cover of episode Walter Sinnott-Armstrong on Morality Without God

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong on Morality Without God

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David Edmonds
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 认为,道德并非依赖于上帝的存在。他指出道德的基础在于人际关系和对他人的潜在伤害。许多宗教共享的道德准则,例如不伤害他人,并非源于神启,而是基于常识。他认为,即使在没有上帝的情况下,某些行为,例如强奸,仍然是错误的,因为它们会造成伤害。他进一步指出,诉诸宗教文本并不能解决道德分歧,因为不同宗教的文本可能相互矛盾。相反,解决道德分歧的途径在于通过系统的思考、类比、与他人交流等方式来达成共识。他以医生是否需要告知病人所有可行治疗方案的案例为例,说明了世俗推理在解决道德问题上的有效性。他还批判了圣经中存在许多不符合现代道德标准的教诲。最后,他认为,信教与某些不道德行为之间存在相关性,但这并不意味着宗教导致了这些不道德行为。他建议人们应该关注他人,帮助他人,而不是关注来世,以此来获得人生的意义。 David Edmonds 和 Nigel Warburton 在对话中提出了对 Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 观点的质疑,例如,他们质疑人们是否天生关心伤害他人,以及如果上帝不存在,是否存在一个正确的答案。他们还探讨了宗教信仰与道德行为之间的关系,以及宗教在解决道德问题中的作用。

Deep Dive

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong argues that morality doesn't need a divine basis. He asserts that morality is fundamentally about avoiding harm to others and maintaining positive human relationships, which are independent of religious beliefs. The discussion explores the common misconception that without God, chaos would reign and that religious adherence equates to ethical behavior.
  • Morality is based on human relations and avoiding harm.
  • Religious rules often reflect common sense, not divine revelation.
  • The existence of God is irrelevant to the morality of actions like rape.

Shownotes Transcript

Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong on Morality Without God)Pub date: 2009-08-28[Get Podcast Transcript →]( Sinnott-Armstrong on Morality Without God))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarizationWalter Sinnott-Armstrong argues that God isn't necessary for morality in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast.The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.