battery life on the regular fourteenth m four model as well as the sixteenth.

And did they say twenty four hours? Or do they say .

one day twenty hours?

That's different yeah.

all day battery, yeah yeah. I say more than all day. I think twenty .

four hours battle life is significant different than what I assume all day. Battery.

yeah. I mean, this is proba. Video, play back, right? yeah. Which is like the easier thing to do now is true.

But so which also makes now, every time they say all day the fact that they are aware of, the fact that they say all day and twenty four hours, those are not the same. Right right?

But yeah, this is a much bigger update than the m2, m three pro and max macbook prs because you're now getting that bumped up RAM on the sixteen seven in the option for the nano texture display. You're getting thunder able five all around IT. You're going to the extra port and you're going to center stage and desk view. So just like markets, and I still don't think anyone needs to update from an m1 pro 和 M1 max max o, because the design is pretty exactly the .

same unless you need retracing.

it's too x faster retracing yeah no.

there's no retracing on the or m two .

right right? Yeah yeah but you don't .

need right what you need a you about .

yeah I give you like a blender artist yeah yes.

I have one thing .

say about OK cool, which is I feel seen to because on apples like website page for the new map of pro, one of the application examples is my favorite software derivatives, touch designer baby. It's in their representation.

I was actually thinking a kind of felt like apple made all the examples. Yes.

I are still. There's the teenage engineering one.

There's one that's Adams exact set up.

my same headphones, my same little sampling machine. Yeah, the engineering, yeah. There was one designer .

for Alice touched for us there. There was one that was Brandon's set up where IT had like a notebook with, like specifically .

drawn out sea beautiful sketches and everything. Yeah, he was for the, I believe.

the programmer or the coder example in design, IT looks like a brand notebook. And then there was a gamer, one which is like, you know, alexa or may be there .

no one .

back with the course they are keyboard. And i've never seen that happened in my life.

was did you guys see the dish cult one?


like this discards talk bell X A lot example yeah .

um yeah so that's pretty much IT yeah but I think that was a good idea for to spread IT over the week. And I think that these are .

good computers. I think like the way we kind of rule through this is the perfect example of why I should be the week because each new release was specially fifty for I kind of like this.

I wish more companies would do that. Just have like a whole week of announcements like going back to only like the intended thing. Yeah, they've just had like us three or four weeks of straight bangers every week just dropping something new and it's just fun. I like IT. I wish people would do this more instead of like one event one day.

It's fun for like online discourse as well because then we could all talk about one product for a day rather than like an event happens and people are complaining about this one thing and the people are talking about the other thing. It's like it's hard to keep track of all of that where you can kind of see how people are reacting to a singular product for twenty four hours total for all day battery.

And it's good for them too. Yeah, yeah. okay. So we're going to get all these devices in very sane.

So we're going to drop some reviews on the main channel. But until then, let's kick out the trivia, baby. Yeah, good .

halloween ah .

for some reason, after update in a sqa, the roadster and my computer are just like not delay the lights, just like donating to work anymore. My computer actually doesn't even really see the broadcast anymore, so will get to .

the .

bottle. Anyway, here's out.

So we've been speaking about nintendo a lot this episode. And IT is also halloween today.

the day of recording. Let's go.

IT is I just get .

to work anyway.

There are a lot of enemy characters in the mario series kua trop ba.

And of course.

everyone's favorite perona plus .

plant perona plant .

onto .

plant plus pro max.


ultra. But there is also a ghost enemy. What is that name? I want a full name.

yeah. Buu regard. Q gazoo.

that was his father.

correct? That's mister bo gari.

No one get that reference here. no.

So there's a full name for a bill.

Yep, a full name. The full government.

What's on his pal? I D, does his royal title have to be included in his full name? O that's important.

A whole king.


doctor boo.

doctor, professor mario boo.

这 夏天 我。

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Welcome back for those of you out there, they want to be the very best that no one ever was in intent. Do had something very special for you. This week, they announced pokemon card game pocket edition.

