cover of episode Jennifer Hornsby on Human Agency

Jennifer Hornsby on Human Agency

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David Edmonds
Jennifer Hornsby
Jennifer Hornsby 博士对哲学中关于人类行为的传统因果解释提出了尖锐的批评。她认为,将人类行为简化为由先在的信念和欲望所导致的因果链条,是一种对人类主体性的误解。Hornsby 博士认为,这种观点忽略了人类作为能动主体在因果关系中的独特地位,将人类行为与物理世界中其他事件的因果关系混为一谈。她认为,这种“机械论”的观点忽视了人类行为中意图和目的的重要性,将人类简化为复杂的机器,而忽略了人类意识和自由意志的作用。Hornsby 博士主张,对人类行为的解释应该从日常生活中人们对行为的自然理解出发,而不是试图将所有因果关系都纳入物理主义的框架中。她认为,在许多情况下,我们可以直接观察到人类行为中的意图,而无需诉诸于隐藏的心理状态。她批评了哲学中流行的“基本主义”观点,即物理学对世界的解释是最根本的,这种观点忽视了人类行为的独特性和复杂性。Hornsby 博士认为,正确理解人类行为对于我们正确认识自身至关重要,而这需要我们抛弃那些将人类简化为机械装置的哲学观点。 David Edmonds 和 Nigel Warburton 作为访谈主持人,引导 Jennifer Hornsby 阐述其观点,并提出一些关键问题,例如:传统观点如何将信念和欲望视为行为的因果前提?Hornsby 博士如何看待将人类行为与物理世界中其他事件的因果关系进行比较?Hornsby 博士如何解释日常生活中人们对行为的自然理解?Hornsby 博士如何看待哲学中流行的“基本主义”观点?通过这些问题,访谈更清晰地展现了 Hornsby 博士对传统哲学观点的批判,以及她对人类能动性更为细致入微的理解。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores Wittgenstein's question about human agency: what remains of 'raising my arm' if we remove the physical act itself? It introduces Jennifer Hornsby's critique of the dominant philosophical view of human action as a purely causal chain of beliefs, desires, and physical responses.
  • Wittgenstein's question on the essence of human agency.
  • Critique of the dominant view of human action as a causal chain of beliefs and desires.
  • The standard picture of human agency involves beliefs and desires as causal antecedents of actions.

Shownotes Transcript

Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Jennifer Hornsby on Human Agency)Pub date: 2008-06-01[Get Podcast Transcript →]( Hornsby on Human Agency))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarizationWhat goes on when someone does something deliberately? Jennifer Hornsby discusses this difficult philosophical question with Nigel Warburton in this episode of Philosophy Bites.The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.