cover of episode Comedian Kelsey Cook "I Am Not Calling You My Lord"

Comedian Kelsey Cook "I Am Not Calling You My Lord"

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#comedy industry#comedian interview#celebrity interviews#relationship dynamics and dating#tv&film#comic relief#personal growth and self-discovery#youtube content strategy People
Kelsey Cook
@Kelsey Cook : 每次录制单口喜剧特辑前,我都会感到非常紧张,这种压力似乎难以消除。拍摄需要大量的资金和人力,我希望一切都能顺利进行。为了减轻压力,我选择在威斯康星州麦迪逊的Comedy on State俱乐部进行拍摄,因为那里深受喜剧演员和观众的喜爱,我相信那里的氛围会很好。此外,我最初对于在舞台上谈论母亲的痴呆症感到犹豫,因为这与我以往轻松幽默的风格不同,这是我经历过的最痛苦的事情。但我也意识到,很多人都有类似的经历,通过喜剧的方式来探讨这个话题,或许可以给他人带来慰藉,让大家感到不那么孤单。

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Stand Up Comedian Kelsey Cook stops by to discuss her new Stand Up Special "Mark Your Territory" available now on YouTube and Hulu. Kelsey talks the process of shooting the special, the age gap between her and her boyfriend, why boyfriend sounds weird when you are in your 30's and the official rules of foosball. 

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