Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Simon Blackburn on Moral Relativism)Pub date: 2007-08-27[Get Podcast Transcript →](https://www.listen411.com/?audio_url=https://audio.listennotes.com/e/p/d560e2b158f44a67bfb8693c6c20c70e/¬es=Simon Blackburn on Moral Relativism))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarizationAre moral choices simply relative, a matter of culture or taste? Are genuine moral disagreements possible? Should we just tolerate different ways that people choose to live? Nigel Warburton interviews Simon Blackburn on these important questions. In the course of the discussion Blackburn outlines his own quasi-realist position.The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.