cover of episode Carlo Rovelli on Philosophy and Physics

Carlo Rovelli on Philosophy and Physics

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卡洛·罗韦利认为哲学与物理学的关系在历史上曾非常紧密,牛顿、爱因斯坦、海森堡等杰出物理学家都深受哲学思想的影响,他们的科学突破也离不开哲学的启迪。他批评了20世纪下半叶物理学与哲学之间日益增长的隔阂,认为这种隔阂对物理学和哲学的发展都造成了负面影响。他认为,科学的重大突破并非总是源于新的经验证据,也可能源于对现有理论的重新构建和发展,而哲学能够帮助物理学家拓宽思维,突破既有框架,从而取得新的进展。他还强调了方法论意识的重要性,认为缺乏方法论意识会导致理论物理学的停滞。在谈到时间和空间的概念时,罗韦利指出,物理学家和哲学家对时间和空间的理解存在差异,物理学家关注的是能够解释世界(包括原子世界、宇宙世界、量子引力世界等)的最佳时间概念,这可能会导致误解。他认为,科学的描述并不能解释所有问题,例如意识的本质,科学的局限性是显而易见的。但他同时认为,对于我们不了解的事物,与其编造故事,不如承认我们不知道。最后,他以自己对量子引力的研究为例,说明哲学思想如何帮助他理解如何在没有时间的量子引力理论中解释我们对时间的体验。 奈杰尔·沃伯顿主要扮演提问者的角色,引导卡洛·罗韦利阐述其观点,并就一些关键问题进行深入探讨,例如库恩的科学革命理论、哲学对物理学的影响机制、物理学家与哲学家对时间和空间概念的差异等。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the historical relationship between philosophy and physics, highlighting the contributions of prominent figures like Newton, Einstein, and Heisenberg. It challenges the notion of philosophy's irrelevance to physics and emphasizes the evolving nature of scientific understanding.
  • Stephen Hawking declared philosophy dead and irrelevant to physics.
  • Carlo Rovelli argues that philosophy and physics have a strong and mutually beneficial relationship.
  • The relationship between philosophy and physics was stronger in the past (e.g., Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg).
  • Kuhn's concept of scientific revolutions is discussed, along with the cumulative aspect of scientific knowledge.

Shownotes Transcript

Podcast: Philosophy Bites) (LS 64 · TOP 0.05% what is this?))Episode: Carlo Rovelli on Philosophy and Physics)Pub date: 2015-11-29[Get Podcast Transcript →]( Rovelli on Philosophy and Physics))powered by Listen411) - fast audio-to-text and summarization Some eminent physicists, including Stephen Hawking, have been sceptical of the value of philosophy to physics. Carlo Rovell)i, a theoretical physicist with a strong interest in philosophy, disagrees. Here he discusses the relationship between philosophy and physics with Nigel Warburton. The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Edmonds and Warburton, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.