Play the music at them. There will go. Okay, just want to know. When I was high school, I freak loved pokey train current game online, so i'm very excited to get into this. I made an account, but I have not yet had a lot of time to play. I'm going to throw over to add A M because he has had more time to play .

and I think he can explain a little bit Better. Yeah, so this game just dropped. It's a mobile APP on apple and andy. Android, sorry, thank you.

Um basically, IT is a hard collecting game so you can battle other people so like you can share your friend ID and everything and like I go back to David eventually I have a couple of friends from the interweaves that have added minority. So once I unlock IT because you unlock that at level three, you are able to battle other players, which is cool. But the main point of this game, to me at least, is just like the beautiful esthetics and the card collecting.

The feature of this, it's like every twelve hours you get a booster packs, you could just un rapid. And the way you on rapid is really cool. It's like the booster pack pops up on the screen and there was like a highlighted part of the top of the pack that you have to swipe your finger across.

Ss, like ripped open.

And this shows like each card one one and cards, a special card. And there's different like probabilities that you'll get a rare card in other stuff. And like, I think the aesthetics of this game are just like so prety incredible.

They like.

they take everything that everyone has learned in mobile APP development for the last decade and just threw out the window and .

didn't intend to.

Yeah so it's IT sounds like I mean, like opening packs, like all sorts of different trading cards is still like .

such a big thing. Get the same like brain, like feeling that you get when you're actually .

opening a real pack.

It's a question game. It's free, but you can buy more PH.

yeah. And there are there's a premium tear, I think like a subscription you can do if you want that, you'll get two booster packs per day because basically, you get a free booster pack every twelve hours. So automatically are automatically that's what i've been doing every been waiting four hours and you rap the next one.

Sorry, i'm just confirming automatically means for even if you're but like you're not even in the APP at all, like you do not have to log into the APP after twelve hours and climate. So if you go to sleep for twenty four hours, your week if you don't open in twenty four hours.

macbook pro for twenty four hours does, I don't know.

on rapping at every twelve hours. So I don't know if I don't do after twenty four hours.

if I doubt .

you to claim, I would imagine difference .

between .

that is actually .

being able to log in at the twelve hour exact times. great. Then IT starts turning until like you're not really getting to a day because now you've like miss a four our periods and not like one.

but then like I could just not lagging in for a week. And then on rap, like fifty ah on that math checks out, don't check IT.

So a very cool thing about this game is that they have all of these really awesome effects. So rare cards have this incredible parallax effect and they kind of shine and have these Sparkles. And it's like, it's so good. It's so well done. It's like IT doesn't just .

look like others to d Sparkles.

That really feels like a mercia missive card, which I have not gotten yet. Now well, when you get one IT basically like homes into the car and IT shows this whole world that's developed in the exact .

same art style yeah, it's so nice. Yeah and I think they did a good job of like the rollout, at least in my you open up the APP and you're going to like tutorial help basically for the first like ten minutes, but they give you so many packs so you're just like getting hot first start. And i'm pretty sure that yesterday, at the time of listening for people that everything into this, i'm pretty sure yesterday they did a special like everyone that i've seen that on rap cards today has got in a special card. So like, I got like a chinese snore.

R E IT was a regular x but .

I don't think .

he was holographic. IT was just like a special card, like A G X, maybe. Dx, I .


So in .

all of those I might be stronger. But from what I understand about most trading cards, essentially a specific spot in each booster pack is like dedicated, like the rare and which doesn't know is mean it's a holographic IT just means that in general, every pack gets one .

car that more yeah so yeah.

you're either going uncommon or rare. But then like inside of those rare, there are different levels of rich. So like at the charge are .

that everyone wants .

is like .

the was rich already someone is youtube lines. I didn't you do .

A A .

story and .

you got.

I did. Mary .

hawk is .

first and .

I I didn't I .

didn't do anything. I set up my account and I have an unboxed standing packs that was IT. Yeah, I need to do that.

I'm very excited. Ah yeah, I mean, nintendo on fire this year. I am very excited for this game. A lot of people are going to spend a lot of money on this game. Yes, very be clear.

