cover of episode Ukrainian Resistance in the Occupied Territories with Jade McGlynn

Ukrainian Resistance in the Occupied Territories with Jade McGlynn

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Russian Roulette

Jade McGlynn
Jade McGlynn 的报告详细描述了在俄罗斯占领下的乌克兰领土上发生的各种形式的抵抗运动,包括暴力和非暴力抵抗。她强调了这些抵抗运动对俄罗斯占领者造成的军事和心理影响,以及西方国家了解和支持这些抵抗运动的重要性。报告还揭示了俄罗斯占领当局对乌克兰平民实施的残酷镇压措施,包括大规模驱逐、性暴力和普遍的恐怖统治。这些暴行不仅对受害者造成不可磨灭的创伤,也进一步激化了当地居民的反抗情绪。报告指出,尽管面临严峻的挑战,乌克兰抵抗运动仍然持续存在,并对俄罗斯的战争努力构成持续的威胁。抵抗运动的参与者包括各行各业的乌克兰人,他们通过各种方式表达他们的反抗,从提供情报到进行破坏活动,以及通过网络和社交媒体传播信息。报告还强调了抵抗运动中女性的突出作用,她们在面对俄罗斯占领者的性暴力和压迫时表现出非凡的勇气和韧性。 Max Bergman 和 Maria Snegovaya 与 Jade McGlynn 的对话进一步探讨了报告中的关键发现,并对乌克兰抵抗运动的军事意义、俄罗斯的镇压策略以及西方国家可能提供的支持进行了深入分析。他们强调了抵抗运动对俄罗斯战争努力的影响,以及它在削弱俄罗斯宣传和揭示俄罗斯国内对战争的反对程度方面的作用。他们还讨论了被占领土上不同地区抵抗运动的差异,以及抵抗运动面临的挑战和未来前景。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the realities of life under Russian occupation in Ukraine, challenging the assumption that all forms of insurgency have been suppressed. It highlights the diverse forms of resistance, from violent acts to non-violent methods, and examines the varying experiences across different regions.
  • Russia occupies about 18% of Ukrainian territory.
  • Resistance exists in various forms, including violent and non-violent actions.
  • Life in occupied territories differs significantly depending on the region and duration of occupation.

Shownotes Transcript

 Max and Maria sat down with Jade McGlynn to discuss her recent report for CSIS, "Crossing Thresholds: Ukrainian Resistance to Russian Occupation."

"Crossing Thresholds: Ukrainian Resistance to Russian Occupation)," by Jade McGlynn on 

"The Ukrainian resistance is torching Putin's dreams of conquest)," by Jade McGlynn for The Telegraph.