This episode was recorded during the Emmy and Oscar season, so quite some time has passed since then.
We held onto this episode without editing it until now for two reasons. First, we hoped to release it in conjunction with the Shanghai International Film Festival, providing a timely medium for more in-depth discussions with everyone. Second, on a personal note, I believe that films and summer share a special synergy; both exude boundless vitality and leave an enduring impact.
This time, I hope to present a heartfelt audio letter dedicated to summer and all movie lovers, sharing this vibrant season together.
Huazi and I were college classmates, and she was one of the first friends I made during my university days. We first met in an English class during our freshman year. Coincidentally, we were assigned to the same class and became group partners for an assignment. I can still vividly recall our presentation on the seven deadly sins of human nature. Despite the long scripts we had to memorize, it was an engaging and rewarding experience.
We graduated the same year. After graduation, I moved to the United States to continue my studies, while Huazi went to Beijing to pursue her passion for the film industry. I’ve always perceived Huazi as having a unique artist’s aura. She possesses an exceptionally keen perception and a profound understanding of the world around her. Her expressions of the world seem to extend our senses, allowing us to experience things we had never encountered before.
This time, we bridged the 16-hour time difference, connecting from one end of the Pacific Ocean to the other through long undersea cables. This conversation intertwines our thoughts, emotions, consciousness, and perceptions, bringing us together despite the vast distance.
Does having a rich array of experiences truly help in telling compelling film stories, given that the language of cinema often draws from various fields?
Huazi candidly shares the reality of life as a filmmaker and sheds light on the actual barriers to entering the film industry.
We then delve into the portrayal of witches in art, the phenomenon of classic remakes in cinema, and the representation of female friendships both on-screen and in real life.
Our conversation also touches on feminism, discussing how a director’s gender influences cinematic interpretation, the significance of “hybridity” for filmmakers, and the impact of fluidity on the creative process.
This interview is divided into three parts. In the first episode, we focus on Huazi’s decision to enter the film industry, her understanding of being a filmmaker, and the creative process of filmmaking. The second episode delves deeper into the film industry's entry points, the phenomenon of classic remakes, and the themes of feminism and fluidity in cinema. In the third episode, we discuss the concept of “Barbenheimer” and explore the future path of feminist practices within the film industry. Stay tuned and subscribe for more insights!
00:00 《走出森林》节目介绍
02:01 丰富的经历能够讲好电影故事吗?
05:05 成为电影人之后,其实是在成为谁?
07:05 电影行业入门到底有多难?
09:16 从生活聊到性别,女性主义离我们有多远?
11:45 当女性主义成为一种实际的生活方式
14:47 经典扎堆重拍?背后的考量是怎样的
18:22 当女巫被搬上荧幕,我们在讨论什么?
20:01 从电影聊到现实生活中的女性情谊
23:33 电影工作者里的女性与男性们
26:29 女性规训与男性规训
27:35 生活中的女性情谊、男性情谊与群体认同
29:08 导演罗伊·安德森的和谐剧组
30:14 电影对于Huazi女性主义认知的改变
35:22 “杂糅”对于电影人的影响
37:08 没有“板上钉钉”的现实,流动性让我们看得更远
38:34 本期回顾和下期提要
Image by stokpic) from Pixabay)
● 托德·海因斯《五月十二月》
● 滨口龙介《驾驶我的车》/《欢乐时光》/《夜以继日》
● 贾玲《热辣滚烫》
● 武正晴《百元之恋》(安藤樱主演)
● 《史密斯夫妇》(2024电视版)
● 拉斯·冯·提尔《反基督者》/《女性瘾者》
● 翠西·西埃《坐在酒吧里吃蛋糕》
● 罗伊·安德森电影幕后纪录片《人生如是》
● 克里斯托弗·诺兰《奥本海默》
● 格蕾塔·葛韦格《芭比》
● 米亚·汉森-洛夫《将来的事》
● 佩德罗·阿莫多瓦《关于我母亲的一切》
● 莱奥·卡拉克斯《新桥恋人》
● 西蒙·波伏娃《第二性》
● 朱迪斯·巴特勒《性别麻烦》