cover of episode Recent Developments in Sino-Russian Relations: A Conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick

Recent Developments in Sino-Russian Relations: A Conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick

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Elizabeth Wishnick
Elizabeth Wishnick博士认为,2024年5月习近平-普京北京会晤以及随后的上海合作组织峰会等一系列活动,反映出中俄关系在持续深化的同时,也存在一些细微的差异和分歧。她分析了联合声明中关于台湾、北极、朝鲜半岛、南海和乌克兰等问题的措辞,指出中俄双方在这些问题上的立场并非完全一致,而是试图在强调共识的同时,淡化分歧。她还特别关注了中俄两国在7月和8月进行的多次联合军事演习,认为这些演习既有预先计划的成分,也有对美国及其盟友行动的回应。她认为,这些演习既有政治信号作用,也有提升军事互操性方面的作用,但双方军事合作的范围和程度仍有待观察。她还预测,未来几个月,习近平与普京可能还会举行会晤,但7月份那样密集的军事演习不太可能再次出现。 Bonnie Lin对中俄关系的近期发展,特别是中俄之间一系列的军事演习表示关注,并就这些事件的背景、意义和未来走向与Elizabeth Wishnick博士进行了深入探讨。她特别关注了中俄在印太地区和欧洲地区举行的联合军事演习,并就这些演习的政治信号意义、军事互操性以及中俄两国在应对美国及其盟友行动方面的合作模式与Elizabeth Wishnick博士进行了探讨。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick joins us to discuss recent Sino-Russian activities and what they mean for the overall China-Russia relationship. Dr. Wishnick analyzes the May 2024 Xi-Putin meeting in Beijing, noting that the joint statement the two countries released had significant areas of continuity and some areas of change compared to 2023. She then analyzes the meeting between the two leaders at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit and the nearly half a dozen military exercises the two countries engaged in in July and August 2024. Dr. Wishnick emphasizes that the recent surge of China-Russia military exercises are meant to signal China-Russia political and strategic coordination, with some scheduled in advance as part of their normal annual exercise plans and others scheduled in response to U.S. activities. Finally, Dr. Wishnick shares her predictions for developments within Sino-Russian relations in the coming months. 

Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick is a Senior Research Scientist in the China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division at CNA. She was a Professor of Political Science at Montclair State University from 2005-2024 and the Coordinator of MSU’s Asian Studies Undergraduate Minor from 2010-2019. Since 2002, she has been a research scholar at Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute. She previously taught undergraduate and graduate courses in international relations, Chinese politics, and Chinese foreign policy at Barnard College, Columbia College, and SIPA. Dr. Wishnick has dual regional expertise on China and Russia and is an expert on Chinese foreign policy, Sino-Russian relations, Northeast Asian and Central Asian security, and Arctic geopolitics.  She received a PhD in Political Science from Columbia University, an MA in Russian and East European Studies from Yale University, and a BA from Barnard College. She speaks Mandarin, Russian, and French.