在过去的一周里,占据美国各大媒体热点的依旧是最高法院推翻罗诉韦德案的后续效应。随着罗诉韦德案的裁决被高法推翻,美国历史上最严苛的堕胎法案已经在一些设立“触发法案”Trigger Law的保守州生效,然而,各保守州的法院纷纷采取临时措施,拖延这些“触发法案”和罗案前的堕胎禁令,为本州的生育健康机构和妇女面对后罗诉韦德案时代争取有限的时间。
02:53 犹他州法院接受美国计划生育联合会诉讼,暂时准许堕胎继续实行
05:27 路易斯安那州接受当地医疗服务机构提起诉讼,暂时阻止该州”触发法案“生效
06:48 得州最严堕胎禁令暂时延迟,最高检建议检察官依据1925法律制裁医疗机构
07:33 佛州触发法案违背了州宪法,暂时停止生效,州长寻求更严厉法令
09:27 密西西比州寻求完全禁止堕胎法令,共和党议员称生命始于受精卵
12:09 拜登支持排除议会阻挠门槛促进堕胎权入法,受党内阻挠
16:05 联邦政府可以采取保护妇女的现实措施聊胜于无
Washington Post
Utah judge allows abortions to resume after Planned Parenthood sued By Praveena Somasundaram
Abortions in Texas can temporarily resume, judge rules By Caroline Kitchener and Meryl Kornfield
Judge temporarily blocks ‘trigger law’ on abortion in Louisiana By John Wagner and Caroline Kitchener
Florida judge to block law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks By Lori Rozsa
Miss. lawmaker says 12-year-old incest victims should carry pregnancies to term By Timothy Bella
Can Biden provide abortion on federal lands? By Amber Phillips
Wall Street Journal
Biden Supports Exception to Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade Into Law By Andrew Restuccia and Ken Thomas