cover of episode E.24 《美轮美换》“看理想”专题系列推荐语 The American Roulette, Vistopia Series: A Recommendation (2024.8.13)

E.24 《美轮美换》“看理想”专题系列推荐语 The American Roulette, Vistopia Series: A Recommendation (2024.8.13)

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催稿拉黑 Philosophically Procrastinating

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我指出2015年特朗普参选对美国民主制度造成了巨大冲击,并延续至今。与此同时,选美组织的成立旨在通过关注选举细节,深入理解美国民主制度的运作。我认为选美在当时具有不可替代性,它提供了对美国社会与政治的深度剖析,提升了中文舆论场对美国政治的讨论高度。选美作为一个团队工程,观点多元,避免了视角盲区,呈现了更加丰富多元的美国政治。此外,选美还无意中成为了文化类和政治社会类社群的孵化器。在选美项目停止后,美轮美奂继续追踪报道美国政治,尤其关注2020年大选。如今,美轮美奂2.0继续为中国听众提供及时和深度的美国政治追踪报道。 我强调理解美国政治不仅需要理论储备,更需要切身体会。由于我已回国三年,缺乏在美国的切身经历,难以准确判断美国议题。身处国内,我对美国政治的微妙变化也缺乏切身感受。因此,我认为好的评论文章应出自长期生活在当地的人。幸运的是,选美团队和美轮美奂团队一直有扎根美国的人提供评论。Talish老师是选美团队的定心丸,华斯瑞对美国媒体圈有深入了解,对播客节目贡献大。王浩南、曹启同和Lokin是美国政治研究界的后起之秀,选美项目在社群和梯队建设方面有意义。因此,我强烈推荐由美轮美奂团队在看理想上推出的美国大选节目。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What significant event occurred on June 16, 2015, that had a lasting impact on American democracy?

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the U.S. presidency, an event that profoundly impacted American democracy. His election and subsequent actions have caused ongoing disruptions to the democratic system, with effects that continue to resonate even after the 2024 election.

What is the significance of the '选美' (Xuǎn Měi) organization in the context of understanding American democracy?

The '选美' organization, founded in 2015, aimed to provide a detailed and nuanced understanding of American democracy by focusing on the intricacies of the electoral process. It sought to move beyond superficial narratives and offer a deeper analysis of the U.S. political system, including election laws, campaign financing, media coverage, and candidate strategies. This approach helped reveal the strengths and weaknesses of American democracy and the factors behind Trump's rise.

Why was the '选美' organization considered unique in its approach to discussing American politics?

The '选美' organization was unique because it was a collaborative effort involving diverse perspectives, interests, and professional backgrounds. Unlike many popular books on American politics written by individual authors, '选美' fostered internal debates and discussions, which helped avoid blind spots and provided a richer, more multifaceted view of U.S. politics. Additionally, it served as an incubator, inspiring many readers and listeners to pursue careers in American politics, media, and law.

What role did the '美轮美奂' (Měi Lún Měi Huàn) podcast play in continuing the work of '选美'?

After the '选美' project ended in 2019, several key members of the team launched the '美轮美奂' podcast to continue tracking and analyzing U.S. politics, particularly during the 2020 presidential election between Trump and Biden. In 2024, with the upcoming election and Trump's resurgence, the podcast evolved into '美轮美奂 2.0,' offering timely and in-depth coverage for Chinese audiences interested in American politics.

Why did the speaker decline the invitation to host a program about the 2024 U.S. election on '看理想' (Vistopia)?

The speaker declined the invitation because they believed that truly understanding U.S. politics requires not only theoretical and factual knowledge but also firsthand experience of living in the U.S. Since returning to China three years ago, the speaker felt they could no longer accurately gauge the nuances of American society and politics, such as the impact of inflation or subtle political shifts, without being immersed in the daily life and media environment of the U.S.

Who are the current hosts of the '美轮美奂 2.0' podcast, and what makes them well-suited for the role?

The current hosts of '美轮美奂 2.0' include Talish, a seasoned commentator with a broad interest in U.S. politics, film, music, and sports; Huasirui, a media professional with insider knowledge of U.S. media trends; and Wang Haonan, Cao Qitong, and Lokin, who have risen through the ranks from undergraduate and high school contributors to professionals in law, politics, and academia. Their diverse expertise and firsthand experience make them ideal for providing deep and accurate commentary on U.S. politics.

What impact did the '选美' project have on its audience and contributors?

The '选美' project inspired many of its readers and listeners to develop an interest in U.S. politics, history, and political science, leading some to pursue careers in these fields. It also encouraged others to start their own podcasts or engage in cultural and lifestyle content creation. The project's emphasis on detailed analysis and diverse perspectives left a lasting legacy, fostering a new generation of politically engaged individuals in the Chinese-speaking world.

  • 2015年6月16日特朗普宣布参选美国总统
  • 同一天"选美"组织成立
  • "选美"组织关注美国选举制度,以深入了解美国民主制度

Shownotes Transcript

2024年8月13日为《美轮美换》(The American Roulette主页)、小宇宙镜像))在“看理想”app上开设的专题系列《美国大选与世界转向)》录制的推荐语。
