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The evolving face of retail

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Reuters World News

Arriana McLymore
Helen Reid
Jonah Green
Siddharth Cavale
Siddharth Cavale认为,黑色星期五仍然是重要的购物日,但其重要性有所下降,因为疫情加速了线上购物的趋势,并且零售商提前开始节日促销活动。消费者越来越关注价格,线上购物的便利性使得他们能够快速比较不同商店的价格。此外,越来越多的人通过手机进行线上购物,尤其是在亚马逊等大型电商平台。Shein和Timu等快时尚品牌通过低价策略和精准的营销策略,吸引了大量价格敏感型消费者。 Helen Reid指出,黑色星期五在欧洲的普及程度低于美国,但也在逐年增长。消费者支出可能出现分化,高收入家庭继续保持消费,而低收入家庭则更加谨慎。 Arriana McLymore分析了Shein和Timu等快时尚品牌通过竞价排名等方式提高搜索引擎可见度,增加点击率,并通过低价策略对其他零售商造成冲击,迫使他们重新调整营销策略。她还探讨了Z世代消费者对可持续性的关注与实际购物行为之间的矛盾,以及快时尚行业对环境的影响。 Jonah Green总结了消费者行为的转变,包括对体验式消费的重视,以及对销售商品的个人形象的关注。他还讨论了人工智能在零售行业的应用,以及供应链问题和关税对零售业的影响。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the evolution of Black Friday and its significance to retailers, the shift towards online shopping, and the convenience of comparing deals online versus in-store shopping. It also highlights the increasing popularity of mobile shopping and the search for the deepest discounts.
  • Black Friday remains the biggest shopping day but has lost some importance due to the acceleration of online shopping.
  • Online shopping offers convenience for comparing deals.
  • More people are shopping online, especially via mobile phones.

Shownotes Transcript

It's the day after Black Friday and holiday shopping is officially underway. That much has stayed the same. In this episode though, we take a look at what’s different this shopping season. Arriana McLymore, Helen Reid and Siddharth Cavale join the Reuters World News podcast to unpack what’s going on in the rapidly changing world of both retailers and shoppers.

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