This trading market, I .


I dt, I I like to .

feel weird if I feel like there should be a trading market, but I hope there's no monetary trading market, which means if there's any trading market, theyll turn into one anyways.

I know I think they would do that because it's just gambling at that point.

Yeah, that's the problem because I can pressure and counter strike with skins. IT didn't cost money in the game, but then the third party marked online would set up translating .

is coming soon. Is what IT .

doesn't up.

Can you sell? Probably not. Why not in that? But there will be a way to figure that is coming.

Yeah ah this this whole APP is awesome. Dear.

less and less, let us know what special edition broke on you got in your first day of playing this game and um that's about IT. So let's take a to trivia baby.

Can I A spooky ipod i'll give you. The glass breaking .

confuses me. No, that's not. I just break glass every time. Oh, oh.

under the table.

over the table.

Wow, over the garden table. nice.

I don't get .

a nice question, everyone.

The most polarizing and delicious halloween Candy, Candy korn, was invented in the nineteen eighties and originally sold as the Candy version of what common far form animals feed i'm looking for, what farm animal.

what was he called without .

the name of .

the anima lank feed cat?

Man, I wish my little, I spent so much time .

on us working goole lens.

google lens.

Is god not getting youtube?

No, no, i'm getting you'll .

do IT upload view count, view .


All you, I knew .

that what you are say, I no, I picked so I in both have the.

I said cow, no, I said pig, chicken.

chicken and called chicken feed.

That make sense.

Yeah, yeah.

I I S .

pig blank feed.

And I was always be the food of an .

animal interest, yes, and i'm looking for the animal. And IT is Candy corn.

as we'd know IT today, what animals need a lot of corn. I'm thinking about horses. I'm thinking about pigs.


Pink feed, I hog feed.

I know how you know it's crazy. Is that actually what Andrew said you would say? But unfortunate as chickens IT was called chicken sea.

Question number two. okay. Also quick up in in the score markets with twenty two because dear listener, when he got back from california, mean Andrew SAT by his desk and tied him thirty seconds to question and ask the tribe questions.

He got two out of three, correct? So he's got twenty two. wow. So we spoke about nintendo this week, but IT is also halloween.

So the ghost in the mario games, what is, is a full name. David, because you said IT and I had to pay IT really quickly during the shit. I IT was just going to be booed, but he made IT. No, yes, but were like.

definitely we've got that when I .

have no idea what this is.

Almost time.

Flippin read. What do we got?

I wrote bootiful.


but I love IT. I put bo dash. Bo.

no. Wow, thanks. wow.

I definitely don't know this one. I was, I was wondering if you'd asked me the name of the ghost, uh, which I knew is boo. I do not know his phone name. Someone have to make something up.

This was one of those weeks where that was the original question. And then David said, bo, at some point in the episode, was like, okay, well we can. We got to make IT .

harder then, okay, well, I mean, i'll make up. I let's see his name is king boo. You said, 哼。 So his government name, if he was king artha would be like art for something. So is really boofer .

a Brown boost for .

a Brown?

I. No, the correct .

answer is bo .

dly bolee a reference .

to boat delay, the rock star who's .

that .

he's like one of the most important figures in early american music, like inspired red Elvis and stuff like that, he said.

All right. Well.

thanks there. One question in .

there .

and we .

are to get, David, I wasn't a real tribe question IT. Was just me proving that you can literally plug and unplugged the magic and like ten seconds and get a back because this for me.

you wanted a question. That's an episode. Thanks for doing us from this epsom of the wave form cod cast spooky halloween edition where host i'm David and i'm and markets is still a skeleton.

And even though a halloween here, some people celebrate diwali and others celebrate the so thank you .

for listening and enjoy the holiday over your .

favorite costume .

who is a good one and why it's me and why .

it's adam yeah and pain .

for that's true but yeah .

thanks all for listening way form is produced by the hamburgers are and where and we are a box media pocket network show .

and our music was things .

let go.

This is so funny as the hamburger with me, beef banded. It's it's the world free.

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