cover of episode Sarah Fine on the Right to Exclude

Sarah Fine on the Right to Exclude

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Sarah Fine
Sarah Fine 质疑国家是否拥有排斥权这一普遍假设。她认为,这一权利并非国家固有的属性,也并非民主运作的必然结果。她分析了多种支持国家排斥权的论证,例如国家本质论、民主论、结社自由论以及保护民族文化论,并指出这些论证都存在缺陷。她认为,国家排斥权的正当性需要进一步论证,不能简单地被视为理所当然。她还指出,许多被统治者也受到移民政策的影响,因此他们也应该拥有参与权。她认为,将国家与志愿协会进行类比是不合适的,因为人们无法选择自己的国籍,而国家对公民拥有权力。她还指出,保护民族文化不能凌驾于移民的权利之上,需要权衡各种利益。 David Edmonds 和 Nigel Warburton 作为访谈主持人,引导 Sarah Fine 阐述其观点,并提出质疑,促进了对国家排斥权这一复杂问题的深入探讨。他们提出了关于民主决策、国家本质以及文化保护等方面的关键问题,推动了对 Sarah Fine 论点的进一步澄清和完善。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the moral right of states to exclude people from their territories, challenging the common assumption that states possess such a right. It examines potential justifications for this right, focusing on the nature of the state, self-defense, and the limitations of a general right to exclude.
  • States police who enters their borders.
  • The right to exclude is a widespread assumption.
  • The state's right to self-defense might justify some exclusion but not a general right to exclude.

Shownotes Transcript

Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Sarah Fine on the Right to Exclude)Pub date: 2018-02-14[Get Podcast Transcript →]( Fine on the Right to Exclude))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarization Do states have a moral right to exclude people from their territory? It might seem obvious that states do have such a right, but Sarah Fine) questions this in this episode of the Philosophy Bites) podcast. 

This episode of Philosophy Bites was sponsored by the Examining Ethics podcast from the Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics) at DePauw University. You can subscribe to Examining Ethics on iTunes or listen to episodes at ExaminingEthics.Org) The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.