cover of episode Former Illinois Republican Party chairman Pat Brady joined Springfield's Morning News to discuss GOP infighting and chances of a Republican winning any statewide races in 2026.

Former Illinois Republican Party chairman Pat Brady joined Springfield's Morning News to discuss GOP infighting and chances of a Republican winning any statewide races in 2026.

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Pat Brady
我观察到伊利诺伊州共和党内部存在严重内讧。保守派人士对那些与教师工会来往或接受其资金的共和党议员感到不满。这种内讧正中民主党下怀,它削弱了共和党在2026年州长、参议员和众议员选举中的竞争力,使共和党几乎没有机会赢得任何州级竞选。Tom DeVore的行为是这种内讧的典型体现,他将火力对准了党内同僚,而不是民主党人。我认为DeVore可能从他的政治行动委员会(PAC)中获利,他的行为并非出于真正的保守主义信念,而是为了个人利益。共和党内部极端保守派和温和派之间的分歧能否弥合,是共和党能否获胜的关键。历史上,共和党也曾团结一致,赢得过州长选举。共和党需要团结,摒弃‘纯洁性测试’,才能赢得选举。共和党应该争取中间选民,而不是只关注极端保守派。如今共和党选民的构成已经发生了根本性的变化,像吉姆·埃德加这样的温和派候选人已经无法赢得共和党初选。共和党的基础设施已经严重萎缩,这使得温和派候选人难以获得足够的支持。共和党需要决定是想要赢得选举,还是只想表达不满。共和党赢得州长选举的可能性取决于民主党候选人的选择以及州长普里茨克是否继续支持民主党。如果民主党提名极左翼候选人,共和党在参议院选举中将有获胜的机会。伊利诺伊州并非完全是左翼州,只要共和党提名一个适度保守的候选人,就有可能赢得选举。

Deep Dive

Pat Brady discusses the internal conflicts within the Illinois Republican Party and their impact on the party's prospects in the upcoming 2026 elections. He points out the counterproductive nature of infighting and the need for unity to win elections.
  • Republican infighting is hindering their chances in 2026 elections.
  • Tom DeVore's actions are seen as counterproductive.
  • Unity is crucial for Republicans to win elections.

Shownotes Transcript

Former Illinois Republican Party chairman Pat Brady joined Springfield's Morning News to discuss GOP infighting and chances of a Republican winning any statewide races in 2026.

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