Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: David Edmonds on Trolley Problems)Pub date: 2013-09-01[Get Podcast Transcript →](https://www.listen411.com/?audio_url=https://audio.listennotes.com/e/p/0a5c09e2b34d4928a876e19fffd21f57/¬es=David Edmonds on Trolley Problems))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarization Is it ever morally acceptable to kill one person to save many? Most people agree that in some extreme circumstances this, though psychologically difficult, can be the right action to take. In this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast, Nigel Warburton) interviews David Edmonds (co-creator of the Philosophy Bites podcast) about the life and death thought experiments known as Trolley Problems. David Edmonds book about Trolley Problems Would You Kill the Fat Man?) will be published in Autumn 2013 by Princeton University Press. The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.